FOREVER KNIGHTS: #6 Malevolent Attentions

Chapter An Echo

Just like that she was gone.

Worthington stumbled to his feet in a daze. Holding his head.

Spinning on him, Deragan’s face violently contorted. Jaw lengthening and teeth sharpening, his pupils went slitted and eyes molten yellow. Huffing between gritted teeth made a thread of smoke ease from his lips. He snarled in his throat, low enough to cause loose metal from the vehicle to teeter and groan. And the ground underfoot to feel like it rumbled. A sound impossible for a human throat.

Belonging to something much bigger.

Worthington fell and crawled backward until he tripped over his driver. Turning his head, he stared slack-jawed at the unmoving body. Making a strangled sound.

Oblivious to what was happening behind her, Nora’s voice squeaked as she panted. Her hands fluttering as she circled, disoriented, behind the shops.

Deragan closed his eyes briefly and saw the turbulent images tearing through her mind.

Visions of countless pasts. Dying with her throat torn out. Having a sword shoved through her stomach. The night Radix sucked her soul from her body. Being flown high and dropped by a black winged creature.

A flying Sarabi. Deragan recognized. Only a few of the ways Radix has murdered her.

Nora was crippled with shock. Images flashing in her mind as she stumbled. Unable to find her horse which fled in the chaos. She put a hand to her forehead. Steadying herself against a building as she tried to shake the images.

Realizing the commotion drew a crowd from the main road, Deragan shot her a concerned look. Thankfully, she circumnavigated the carriage on shaking legs and didn’t notice the three men on this side of the vehicle.

Blessedly oblivious.

Catching Worthington by the front of his shirt, Deragan hauled him close. Jaw snapping loose from its joints, Deragan’s tendons expanded to allow his jaw to drop inhumanly. Peeling open to roar, exposed spined teeth. Rattling the carriage behind Worthington.

You evil little wretch!

Worthington threw an arm over his face protectively. “No!” He wailed. “Please, don’t!”

That won’t save you!

I’m going to rip your fool head off! Deragan unleashed the roar of his dragon. Shocked when he heard an echoing one in the immediate vicinity.

The carriage rattled and there was thudding. Deragan looked up and saw a giant white mouth gaping overtop the carriage toward them. The creature roared, sending hot breath at them and drool seeping from its jaws.

“Chavias! No!” Deragan put out a staying hand to push Chavias back. Skidding him and overturning the carriage. Deragan dropped Worthington, letting him fall like a sack of rocks. Deragan already concentrated on keeping Nora in a protective sound barrier, shielding her from their chaos as she tripped over her own feet. Barely looking up. Calling for her gelding, Traps.

Dividing his magic made the press of power against Chavias far weaker than it should’ve been. So, when Chavias lunged over the carriage and sunk his powerful jaws into Deragan’s shoulder and midway down his abdomen and back, Deragan hissed in pain. Turning his face to the other side to keep from crying out and drawing more attention as he felt his power to keep them silent waning.

Chavias jerked roughly, dragging Deragan to the side. Just when Deragan awaited those teeth cutting through him Chavias’ teeth snapped loose, and he retreated behind the carriage. Fading between the buildings. His long alabaster tail scraping the ground as it to vanished from view with a last flick.

Fearing she’d see him, Deragan retreated to the trees, he left Worthington staring after him. Pale and quaking.

People gathered around Worthington.

Deragan faded into the trees. Lips twisting in a cold smile at the satisfying sound of Worthington’s retching.

I didn’t snap his pathetic neck. Deragan sorely wanted to.

Everyone murmured to Worthington in concerned tones as they helped him up.

Does no one see her?

Nora was plainly lost. Legs shaking as she fell several times but stubbornly rose.

Deragan moved furiously along the border of trees, creeping between buildings to reach the main road. Spotting Traps wandering, he caught the rein. Searching for something. Someone.

A way to help Nora without exposing I’ve been following her. Another familiar carriage caught his attention. The Carter coat of arms. He sent a thanks heavenward.

If not for Meralee’s carriage, I’d have gone back myself. Plan be damned!

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