Forging Silver into Stars

: Chapter 44

Jax is going to take the contents of the letter to Tycho.

I can’t decide if this is brilliant or if it’s the dumbest idea he’s ever had.

I haven’t seen any of Alek’s guards in the woods, but he’s told me before that he has people watching me. The message is tucked securely in my skirt pocket, fully sealed and ready for Lady Karyl. After I returned from the forge, I sent Nora out to fetch the eggs from the hens. When she crossed the barnyard, I watched the woods. A cold wind swept through the space, but I didn’t hear anyone. I didn’t see anyone.

Regardless of how I feel about magic, I don’t want to be a part of an assassination. If I’ve learned anything from interacting with Alek and Tycho, it’s that there are a lot of secrets being kept, and I don’t know the truth at all.

I am but a soldier for the cause.

Surely a soldier would have to believe in the cause.

I don’t know if I believe in this one.

I’m spreading flour across my pastry table to make tarts for the afternoon when I realize Nora has been gone for a while. I expect irritation to wash over me, but instead, a prick of fear needles me between my shoulder blades.

I dust flour from my hands and head for the door.

Nora is standing in the barnyard, a basket of eggs hung over one arm. Her eyes are wide, her breathing quick.

She’s facing Lady Karyl, who’s backed by ten soldiers.

Behind the soldiers is a wagon with two horses, the contents covered by a long stretch of canvas that’s been tied down. I think it’s there to cover supplies, but a small hint of motion at the back tells me there’s someone under the canvas.

That needle of fear in my spine turns into a dagger.

“Nora,” I say, keeping my voice even. “Don’t trouble Lady Karyl if she’s here on official business. Go back in the bakery.”

“She’s no trouble,” Lady Karyl says. “I understand Lord Alek left you with a message for me?”

Her voice is simple and calm, completely at odds with the ball of tension in my chest. I have to force my legs to move, and I stride forward, pulling the message from my skirts.

She examines it carefully, and I’d swear my heart stops beating when her eyes fall on the seal.

I expect her to put it in her purse, as she’s done with others, but she hands it back to me. “Burn it.”

I almost choke on my breath. “Wh-what?”

“Our plans have changed. Burn it.” She pulls a silver from her purse. “You have my gratitude.”

I’m all but shaking. I can’t demand an explanation without admitting that I’ve read it.

Have I been tricked? Has Alek? Is there a plot against the king or not?

“Callyn?” Lady Karyl is peering at me. “Are you well?”

“Yes,” I say. I have to clear my throat. “I—sorry. Yes, my lady. I’ll burn it.”

“We’ll be needing your barn for the next few weeks as well,” she continues. “Surely you won’t mind offering shelter to my guards and soldiers for a few days after Alek so graciously repaired your outbuildings?”

I glance behind her at the soldiers again. Ten doesn’t seem like a very big number, but it sure is a lot of swords and daggers. That cover on the wagon shifts again.

I look back at Lady Karyl. “I don’t want any trouble here.”

“Then you’ll agree.”

I inhale. A soldier puts a hand on the hilt of his sword.

Nora pulls close to me. “Cally-cal,” she whispers.

I nod at Lady Karyl. “Yes, my lady. What we have is yours.”

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