Chapter Got You Now

Young Worthington persisted. “She’s far too kind to remain angry. And how could I refuse her my word when I’ve behaved as the worst cad. I’ll gladly provide her all the funds necessary for her return to Meadowbrook. My fondness for the lady is well-known. She said I should speak to you on her behalf.” His face seemed expressive as though harboring great emotion.

Fake. Every ounce of it. Lucien willed her to see through the pitiful ruse.

Mera lifted her chin. Somewhat swayed by the fondness referenced to her friend.

Don’t be fooled. He willed her.

Worthington caressed her arm slightly.

Lucien straightened and felt the ripple of a wolf’s growl rolling from his throat. His fists clenching. Get. Your. Hands. Off her!

Meralee gritted her teeth and tugged her arm from his touch. “Say your piece.”

“She’s told me of her happiness. She’s fallen in love, you see? Only wishing the same for me. She knows the many traits in her that stole my affections. She said I should turn my attention to you. That you’re…So similar to her in many ways.”

Lucien’s teeth flashed. He’s gone too far.

Mera’s chin dropped and she eyed him from under lowered lids.

She knows her friend wouldn’t have told him that. It’s written all over her.

“You must tell me what you are thinking.” The Duke whispered. “I can’t go on not knowing.”

“Oh, can’t you?”

There’s that scathing note. He settled in to watch the show. Leaning back against the lattice again.

“One of two truths is here, Worthington.” She drug a haughty tongue over her teeth. “Either you’re flat lying to my face or you’ve somehow garnered Nora’s favor, in truth. The latter of which, would concern me more. So…Which is it?”

“Would it be so bad if she trusted me?”


“Absolutely awful. The mere thought makes me ill.”

That makes two of us. Lucien thought.

Worthington’s hand shot out to bite into her upper arm.

She looked down at the hand as though warning him to remove his touch.

He opened his mouth to speak but Lucien materialized at her side.

“What a lovely night.” Meralee barely had time to recognize the snarling voice of Lucien Sabias. “The garden is quite beautiful.”

Mera stared at him in shock.

Worthington pulled her towards him slightly as though wanting to draw her away from Lucien.

In reaction she stepped further back, involuntarily nearing Lucien, himself.

Lucien stepped into her movement, wrapping his shoulders around her protectively. As he swept Worthington’s grip off her.

For a moment he felt her narrow frame bump against him. Exploding his body in radiating warmth from where they made contact.

In a smooth motion he wove in-front of her. Tucking her behind him despite her gasp of objection.

“I’m sorry it took me so long to get out here, My Sweet. I hope I didn’t keep you waiting long.” He shielded her from Worthington.

She studied his posture and Worthington beyond him. Mouth tight and brow furrowed.

Neither man looked at her any longer. There was only silence as the two looked at each other. Waiting.

Mera’s lip curled at the male chauvinism.

Lucien suddenly knew what she’d do, even as she turned and strode from both of them. Treading further down the path to take in the aroma of flowers. Leaving the men in silence until Worthington gave a growl and returned to the Ballroom.

Clearly seeing his plan was in shambles.

He’s not taking her anywhere.

He rounded and spotted her in the distance. Now I have you to myself, Little Viper.

Lucien saw her shoulders relaxing and realized how hard she’d worked to pretend to be unaffected by the encounter with Worthington. She’s more vulnerable then she lets on.

In truth, her walking away and snubbing us both was the only possible way to prevent the impending fisticuffs I’d surely hoped for.

Certainly, she didn’t worry I’d be harmed? He glanced at her, catching the breath she blew out as she glanced over her shoulder to watch Worthington vanishing inside.

I’d have reduced him to pulp.

Well done, Beauty. He trailed after her soundlessly.

She lifted her skirt to take the shining white steps up into the gazebo.

It was an ornate thing. Shining white in the falling night. Six candles burned just inside the overhang. Pillars were woven with heavy leafy vines which dangled around the sides to nearly enclose it.

Quite lovely.

She stood over one of the cushioned benches, staring at the plush seat thoughtfully. Before gradually sitting on it. Then eventually leaning over to rest her head.

She only intends to rest a moment…With no idea I’ve intentions to pursue her. Naïve little thing.

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