Chapter SEBASTIAN - FireStar Behind Schedule, I Hate Behind Schedule

LandingTown Dock, Igonox


Bast watched the FireStar draw port in LandingTown. Behind schedule. He noted. The one thing that kept the chaos in Sebastian’s life carefully reined in was his meticulous devotion to being on schedule in all things he could control.

Like my ship. His first mate was trusted to go on the regular runs to the Isle. Under the condition that he is on time.

As it drew port and the boarding dock was set, Bast’s boots clicked sharply along the wood. “Boy!” He called.

What the hell was the delay?

“No’ a boy!” A short man rippling with muscle met him on the deck. Glowering.

Bast spotted the familiar curling black hair instantly.

Boy had a furious expression that belied all the vulnerability of the lad that’d been stolen by Cimmerii from this dock so many years ago.

Same boy I raised aboard my ship.

“Why are you late?”

“I’m ne’er late!” He shouted back. Making fists. “Ye know well me wouldna be were there no’ a good reason!”

What could that possibly be?

“Do enlighten me!” Bast fumed. “What is this good reason?”

“We had a for’nigh’ of sea storms. Go’ washed inta the Peril.”

The Peril Sea? What were they doing that far West?

Reading his thoughts, Boy answered. “I wasna!”

Clearly you must’ve or you wouldn’t have ended up there. Unless you went there apurpose.

“I trust you with my Ship because you’re a hell of a sailor. But I don’t pay you to go on strange jaunts with it!”

Better not have been…His rage mounted.

“Yer righ’!” Boy tossed his hands. “I tour’d the Peril for me own en’ertainmen’!”

Bast reached to swat him along the back of his head for this defiance, as he’d often done over the years.

But seeing it coming, Boy swatted it aside. “Yer righ’ I should’ve loaded ’er on me back and swam the storm!” He glared. Sparking brown eyes set on Bast.

Seems a reasonable option. Bast thought ruefully. Eying him. Feeling his heart slowing as he eased.

The younger man was clearly just as frustrated as he was by the delay.

He knew I’d be mad. He prepared for this argument. Bast recognized.

“Yea. You should’ve!” Bast hid the smile creeping into his expression. Hooking an arm around the shorter man he tucked him under his arm. And ruffled curling hair. “Expec’ more of you Lad.”

“Not a lad.” Boy glared up at him.

“Let’s have a drink to welcome you back, Boy.”

Boy’s frown dissolved into a broad grin. “Now yer soundin’ a mite more like the man me know!”

They laughed as they headed off the dock. “Did you get everything?” Bast asked.

“Every crate of it. Includin’ the berries…”


“Good lad.”

“We dispersin’ it tomorrow?”

“Aye.” Bast gave a lopsided grin. “I’ll take you with me, Boy.” He reached to ruffle the man’s black hair again.

“Not a Boy!” He ducked the reaching hand and stepped to the side. Nose wrinkling derisively.

Bast grinned. “Shame then. Cause I always bought the boy I knew his dinner and drink. But not so sure I would for another man…”

Boy eyed him a moment. “Fine. Call me wha’ ye wish so long as I’m gettin’ toasty on yer coin tonigh’.”

Bast chuckled. As I thought.

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