Chapter SEBASTIAN - A Heartbeat

WaterRose, Meadow Mountain, Grier Country (Elsabet captive for twenty-four years)



Please talk to me.

She looked up from her trencher of food.

He’d been joining her at one corner of the long table. But tonight, he sensed he was unwelcome since he’d told her he wouldn’t release her. She hadn’t said a word to him in months and it was making him ache inside. How much longer will this go on?

She no longer crept into his room to warm his lonely nights.

He spent them instead listening to her up in her chamber, from his chamber in the servant’s quarters. Soothed by the sounds of her slumber but torn asunder, nonetheless. What’ve I done?

The absence of her affections was agonizing. And he wondered constantly about the impending introduction to his child. Will I get to meet her?

Elsabet was blinking at him wordlessly.

“How long will you harbor this animosity towards me?”

“Animosity is not what it is.” Her voice sounded small.

Then what?

He hadn’t touched his trencher. “What is it?”

“You intend to have me bear this being we’ve created, into captivity. Will you keep him trapped here too? Unable to play outside these walls. Wondering what the rest of Ardae looks like? Smells like? And what am I to tell him?”

That’s not what I intend.

Bast winced. “I don’t want that.”

“What do you want?” There was no inflection in her voice that’d hint at her emotion.

And he no longer peered into her mind. Respecting her boundaries. She’s soon to be the mother of my child.

“I don’t want you to go.” He admitted. Hating the fearful note in his voice.

“I didn’t say I would.”


“You haven’t said you wouldn’t.”

“I can’t promise that.”

Then what is the aim of this conversation?

“Why not? If you gave me your word maybe I could.” His voice wavered.

Not would. Could. He saw on her face that she’d noted his careful words.

“You’re asking for a promise when you make me none.”

“I don’t know if I can.”

“There’s much I don’t know now but I will do it all anyway.”

Having the baby.

“You mean you’re afraid of bearing my child?”

Our child. He mentally corrected.

She blinked at him. Beautiful blue eyes blank.

He felt helpless. Wishing he could take her hand. Press his lips to it. Hold her.

Reassure her.

“What do you want from me, Elsabet?” He pleaded. “I’d give you anything…” He saw her quick look and forced himself to say the words he dreaded uttering. “But that.”

“Then I give you nothing…”

I can’t be here without you. He swallowed. Hard.

“I need you…” He confessed.

Please don’t ask to leave me.

“And what of what I need?”

“What do you need?” He leaned forward. Shooting out.

I’ll give you anything else. Truly. Anything!

“I need to know that this child won’t be another toy for you. Something to amuse you.”

Never! He jumped to his feet so fast he knocked his chair over.

“You think that is what you are?” He roared.

Making her spin and rear back. A hand flying over her swollen rounded abdomen protectively.

“Why do you do that?” He cried. His eyes following the movement. “I’d never hurt you!”

“You’re hurting me now!” She shrieked back. Making him stiffen as though she’d slapped him.

After a long look she turned to go.

“Elsabet.” He reached after her helplessly.

“What?” She coldly cast over a shoulder.

“If you wish to name our baby…It is a she.”

Elsabet stopped in her tracks.

His eyes roved over her shimmering silver hair and slim back. Seeing how she favored her right foot which had been swollen and pained her throughout the recent months. She’s in pain even now.

“How do you know?” She whispered, staring ahead.

He’d never wanted so badly to peer in someone’s mind. But she was no longer a captive. Not to me.

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