Chapter Tortured Flesh

Stone Peak, Black Mountains, Battling Border

Life poured from him in torrents. Filling Okine’s precious bucket. Red running down Chavias’ body to drip into the metal pail. He was nearing the end of what he could spare.

He’s going to kill me this time. Bleed me to death. Impossibly weak he struggled to stay awake. Surrendering to the darkness now might mean he wouldn’t return.

Never feel those soft hands again. That thought burned him to remaining life and forced him to press his eyes open again and again.

I no longer want to die. I want to stay. To find a way to her. And his hands were still warmed by that gentle touch. Despite that they dangled from metal hooks.

Okine gleefully cleaned the dull blade. “Master say make you weak. You pitiful. No defy again.” He snickered through pointed teeth.

Night Manor, Mane Country

The next morning, Sabine awoke to another steaming tray and footsteps downstairs. Rushing down them she slowed as she neared the kitchen. The sounds of pots adjusting startled her. As she peered through the doorway, a maid rushed past her. Startling Sabine bad enough she nearly screeched.

The maid did.

“Where’d you come from?” Sabine’s blonde brows shot up over sky blue eyes.

The maid stared, mouth gaping a moment before her words sunk in and the girl mustered enough composure to answer. “Lord Derenoe. Gave us a shiny bit o’ coin for work too. Says we could move to the servant’s quarters today to ten’ ye.”

“Tend me?”

“Yea. I’m to be your maid, Mum.”

“You are? I don’t need a maid!” She proclaimed.

“Well ye ’ave one just the same.” Dimples appeared in the girl’s cheeks. Huge brown eyes dominated her face and wisps of dark hair escaped her mop cap. “For whenever you do need, Mum.”

Another girl, looking nearly the same age entered, carrying drab bedding. “What’s left to clean, Mum?”

“I-I think everything this level and above. Mostly the top level. I haven’t made it there yet.”

“Good. Good. And the bedding? Tapestries?”

“I…would you check?”

“Indeed.” The servant girl nodded and gave a curtsy as she passed by.

Only one chamber remained in need of dusting on the second level. Sabine entered it days ago but upon seeing the giant four-poster and the browns and golds of the room she knew it immediately to be the Lord’s chamber. Strangely she didn’t want the maids cleaning it. So, she wandered in to see what needed doing.

A tray was perched on the square table in the corner. Silver gleaming beckoningly.

Looking over her shoulder she found no one there. When she pulled the cover it was a warm lunch awaiting her. Vegetable soup and a cucumber sandwich.

“Are you inviting me in here?” She murmured.

No answer came.

Looking around the room she found no trace of recent presence other than the food. Dipping the sandwich and spooning soup hungrily she found herself quickly full.

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