Chapter Drooling On Me

“What?” Rhyers lurched forward. His elbows on his knees he felt one hand fist and the other scooped it to hide his irritation from Sam. “What have you said?”

Sam looked from Ebony to him to warn him to lower his voice. “I said they were unfitting for her.”

Rhyers looked at him questioningly.

“One was a cold unfeeling gentleman that I knew she’d find unbearable to deal with. The other was quite young himself and not possessing enough fortune to take care of her for the years to come.”

Rhyers sat back relieved. Looking out the window to keep his thoughts to himself.

“But I can’t keep them away forever.” Sam said quietly.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Rhyers’ head snapped to give him a baffled look.

“You’ll figure it out.” Sam stroked his smooth chin. Looking out his own window in a way that old Rhyers he’d not speak further on the subject. “Can you trade me seats?”

Rhyers lip curled as he eyed Sam sitting tightly against Ebony on the narrow seat. “Why?”

“Because she’s shivering.” Sam tossed his head toward her.

Because I’m always hot to the touch. He knew what Sam meant.

Groaning he rose disgustedly.

Sam fenagled past him in the small space.

Rhyers sat on the far end of the seat but it took very little time before she sighed in relief, scooting closer to him. He lifted an arm along the back of the seat to keep from touching her as she tucked against him. He scooted further into the opposite corner to get as far from her as possible. But she inched closer and now that he was tilted away she was able to rest her cheek along his upper chest and shoulder.

Moaning in relief as she tucked against him.

Oh, no. He winced.

Sam was watching with a half-smile.

“I’m glad you’re quite amused.” He said bitterly.

Sam only laughed.

It was a great relief to Rhyers as the massive rental he’d acquired for the next several days came into view.

Thank all that’s Holy!

She was breathing softly through his shirt, warming his skin and he found it disquieting.

Curse Deragan for sending me on this fool errand.

No, Lucien is the one with the fool’s errand, in truth. Rhyers admitted to himself.

Deragan had explained to him that he had recruited his Second in Command, Lucien, to watch over the best friend of Deragan’s mate.

The Carter woman. Rhyers recalled. Unable to remember what her first name was as it was of so little significance to him.

My job is to watch over Lucien.

Deragan had explained that Radix seemed to be actively hunting Lucien, having set him up in LandingTown by killing a maid at a ball. Deragan worried there might be a repeat at this one. So Rhyers was recruited to watch the perimeter and scout for Cimmerii tracks to make sure none could get close to Lucien.

I’m running flank tonight. He doubted Deragan had told Lucien.

An expert tactician, Lucien didn’t appreciate being assigned backup since he could often spot an ambush at eighty paces.

He is highly skilled.

But a scout he doesn’t know about won’t cause him any ire.

Ebony stirred and roused with a wide yawn. Blinking slowly she leaned up and looked at Rhyers.

“Bodin!” She cried. Gaze darting to spot Sam sitting opposite them.

Pointedly staring out the window.

Like a true coward. Rhyers noted.

Rhyers sputtered. “You were cold.”

“So you thought to warm me did you?” She demanded.

Well, yes. But not in the manner you’re implying.

“I assure you,” He drawled acidly. “I wouldn’t have any unsavory intentions toward you Ebs.”

“Of course not!” She shouted. “I’m far too unappealing for one such as you. Correct, Bodin?”

He sputtered. That is not what I meant.

Pure hurt was written over her face as the carriage, blessedly, jolted to a halt.

Get me out of here! Rhyers thought. Eying her askance. Before she blows.

Hoisting her skirt, she thrust open the door. Emotion running high.

As always.

But she came to a dead stop on the step. Staring up at the extravagant rental.

Sam peered around her to see what had mesmerized her. “What is this, Bodin?”

“It’s what they had available at the last minute.”

“The last minute?” Sam said skeptically. “You never do anything without careful planning.”

He’s right. I did rather like the house. Why do I feel the need to say otherwise? He didn’t care to admit to himself or Sam that he’d thought Ebony would love the House and he’d suspected Sam would bring her. Despite what I said.

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