Chapter SEBASTIAN - Worthington Within Grasp


Worthington involuntary stepped back.

You should retreat, Boy. Before I snap your worthless neck. Bast’s predatory instinct had him matching the younger man’s step as he descended on him. His jaw and nose flattening until he appeared feral.

Drawing a steadying breath. He straightened his head and stopped himself. His jaw shuddering back into place with a crack and features smoothing. He slowly turned, dragging his gaze from Worthington as he strode down the road. Without a word.

Slumping against a nearby tree, Worthington heaved a relieved breath.

Don’t be relieved so soon. Bast heard the breath. I’m not done with you yet.

Just unwilling to kill you hear and draw more of Radix’s minions.

Worthington was thankful he hadn’t yet taken the demon’s psychic link, creeped out by the thought of the demon being ever-present in his mind, despite Radix’s offering it. Radix had been irritated but had let it go. Worthington now recalled Radix saying once that the Forever Knights could sense it and Worthington was very sure that the man would’ve killed him if he possessed the telepathic connection.

He’s right. Sebastian thought. Smiling. And I’d have enjoyed it.

Hurting Radix.

Sliding down, Worthington closed his eyes and put his head to his forearm, knowing he’d brushed perilously close to his own demise.

Bast stopped down the road and crouched next to a bush. Twisting a twig as he delved into the Cimmerii boy’s man. Listening to his thoughts.

I need a plan. He worried he was running out of time. The demon was growing impatient.

Rubbing his forehead Worthington groaned. “She’s impossible.”

Nora Bishop. Bast knew. The Fallen.

Nothing so far had worked.

Maybe there’s something wrong with her? Worthington wondered.

Yes. Bast thought. She’s too intelligent for you. He hushed his own thoughts for fear he’d inadvertently lend them to the boy.

Worthington soothed himself with the reminder other minions had failed also. I’m only mortal afterall. And they weren’t. And they hadn’t swayed her.

But Worthington was aware trying to make that point with the demon would prove futile.

He’s right. Bast recognized.

Worthington gnawed his cheek as he considered blaming his own failures on the other Cimmerii’s incompetence. He considered if it would buy him some time to get ahold of Nora. I just need her to stop running away so I can get her under my thumb.

That’d impress Radix. Which would put Worthington closer to receiving the power he craved. And everything he promised me. Step lighter he rose and began the trek to where he’d hidden his horse.

Bast rose the same time as him. Dropping the twig. Chin lifting stubbornly as he set a path toward Mane Country.

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