
Chapter Fortune 11

Chapter 11

chuck and Fred thanked Madison profusely before she and pondan left.

As the two of them were about to head home, Chuck spotted two monks, one much younger than the other, clothed in their habits from a distance.

“Mr. Yates!” Chuck recognized Erwin Yates, who was the abbor of Ellora Monastery. Erwin had advised han on matters regarding the new location for the graves. Erwin hurried over to the Wallines, looking rather troubled. “Mr.Chuck, I’ve made a mistake with the selection of the new location for your parents‘ grave. “t’s not a good location for your family’s fortune and well–being. So, I came here today to check how things were.”

As he said that, Erwin scrutinized the Wa

A slight frown creased his forehead. Erwin seemed a little puzzled.

“That’s strange. I checked your family’s fortune previously. The new location might cause your family to suffer financial losses and even lose your loved ones

“However, looking at you two today, not only did your fortunes according to physiognomy not change, but your family had also been blessed with good lack. How strange… Chuck and Fred exchanged a knowing glance. They became more convinced of Medison’s abilities.

Then, Chuck explained to Erwin what happened with the relocation of the graves.

Erwin’s face brightened visibly, “Someone was able to tell that the location wasn’t compatible with your family’s fortune with just one glance! Can I ask for their name, Mr. Chuck?

Erwin thought about all the skilled and experienced cultivators he had heard of in the world of mystic arts.

Fredbeamed “It’s Ms. Lock.”

“Ms Locke? Her last name is Lock? Erwin pondered.

He couldn’t recall anyone with that last name among those in the same field as him. “Can I know which monastery or group she is affiliated with?

“She’s not affiliated with any group. Ms. Locke does livestream broadcasts. I stumbled upon her channel yesterday during my free time”

Tred gave a brief recount of how he asked for Madison’s help and invited her to come over during her livestream.

On the other hand, Erwin was quite taken aback after learning how young Madison was. He couldn’t help but suspect at she might be a swindler.

“Why don’t you show me where the graves have been relocated to, Mr. Chack?”

The Wall ses led the two monks to the place.

“What do you think, Mr. Yates? is this new location a good spot?

Although he believed in Madison’s abilities, Chuck nonetheless wanted to receive Erwin’s approval in this matter since the latter obviously had more experience. Moreover, Erwin was considered one of the best experts of the mystle arts from Ellora Monastery

When he noticed the grim expression on Erwin’s face, Chuck asked anxiously. “Is there something wrong with this location?”

Erwin shook his head. “There’s nothing wrong with it. This is a good spot to move the graves to compared to the p

previous spot, this location is much more suitable for your

“The fortune that came with the previous location was too much and overwhelming for your family. On the contrary, this location will be very beneficial as it boosts you and your family’s wealth and good fortune.”

Check was elated. “Really? I could feel my senses becoming cleaner and sharper as soon as the cuffins were set in place at the new location. I suppose it wasn’t just my imagination.

“It seems Ms. Locke does know what she’s doing” After a moment’s consideration, Erwin decided to take their leave and bid the wallises farewell.

He and his apprentice walked away. “Oliver, do you know anything about the livestream Mr. Fred mentioned earlier?”

Oliver Calthwell nodded. “Mr. Yates, I’ve asked for the livestream account’s information from Mr. Fred just now and followed the account. Investream.

“Good Things have been going downhill for those in the world of mystic arts. If she is indeed a genius, it’ll be good news for all

unt. We’ll be notified whenever she starts her

Meanwhile, Madison and Jordan were walking down a quaint, unusual street.

Jordan had parked his car somewhere at one end of the street. Then, the two of them strolled along the area. Even though he had lived in Riverview for so long, Jordan realized it was his first time visiting this place.

Charming, vintage stores stood on both sides of the street. Various a stalls with signs bearing words like “Fortune–telling” or “Dream Interpretation” w

Some of the stalls dantique items on display. However, those hens were very different from what one could find in an antique market. Jurdani scanned his surroundings. Then, he saw Madison crouch down before a stall and stare at some antique coins placed near the floor

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