Freeing Starr

Chapter 29 ~ Divine Alpha Kingdom

The Divine Alpha Kingdom. The largest pack on the continent and the city of dreams for us smaller packs. Despite being subordinates of the Alpha King, we weren't allowed access into the city without proper registration and paperwork. The only people who didn't need them were the Alphas and Lunas of each subordinate pack beneath the Alpha King, which included my father. However, he never had a reason to visit the city in the first place.

The city was a dream for us because it was more civilized and structured, and yet it still retained the beauty of nature. It was a city within the forest. Tall skyscraping buildings for multiple businesses and homes, with its many trees lining the streets and farm lands to sustain the entire city with its own food. It was a beautiful sight as we entered through the giant gates in the cars Leon provided for us.

I couldn't help the fascination as my eyes glued itself to the scenery outside, taking in the busy streets that were lined with not only people but wolves strutting around confidently.

The street we were on had a few cars passing here and there but it wasn't packed at all, which was understandable since as werewolves we wouldn't need transportation unless we were going somewhere beyond our territory.

The city was large, and I could imagine its beauty at night when the sun begins to set and the lights both above and on the ground begin to flicker on and off.

I never in my life imagined that I would one day visit the Kingdom, much less become a part of it.

I didn't know what to feel.

"Beautiful, right?"

Leon, who was sitting beside me, leaned over to peer out of the window and at the scene I was looking at.

I nodded, "I always heard that the city was much better to live in than us smaller packs. I guess it's true."

Leon shrugged and leaned back, "We have our pros and cons. I wouldn't say we're much better, though. It's much easier for your small packs to provide for all your members. When you move, you move as one. It's not the same for the kingdom. We have more structure, and we're divided. You have to make a living here and actually work to sustain yourself. The royal family can not provide for this large of a city. Otherwise, we'll end up poor, and the entire Kingdom will collapse. Money is an important aspect of life for us larger packs."


"Because despite having such a vast territory, we don't have all the resources we need, and thus we have to look at other options. For example, trading with the other Kingdoms and buying from the humans. Money is the only value of exchange that's acceptable, so we built our city on the concept of it. Although we're wolves, a part of us is still human, so there's nothing wrong with living like one."

I nodded my head in understanding. If this were the case, I was stepping into a whole new world that I wasn't familiar with. I needed to learn as much as I could and as fast as I could so I could quickly become of great help to him.

"Do you still buy things from the humans? I heard that you guys were at war."

"Just like us, the humans aren't one entity. They're divided into many cities and small towns. They have their own hierarchy that's much more structured and inclusive than ours. We're currently at war with Glacial City. It's a city that's right at the border of our territory. The mayor who runs it is a greedy bastard. Instead of trying to trade with us for our resources, he wants to take it for himself. According to him, 'dogs have no right to be owning land, and humans shouldn't allow them to live so freely among them'."

I frowned, "so he's a werewolf hater?"

"A big one. He probably created a bullshit reason because he could. I wouldn't be so bothered if it was just his city, but he's called in a few of his allies as well. They want to wipe us out because we're a 'threat to humanity'. Of course, we still outnumber them, but it's their weapons that have us on edge. We're wolves. We don't fight with guns. We have our claws, and that's why guns are forbidden from entering our Kingdom. I'm just trying to figure out how to deal with it without lowering myself to their level. With my pride as an Alpha and the ruler of this Kingdom, I would never tell my people to pick up a gun."

I nodded in agreement, "I understand. It goes against everything we stand for. Our weapons are our bodies. With the goddess on our side, I'm sure you'll be able to overcome this obstacle."

He glanced at me with a smirk tilting his lips, "obstacle? This is an opportunity."

I tilted my head in confusion, "Opportunity?"

He nodded, "To expand the Kingdom a bit more and take over Glacial City. Each werewolf Kingdom has a treaty with the humans stating that we'd never attack them if they don't attack us. This means we can't expand our kingdoms even if we want to. Otherwise, it'd be viewed as us starting a war with the entire human race. Now that Glacial City threw itself at us, this is my opportunity to use this as a legal and reasonable reason to take over the city."

"And what about the innocent humans living in it?"

"We'll make them citizens of our Kingdom. Our Kingdom isn't just open to werewolves. It's open to humans as well, but they need proper paperwork and documentation to get in."

"So there are humans here?"

"Oh, a lot. Most of them are the mates of our people, and others just decided to settle here because they either liked it or they didn't want to stay in Glacial City any longer."

"That's cool, actually. I thought all humans hated us."

"Not all, just a few narrow-minded and egotistical idiots."

I chuckled, "You don't like them, huh?"

"Would you?"

I pursed my lips in response and turned my attention out of the window. After a few minutes of silence, I asked curiously.

"You said the structure of the Kingdom is different from us smaller packs. How so?"

"Well, the hierarchy and positions are different. To break it down, regular Pack Structures has the Alpha as the head, or if there's more than one Alpha in the pack, he'll be known as the First Alpha. Under him is the First Beta, Second Beta, and then finally, the Gamma. For our Kingdom now, the Alpha King is at the top, followed by the Cardinal Alpha, the Cardinal Beta, the Cardinal Gamma and then finally the Cardinal Secretary, which is open to all ranks including an omega or rarely a human. These positions are extremely important as they help me manage the Kingdom more efficiently compared to the regular packs."

I took in the information and tried committing it to memory, knowing that I'd need to learn all of this in order to be an effective leader.

The street we traveled came to an end, and in its path was a gate crafted by trees, with three guards on each side staring intently at our approaching vehicle.

"We're here," his voice snapped me out of my thoughts, and I glanced up at the large building before us with wide eyes.

It was a beautifully crafted castle that looked like it was built within an unnaturally large tree. It was surrounded by forestry with a small river wrapping around it. What amazed me more was the little waterfall that traveled from the very top of the castle and down into the river below.

My eyes shone with appreciation for the beauty before me.

I glanced at Leon as I felt the sudden change in the atmosphere, and his dominance began pouring out of him like a waterfall as his eyes clouded over to signify that he was mindlinking someone.

I saw one of the guards nod their head before they placed a hand against the gate.

I watched with interest as the gate didn't open, but basically disintegrated as the branches that were entertwined to form that gate withered away.

"What is that?" I breathed.

"It's magic. Our Kingdom is protected by a sprite."

"The forest fairies?"

He nodded, "Yes. We have a treaty with their kind that was established thousands of years ago. They give us one of their own to help us preserve our home, and we give them the man labor when they need it."

"So is the whole Kingdom like this?"

"No, just the castle. It may look easy to access from the outside, but unless you're authorized, no one can enter."

"That's awesome."

He chuckled as a path opened up, and we began driving through it.

"I'm glad you're liking it. It's your home now."

My home...

The castle grew closer and closer, and before I knew it, the car was pulling up right at the entrance where two women stood, dressed in beautiful gowns, one red and one blue and adorned with jewelry.

Leon sighed when he spotted them and glanced at me hesitantly.

I frowned, "what is it?"

"It's my mother and sister. They were probably informed of you and came to see for themselves. Please... don't take anything to heart. My mother's a bit... honest."

I nodded in confusion as anxiety began circling in me. What did he mean by honest? Did she already know about my past? I knew I was probably not the kind of mate she expected the Luna to gift her son, so I'd understand if she didn't like me. I was prepared for it even.

As the car came to a stop, Leon jumped out, "Stay there," he muttered before hurriedly coming around to my side and opening the car door for me.

I exhaled sharply and nervously wiped my hands on the sun dress that I had borrowed from Michael's mate and stepped out of the car.

It was only then that I looked behind and realized we were the only ones who came. I turned my questioning eyes to Leon as he placed a hand around my waist and guided me towards the two women waiting at the entrance.

Reading the question in my eyes, he replied over our mind link, "I sent them to someone who'd help them get settled in. They're safe."

I nodded and focused on the women who were staring intensely at us.

They looked almost alike, except one of them looked a lot more mature and aged than the other who still had that youthful glow about her. I see where Leon got his emerald eyes from as I stared at his mother, whose lips were turned down into a frown. Her eyes trailed my body as she inspected me before her eyes rested on the place where Leon's mark rested.

"Mom, why are you waiting outside?" Leon greeted.

She approached us steadily, completely disregarding her son and placing her hand on my shoulders and patting me down, "goddess, did you pick her up from on the side of the road? What is she wearing?"

I blinked in surprise, frozen and not knowing what to say... or do.


She shot him a hot glance, "what? She's pretty, I'll give her that much. Could be even more pretty if we fix her up a bit. I can't believe you brought her to your mother looking like this. This is our future queen."

My mouth opened and closed as I couldn't find the right words to utter in this situation.

Did she not... dislike me?

"I didn't bring her to you. You came out on your own."

She waved a dismissive hand and turned her attention back to me with a smile, "What's your name, sweetie?"

"It's Starr..." I murmured.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful child. I'm Stacia, and this is my youngest daughter, Lorena. It's nice to meet you! I've been dying waiting for this son of mine to find his mate. Goddess be blessed."

I glanced at Lorena and smiled in greeting as she smiled and gave a gentle wave, mouthing 'sorry' as she gestured to her mother with her eyes.

"We have to get you fixed up immediately," she muttered, hooking our arms and tugging me forward, "this is a joyous occasion. I need to prepare a welcoming dinner and then start planning for the wedding. Oh, there's so much to do. Finally."

"I... wa-" I stuttered as I turned my confused gaze to Leon, who shrugged helplessly as I was suddenly pulled away to goddess knew where.

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