FOREVER KNIGHTS: #6 Malevolent Attentions

Chapter CHAVIAS - I Won't Talk

Stone Peak, Black Mountains, Battling Border (Radix’s captive for twenty-one years)


“We discuss your latest defiance.” Radix seethed.

“I know not what you speak of.” Chavias pointedly gazed past Radix’s shoulder.

Just strike me, give me to Okine to torture, cut off my hands or better…kill me. I don’t even care anymore…

It’ll be worth it, for once. It was for the Captain. Chavias was minutely consoled by that knowledge. A glimmer of redemption for countless crimes.

“You refused my bidding. A simple direction.”

Kill the Captain? Far from simple.

I’d rather die.

“It’s imperative you kill him!” Radix paced the main cavern. Gray robes swishing as he turned. Pausing to rub his chin beneath the bedraggled gray beard. “Since when can’t you kill one measly man! You are a pathetic creature...”

Chavias stood before Radix in shackles. Face and body torn. Lumps of skin dangled and every inch of his body burned. He couldn’t lift one arm because Nonis had eaten much of the muscle. Normally, Chavias would’ve been able to regenerate.

As weak as Radix keeps me, it’s possible I won’t heal this time.

Good. Let me die.

“Now it’s time you kill Sevence in recompense for your failure.”


“Should be simple enough. You once fought by his side. Get close to him again.”

Chavias’ chin notched. Any insult you’d give would be a compliment by any other standards.

“I vowed should you defy me such again I would kill more of your kind, did I not?”

Chavias didn’t answer. Dark eyes shining in dim candlelight.

“Did I not, knight?” The demon enunciated.


“I warned you, it would be your dear Protector I would kill next.”

Sebastian. Chavias winced.

Radix laughed. “Your King of the Castle of Water.” He said spitefully. “Your kind claims he is the best of you, and he was your truest friend.”

“Once. Long ago.” Though tempted, Chavias knew lying to Radix was pointless.

After Radix drank of Chavias’ blood he’d gleaned many memories of them fighting side by side.

I didn’t know when Radix’s drank my blood, he stole my thoughts and memories. I didn’t know to restrain the musings. He’d gone back to days of glory to separate himself from the torture he endured. From the shame of my suffering.

And missing my friend drew me there.

So, Radix knew of their bond. His threats increasingly turning to Bast over the years. Seeing an easy way to prod Chavias’ fears.

Chavias was aware Radix usually made good his threats. Chavias’ stomach dropped. He’d have already killed me if he could find WaterRose.

“Do not doubt, knight. I will find him and when that day comes, then because of you, I will crush him like the petal of a flower.” Radix swore. “And feed you his ashes for your supper.”

“I wouldn’t so readily discount Sebastian.”

“What is so special about that one?” Radix’s contempt wrinkled his face.

Chavias’ mouth tightened.

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