FOREVER KNIGHTS: #7 King of Assassins

Chapter ACHARIUS - Traces of Cimmerii

Merwood, Dread Hideout (Free from Udora for eight years)


Angry. Acharius had said.

Well Chastain was angry too. Completing her chores with unusual ferocity and locking herself in her chamber.

Agatha inevitably came to check on her.

“What’s wrong with you Child?” Agatha found her sitting up on her bed. Red hair strewn around her face and a dark glower marring her brow. “It’s unlike you to pout.”

“I’ve been betrayed Aggie.”

“By whom?” Agatha was taken aback. “Did Karina do something?”

“Of course not.” Chastain glared meaningfully at her.

“Surely not Miss Margaret?”

Chastain’s bow lips flattened, and her nose wrinkled.

“Nothing is unforgivable.” Agatha said softly as she sat on the edge of the cot to stroke Chastain’s hair. “Anything that’d upset you so, is sure to pass.”

“Is it?” Chastain demanded. Eyes flooding.

As she sat there the sun darkened over. Mist was heavy over the garden and trickling through the closed shutters.

“What an uncommon fog so early in the morn!” Agatha cried. “Look at it floating in!” She shivered. “Let me get you another coverlet Dear.”

“Somehow I’m unsurprised.” Chastain muttered as Agatha scurried off. The door whispering closed behind her.

“I know you’re out there.” She flopped to her stomach. Muttering into her cot.

“I wasn’t hiding it.” He leaned against the House, kicking a rock around with his foot.

“How could you deceive me for so long? I thought we were so close!”

“We are close.” He sighed.

“Not if we lie to each other!”

“I don’t lie.”

“You deceived!” She countered.

He was quiet in response. Feeling a sudden wash of guilt. “Is that why you were so upset with me?”

“Shouldn’t I be?”

“You don’t have to be.”

“I thought we were friends!” She suddenly sounded very young.

“I am your friend…And I am sorry.” He was sincere. Pacing below her window.

“Are you evil?”

“You must decide for yourself. But I vow I’d never wound you or those you love.”

“Then why can’t you reassure me what you are?”

“Because, though my intentions are always right and honorable, I cannot claim my actions have always resulted so.”

“What do you mean?”

In the distance he caught the whiff of something. The stink of Cimmerii. Leaves crunched underfoot. His head whipped. Body alert. I need to check the cave.

“I have to leave you, Sweet Chastain. But should you need me you know where to find me.”

“Of course, you do.” She said acidly. Blowing a long breath. “What if I only miss you?”

“You know where to find me.”

She rose and rushed to the window. Tossing open the shutters in time to catch sight of him disappearing into the fog.


Acharius found nothing in his traps and walked the perimeter outside the cave. Someone was here.

Kneeling in the leaves he focused carefully. Eyes turning slitted yellow, the eyes of his animal, checking for remnants of tracks lingering on the plants. Rounding the path near the House he caught a faint track of mud on some leaves.

They weren’t looking for the caves. Walking to where a large track was sunk into the moist dirt.

It’d stood here too long to be watching me. Lifting his head, he took in the excellent view over the fence. And into Chastain’s window.

It wasn’t watching me. It was watching her. He seethed at the realization. Cimmerii are tracking her. His stomach sunk.

I need Rhyers to watch the artifacts.

I have to go.

Tomorrow evening. It has to be…

He saw her standing in the shutters. Why are they after you?

A halo of candlelight framed the soft ruby and golds of her hair. She looked like a beacon to follow in darkness.

His eyes were drawn to movement winding through the Merwood. A tall lanky form that moved like any animal of the Merwood. Slick and graceful.

And barefoot, no doubt.

Take care of her for me, Rhye.

Rhyers shielded his eyes to see the abandoned bell tower, shrouded in vines and blooming pink flowers. A tower of plant life.

Topping it like a dark gargoyle, was an utterly still winged silhouette.

Once close enough, Rhyers saw the great red wings spanning beneath the rising sun. Warming under its glow. Once heated, they curled back over his muscled red shoulders. Scaled flesh sparkling in golden rays like crimson coins. He tilted his head down in quick greeting.

Rhyers nodded in return.

Acharius lunged from the abandoned bell tower. Chunks of stone crumbling beneath his talons as he left the wall. I need to talk to my brothers.

Deragan above all others.

He’ll guide me. Red wings flapped slowly. Fading into the burst of sunlight. And vanishing in the horizon.

Much to Chavias’ ever-watching relief.

“Not today.” He sheathed his curved swords along his back.

Thadeus hunkered on his shoulder. Ruffled and quietly cleaning himself.

“Good bird.”

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