Ganersam Volume 1

Chapter 18

Well, that’s certainly a twist.

Am I dumb for not seeing it coming?

Nia just whipped out a bag out of nowhere, containing an item essential to our quest.

Okay, maybe not our quest, since I’m not particularly interested in this ‘powerful weapon’, but it’s still something important.

Inside the bag was a rock slate that was similar to the piece we found. Other than that, there were several other documents with pictures on them.

“Those papers are research files from the lab that I stole. Before leaving I took whatever I thought was dangerous with me. I accidentally left them here when I was escaping from the demon’s army, and only remembered about it now.”

Nia explained as I examined the files one by one.

“They’re not written in human language?”

“No, but thanks to defectors, there are experts who can translate them.”

I examined the documents. Emma, who was holding a flashlight beside me, was also keenly looking at the documents. There were a lot of unreadable texts, with several diagrams and pictures on them. The papers looked old and dirty, but most of them were intact.

“Anyway, it’s getting late. Let’s head back.”

Emma said as she stood up. I returned the papers into the bag and stood up. I put the second slate into my bag, joining it with the other piece.

I then took another look at the town, it really is beautiful.

“Maybe we should buy a house high in the mountains.”

“That’s a nice idea.”

We’re now in the middle of a desert, so other than the beautiful lights of the town and the stars, there’s not much else to see.

But imagine a home located in the mountains. A town shines in the distance, surrounded by the cool mountain air. Birds chirping in the wild, trees shaken by the breeze.

The only issue is probably transportation, as walking down to town every day might be a pain.

We could get a carriage, though.

“Willy, what are you thinking about?”

“Ah, sorry.”

Emma’s words remind me of reality.

But one day I’ll be rich, right? I mean most main characters are rich by the time they arrive at the end of their journey, assuming they’re not dead.

“Why didn’t you say anything about this before, though?”

I asked Nia as we made our way back to the inn.

“When we were returning from the guild, I saw the tower from a distance. That’s when I remembered about the bag.”

“I see.”

The tower is small, but so is the town. While it’s a faint shadow, you could still see it from the streets. A watchtower standing guard to a quiet town.

We entered the inn. It was quiet as expected.

The pink-haired girl is on the counter, once again sleeping on her job. I couldn’t blame her though, it’s probably really boring being on guard duty during the night. We ignored her and made our way to the penthouse.

When we arrived back on our floor, the lights were on.

“Oh hey, you’re back.”

I greeted the two people inside.

“Yes, we had just arrived.”

Inside, sitting on the sofa, were Amel and Riko. On the desk were several papers. There’s just something about this world and a fat stack of papers.

“You’ve finished the operation?”

I asked as we sat across from the two.

“From our penetration, we manage to find some interesting things. We manage to confirm that all the documents you find were real.”

“In other words, he actually forgot to take those documents?”

“Yes. Either that or he thought he could just destroy the documents with you.”

What a dumb noble. If you’re going to bait someone, it’s best not to keep anything important around that bait.

It’s like fishing but you put the rod on the ground.

What if the fish pulls the rod away along with the bait?

“The ship carrying the weapon shipment will be transiting here to pick up human personnel. That means it’s best to intercept them before they arrive.”

Riko then opened a blueprint.

“This is the general outline of the ship he will be using. All of the personnel will be low-level demons disguised as humans, there will be a couple dozen of them. Sleep won’t work on them, so you could only use paralyze. There are probably humans on the bridge, though. So be careful not to kill them”

“But isn’t that a problem? You, Nia, and Amel are the only ones able to kill the demons.”

“Correction, I’ll be flying, so I’m not joining you on the ship.”

“Could we deal with that many demons with just Nia and Amel?”

“You could trust me for that. I’ll show you what this bounty hunter could do.”

Amel said with pride.

I couldn’t help but smirk hearing her.


While Amel was staring at me, who was trying to hold my laugh, Nia took a closer look at the blueprints.

“If they’re paralyzed, then we’ll be able to deal with them. We just need to be careful of friendly fires.”

The ship is pretty large. Its shape is like a large box. The layout of the ship is similar to a cargo jumbo jet.

The bridge is at the front of the ship on the second floor. The rest of the second floor is for crew quarters, electrical systems, and other essential equipment.

The entire first floor is for cargo, with a large ramp on the front for loading and unloading shipments. The rear of the ship is for the ship’s three large engines.

The ship had two wings, each supporting a single smaller engine.

On top of the ship is an open space with railings, most likely a viewing deck, that you could access via ladders behind the bridge.

“Is that a viewing deck?”

I pointed towards the open space.

“Yes, you’ll be entering from there. We’ll need to split the team into two though. One team will take control of the ship, the other will need to protect the bridge.”

“Why are there viewing decks, though?”

“I don’t know. Based on the documents we traced to the shipyard, It’s a personal request from Alexander.”

Nobles have weird tastes, huh? It would be natural to have viewing decks on personal yachts, but a cargo ship?

Besides, it allowed us to have an easier time entering. Isn’t he concerned with that?

The interior is quite unique. The first floor is a large open space for cargo. The second floor has the bridge at the front, and rooms up to the midpoint of the ship. These rooms have various purposes.

From the midpoint onward, there’s nothing there, other than a bridge connecting the second floor to the stairs at the back. Since that part is empty, we could attack the demons on the first floor from above.

“I had made my report to my client. So in case we failed, we could still bring him to court, although it would be a real headache since we technically raided him.”

Riko said as he stood up.

“Anyway, I’m tired. I’ll be heading back home. You guys rest, we’ll depart later afternoon.”

“Alright, goodnight.”

While waving toward us, Riko headed to the lift and left. It’s already past midnight when we returned to the inn, so I assumed he meant we’ll be departing a bit later today.

“Ah, I forgot to tell him about this.”

I put the bag on the table.

“Isn’t this...”

Amel looked into the bag.

“We have two of the three slates needed to open Asparagus.”

Nia said calmly.

Looking at the two rocks, Amel’s face lit up in excitement.

“It’s always been my dream to explore underground ruins. Let’s finish this and find the third slate!”

She said excitedly. She continued inspecting the slates, a grin decorated her face.

“May I keep the two slates for now?”

“I don’t see why not.”

“Thank you. I’ll tell Riko tomorrow.”

Amel returned the two slates back into the bag. She then took the other documents out.

“Interesting, we should send this to Omega after completing the raid.”

“The guild receptionist asked us to do the same thing.”

Well, technically she said we should send the slates to Omega, but I assume it’s the same case for the documents.

“Yes, important documents like this are best given directly to those in charge. Well, Riko needed to head back to the capital anyway. Do you find anything else?”

We shook our heads.

“No, that’s all.”

“I see, very well. I’ll be keeping all of this for now. You don’t mind, right?”

Amel said as she tidied up the documents.

“No, it’s fine.”

“Alright, Good night.”

We all went back to our respective rooms.

We spent the next morning preparing, and I managed to get some training on my gunning skills. Thanks to the fps games I played, I was able to tame the guns a bit faster.

Well, they didn’t help that much, but I would say I’m a bit better compared to a complete beginner.

Paralyze is even more powerful compared to sleep, so it had a stronger recoil. LIAR also has a higher fire rate compared to my previous handgun, so it does take a while to fully control.

I had improvements compared to when I first used a gun. Back in the mansion, I could just fire my gun randomly. Thanks to the high amount of enemies, there’s a high likelihood of my bolts hitting.

The enemies weren’t as dangerous, either, other than the few who also used guns.

But this raid is different... I think?

I don’t know, I just don’t want to risk it.

While I’m not a pro now, at least I could safely say I won’t hit my teammates...

I most likely won’t hit my teammates.

“As a gamer, your performance is terrible. Where are those nasty headshots you’re so proud of?”

“Yeah, yeah... I know I’m not as good as you.”

On the other side, Emma’s performance is quite concerning, but not because she sucks at sniping. Instead, it was the complete opposite. She outperformed every other beginner and immediately took up the top charts.

Her shots were fast and accurate. While she was not accurate enough to hit the snake from before, but still extremely accurate for someone who never held a sniper in their life.

Well, technically she had tried it once, but that doesn’t count.

Besides, based on what Matthew told us, that snake isn’t something you could fight with paralyze anyway. In previous cases, either knights or bounty hunters with full-on physical guns would be sent in to deal with it.

They would often come together with a vanguard, since the fights were usually close quarters.

While we were looking around, a small green dagger reflected the incoming sunlight into my vision. I remembered what a wise man used to say,

‘Switching to your dagger is always faster than reloading.’

I proceed to take the dagger with me.

After stocking up on supplies, we departed from Misana, heading north.

It’s 7 pm now, and we were resting after dinner.

“I’ve tracked the ship. It will be passing above us in 10 minutes. Everyone get ready.”

Riko said from the cockpit.

We all prepared our respective weapons.

I’m holding my LIAR, Emma was wiping her black handgun, Nia inspecting her silver polearm, and Amel putting her light blue sword into its sheath.

I really wonder what’s the point of all that sniper training if Emma’s going to use a handgun in the end. In her argument, she couldn’t use the sniper as the space is too tight and the distance is too close, but that doesn’t answer why she chose to train her sniping skills instead of using her handgun.

To be fair, she was already skilled in using the handgun, which was also very concerning. Just how did this girl learn all this?

It’s also interesting seeing how our weapons all have different base colors. I wonder if magic-infused weapons exist in this world? It would be cool if I had a sword that could light up red when used.

I’m not talking about the magic weapons fellow Amnesians carry though.

Since Amel is on the offensive now, she’ll be using a more deadly weapon as her main tool, and that’s where her sword comes in.

Riko then approached us and started the briefing.

“Alexander will be on the ship. He’ll most likely be on the bridge. You’ll enter from the viewing deck as planned. There might be enemies on the deck, so be aware. I’ll be able to provide supporting fire from the ship, but don’t expect much. Your goal is to capture Alexander. I’ve prepared an ambush, so Nia must fly the ship to this location. Try not to damage the weapon crates, it’s for evidence.”

Riko gave Nia a piece of paper.

“Will I be able to fly it alone?”

“Don’t worry. The ship had an emergency system that allowed one person to have full control. Just use that. On the other side of the paper are instructions on how to override the controls.”

Saying that, Riko made his way back to the front.

“We’ll be engaging soon, so get ready.”

He said as he pulled the door shut. We returned to our seats and finished our preparations.

It’s time for action.

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