
Chapter Fortune 76

Chapter 76

Yara grabbed Madison by the wrist and practically dragged her to the stonestele, pointing at the inscription with urgency.

“Look closely, the nine was carved by an expert of the mystic arts thousands of years ago!”

Madison glanced at the ranes and calmly nodded. “Ican break.”

Yara was momentarily shocked into silence. Then, with a sharp, amat percing wall that made everyone’s ears ring, she cried out, “why didn’t you tell me cares?

Madison responded with slight puzzlement, “You didn’task.”

“You didn’t think to mention It? I’ve been trapped in this cursed place for thousands of years! Thousands! The rune’s power has only just begun to weaken enough for me to roam wound this village.

“Who knows how many more mileena it will take before it completely loses its hold on me! At first, people used to visit my grave and talk to me. But eventually, this place became desolate

“Those who died nearby were taken away by grim reapers. Only 1_”

Yara’s voice cracked as she began to sob, “Only I was left behind. The grim reapers couldn’t take me. They just abandoned me here. You could’ve freed me, but you didn’t tell me!”

Madison stood awkwardly, not entirely sure how to respond. She didn’t feel it was her fact, but vara’s secrow was so overwhelming

She took a step closer and gently patted wara’s shoulder, trying to comfort her. I’m sorry.”

Yara sniffled with her head down. “Sorry? What good is that? A simple apology won’t break the rune.”

“But can‘

Yar’s head snappedup,

her tears instantly forgotten.““Then, what are we waiting for? Beek it now! I don’t want to stay in this wretched place for even another moment!”

Madison paused, realizing she might have been tricked,

When Charles and Rob learned that Yara was willing to let them enter the tomb, they were overjoyed and quickly gathered the materials Madison had requested.

The day was bright and clear, and the sun shone down warmly,

A small altar was set up in front of the stone stele, adorned with five offerings–a large incense burner, a pair of candle stands, and he incense holders. A peachabod sword Lay

Vara webbed with a mix of excitement and worry. “That’s an ordinary peachwood sword, right? Will it really work?”

Sebastian reassured her, musther.”

Mis added, “Madison is really power

But Yu couldn’t shake her doubts. “I remember that monk had all sorts of books with him ”

Sebastian glanced at her without a word, while Mia repeated confidently, “Madison is really powerful

Yara thought they were placing too much bith in Madison, who looked too young to be confident of her capability. The monk she remembered was an old man who radiated an air of mystical power

Madison, on the other hand

No one would look at her and think she is some sort of powerful coh

Madison’s coming!” Mia’s excitement reached snew level, and she added with even more enthusiasm, “Shelarks so beautiful.”

Madison approached from a distance, wearing a long purple dess. Her hair was pinned up with a hairpin, with a few loose strands gently swaying in the breeze–Apart from the hairpin, she wore no other accessories. Yet, she gave off a simple elegance that capdwared everyone.

As she walked, the hem of her dress amayed slightly, and the sunlight seemed to cast a golden glow around her.

Tyler was stunned for a moment before whispering to himseli, “It’s belya change of clothes, but she appears like a different person.“”

He had always thought Madison was pretty, but never had he found her so breathtakingly beautL

charles was quick to recover and remarked quietly, “Everyone has their area of expertise. When someone steps into their domain, their entire demeanor changes naturally.‘

He glanced at the altar and became serious. It was also possible that the rune on the stele was no ordinary inscription, which might explain Madison’s grave attitude.

Tanya, who had seen the admiring looks in everyone’s eyin, smiled to herself, feeling a sense of accomplishment. It was a good thing she had insisted Madison change her outfit.

As Madison stepped up to the altar, Tanya felt a fleeting pang of emotion and teared up.

She thought that her daughter should have grown up surrounded by love and protection instead at mastering these skills at such a young age

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