Chapter Bullying Ebony

“You’ll never get me in one of your powdered wigs.” She sneered contemptuously.

Good God, I dearly hope not!

“Suit yourself. If you want to be a hoodlum…” He waved his fingers over his shoulder, clicking in his cheek.

“Don’t pretend to judge me, Rhyers. You’re the only one that does not.”

Also, true. Clever girl. He gave her a quick look.

Losing his haughty tone instantly. “Samuel doesn’t. Not ever.”

She rolled her eyes. “I mean other then, My Brother.”

He gave a satisfied nod.

“You know…Maybe if…” She stood on her toes to reach up and catch a long lock of his powdered wig, along his chest. Starting to pull it, made the wig teeter sideways.

“No!” He jumped from her reach and shoved it back into place. Careful to cover his shining raven hair.

“You should just-”

I should nothing!

I can’t.

“No.” He took another step back, shaking his head adamantly.

She tilted her head and put a hand on narrow hips.

Forcing some kind of explanation.

“I’ve enough problems keeping the maids and their clutching mamas from me as it is.” He turned up his nose and began striding back toward the house.

“Besides, Ebony that color of dress does not suit you.” He spoke of the pretty yellow one she wore. Enhancing the vivid darkness of her shining eyes.

She knows full well she looks radiant.

But if I offered compliments it’d only confuse her.

Two girls rounded the end of the walk to enter the garden. It was Rebecca and Eva. He groaned inwardly. Coming to a stop and eying the bushes. Wishing they were high enough he could duck behind them.

I’ve no wish to talk to those dreadful young women.

“Rhyers!” Rebecca cooed joyfully. “We’d so hoped you’d be out here!”

Funny. I was truly hoping you wouldn’t be.

“But we did, of course, come to see Ebony.” She added as an afterthought.

“Sure you did.” He replied dryly.

Before he could find an appropriate mode of retreat, Rebecca stood before him. Nearly making him jump as she was instantly there, caressing a loving hand down his arm.

No. No touching me. Dreadful chit. He pinched the lavender gloved fingertips daintily between his fingers and lifted them from his arm to fling the hand off.

“It’s not appropriate for a young lady to touch a bachelor so.” He sniffed haughtily.

“How is it appropriate for her to touch one?”

Not at all. If that one is me. And that lady is you. His lip curled a bit derisively.

“Not.” He cleared his throat and tugged his overcoat down. Shifting uncomfortably.

“Come.” Rebecca tugged at his overcoat. “We must all go in and enjoy some tea. It’s rather brisk out here.”

Your presence would make it taste bitter. Rhyers gave her a half frown as he eyed the high sun and the utter absence of wind.

But Ebony had already turned to follow them.

So, he moved into step next to her. Determined to not leave her to be bullied by Rebecca Parson. As they walked, he glanced pointedly to the side until Ebony looked up at him. Then to the side, making her gaze follow his.

When she did, he hip nudged her enough she lost her footing and stumbled.

He had to catch her elbow. Chuckling under his breath.

Hearing the scuffle, the other two girls turned around and saw him clutching at her elbow.

“What was that about?” Rebecca demanded.

“She fell.” He drew a breath. “Innately clumsy, this one.” He clicked in his cheek.

Ebony shot him a sideways look, lips tight. But amusement danced in her eyes at his teasing.

“She is. We all know. Thankfully she’s beautiful. It’ll be what saves her at her coming out ball.” Eva commented.

Coming out ball? His head shot up. Horrified at the thought that Ebony would soon have a slew of suitors. The thought sickened him.

But the hurt flashing over Ebony’s face distracted him.

“Don’t listen to her.” He gave her another light hip bump. “She’s deeply awful.”

“She is kind of awful.” Ebony smiled half-heartedly up at him.

They headed in for tea.

“You’re far too fascinating as you are to follow their lead.” He murmured as they entered.

“Fascinating?” She gasped. “But moments ago you said I was boring?”

Of course, I did.

“I was lying. I often do when in the company of others.”

It’s the nature of being a spy.

“But not in your own company?” Her nose scrunched in confusion.

“Of course not. I never lie to myself.”

“Well…that’s good…to know…” She shook her head. “I fear I’ll never figure you out, Bodin Rhyers.”

Thank God for that.

“That is Lord Rhyers to you.” He thumped her nose with a fingertip.

She giggled, swatting at his hand. “Why are you always so mean to me?”

“Because your brother is far too nice to you” He sniffed haughtily. “That’s why you’re spoiled.” Linking his hands behind his back, he walked ahead of her.

Smiling when he heard her affronted gasp.


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