FOREVER KNIGHTS: #6 Malevolent Attentions

Chapter LUCIEN - Dreaming of Watchers

Carter House, Meadowbrook, Grier Country


Lucien crouched in the tree outside Miss Carter’s chamber as he’d been the last sennight. Feet dangling, he fiddled with a loose thread on his overcoat. Bored to tears.

There’s not so much as a sniff of Cimmerii anywhere near her. Why am I here?

Because the Captain said so. He answered his own rebellious question. Nodding to himself in annoyance. To watch for them. Grunting, he dropped his head back against another narrow branch as he stared up at a night sky littered with stars.

I could be flying across it right now.

No one would even notice…He was too dark for anyone to see against that backdrop. I live for this. For nights like this.

Instead he watched the pretty bit sleeping soundly in her chamber. But even as he thought it, something changed. She’s dreaming. He could tell from her restless movements, feel the change in the air. He connected with her mind. What does the venomous hellion dream of?

Meralee Elaine Carter tossed onto her back. Dreams consumed with visions of running through a forest, splashing through puddles. She was a tiny child looking up at a much older girl. Who had fire-red hair and scared green eyes, clutching Mera’s hand as she tossed a soft smile down in her direct. The fear obvious on her face, the redhead pushed them on, barefoot through the woods.

Rocks dug Mera’s tender feet. Icy puddles made her gasp, but she understood the urgency. She shivered uncontrollably. Pain throbbed under her ribs from running so far. Putting a hand there she felt them protruding under paper-thin flesh. Biting her lip, her tiny hand tightly clutched the larger one. The redheaded girl gave a gentle squeeze and offered a reassuring smile before sending a furtive glance behind them.

They ran through mist so thick Mera could’ve cut it with a blade. But the older girl couldn’t slow. Meralee became dizzied and couldn’t run any further. Another girl, with purple hair and eyes carried her until Meralee’s head dropped to her shoulder exhaustedly. The redhead took her and carried her the rest of the way to a clearing bordered by hutches and booths. The focal point of the village.

Meralee threw an arm over her face because the light around the bell tower was brilliant, shooting a beam into the sky as high as Mera could look. A wooden overhang sheltered the door from the weather and vines hung from the uneven metal sign hanging above the door, to shield it from passersby. The other girls piled into the clearing with them. A couple blondes, one with midnight hair, a couple brunettes, and the purple haired girl. All looking to the eldest, this redhead, questioningly. Confusion and fear written over their faces.

But Meralee was mesmerized by that light. Looking at the other girls, she knew she was the only one that saw it.

Meralee awoke. Panting heavily and choked with fear. She hated that dream.

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