From the Heart of a Fae

Chapter 34

The winter months ticked by, with midwinter arriving before they knew it. The longest night of the year. Ian had not kissed Ikalla since, and though they were together every day - working on his glaive and training him in the way of her people, he did not bring it up and she was scared too. She did not want him to think her wanton but also did not want to appear as unexperienced as she was. She was a 28-year-old virgin! She had no idea what to do, and finally, after another polite goodnight after dinner with their friends, Ikalla could not take it anymore. She nodded her head to the girls. They caught the signal, and all mysteriously had somewhere else to be. They convened in Stellas room, and after popping a bottle of wine, Stella spoke first, though all eyes where curiously looking at her.

“Spill. Youve been a mess since the opening ball.” Stella cut right to the chase. Suddenly Ikalla did not know if she wanted to even have this conversation anymore. Ludis patted her hand, and Kora sat beside her and hugged her shoulders.

“ We are all here for you, whatever it is.” Ludis said softly, and Kora agreed. Ikalla squeezed her eyes shut and took a page from Stella’s book. Time to be blunt.

“Ian kissed me twice. And I threw up after he kissed me the first time because I was drunk. It was so embarrassing. Then he kissed me again and he ... just left. Now he has been acting like nothing has happened, and I do not know what to do.” Ikalla peeked, and the girl’s jaw dropped.


“Why didn’t you say something sooner?”

“I knew it!” - this came from Royce who somehow, without their knowledge, was sitting on the edge of the balcony with the door cracked. He strode into the room, grinning ear to ear. Stella looked at him, not even surprised he was there.

“What are you doing? This is a girls conversation sir.” Ikalla was horrified.

“Ian’s been all out of sorts, and I knew it had something to do with you.” Royce sat down next to Stella, casually pulling her into his lap, like he belonged in this girl talk. Stella shrugged and settled back against his chest. Looking to Ikalla, she asked-

“Do you like him? If you do not then that is one thing, but if it is something you want to pursue then-”

“I - I do! I just…” Ikalla looked at Royce, face flaming.

“I have never been with a man before. He was my first kiss. I do not know what to do.” Royce was floored.

“But you’re so beautiful! Fierce!” Stella nudged him in the ribs and the girls laughed.

“What do you think attracted me to you in the first place my little tiger?” He nuzzled Stella’s neck.

“Men love powerful women. We love tigers in bed, not lambs.” Stella blushed and everyone laughed except Ikalla who cherry red under her dark skin was.

“Well, I am a lamb in this mess, what do I do?”

“I suggest you talk to him. Honesty is always best I think.” Kora said and Ludis agreed.

“Make your sentiments known, so you both are on the same page.” Ludis advised. Royce, however, was shaking his head.

“Don’t do that. He will run. He is terrified of you. Ian’s never wanted to pursue a friend before. And he respects you too much to treat you like he would any other female. That scares him too.” He looked thoughtful; arms wrapped around Stella. The women looked at him, and Kora spoke first.

“I told Stella to talk to you, and it worked.”

“Ah but I’m not afraid of commitment, neither are Ben and Malik. We knew what we wanted. Ian, he knows what he wants, but hes afraid to admit it to himself… No, Ikalla you will have to play the waiting game with him. It will not be too bad though because you are scared too. Just let him figure it out and be patient.” Ikalla looked at him, shocked. It was surprisingly simple, and she felt like she was being hoodwinked.

“Just … wait. That simple?” Ikalla asked. Royce stared at the fire, and his face became dark for a moment.

“Ian has a lot on his plate. The enemy has been making strange moves, and right now his focus needs to be where it is at. To be honest.” The girls looked at each other concerned.

“What moves?” Stella asked. Royce sighed.

“I only know because I was in his office when his agent reported. He’s briefing Malik, and we are all supposed to meet in the morning.” Kora and Ludis leaned forward. Ikalla waited, patient. Royce shifted, and Stella turned to look at him as well, waiting.

“The enemy is abandoning camp. Our guess is that he has figured out, or assumed we plan to strike him when the snow melts. Hes talking the risk of moving base during the dead of winter, when he will be hardest to track. What soldiers he has left have been leaving in small groups, and it has taken us too long to figure out their plan. We do not know where they are going either, they disappear into the night, while the snow falls, and there are no tracks to trace.” Koras face tightened.

“We need to move now, before spring.” Ikalla nodded. The enemy could disappear, and it would take them all spring and summer to track them.

“We cannot. One, we do not know if the leader is even there. Two- we would lose too many men to the cold if we marched on them now, and we need the reinforcements, facing so many contaminated men of the grey.” Royce was shaking his head, knowing the look on Ikalla and Koras faces.

“Think. This could be a trap, as much as self-preservation.” He wanted them to see reason, and he even wanted to hunt the bastard down before they lost him, but he would not put their lives at risk to do so.

“A power has been growing in the north again. The mages there have sensed it and we know he is planning something. We have people watching. But for now, we can only wait to make our move. And hope that it is not too late.” Kora stood up, silently leaving the rooms. Ikalla followed. Ludis, Stella, and Royce looked at each other, concerned.

“Let them be love. They have more cause than most to want to strike the enemy. But Ikalla sees reason, even if Kora does not.” Royce sounded confident, but deep down he knew as soon as he heard the report, that this was going to come to a head before winter was over. And he was dreading the outcome.

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