FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter Where Have You Been, My Brother?

Sabine’s skirts lifted as she leaned over other women to try to spot him.

“You don’t believe me.” Deiti whined. “I have missed you.” She tightened her hold in his hair.

I wouldn’t believe what you said if you were on fire!

“I’m sorry, I truly must go.” Pushing her shoulders back he tugged free of her clinging touch to circle across the room. Ignoring her hissed threat.

“Don’t turn your back on me, Derenoe!”

I’d love nothing more than never seeing your despicable face again! He didn’t see Deiti’s eyes flash vivid orange, rimmed in red. Nor her teeth sharpen as she hissed. But he knew they did. He twisted to watch over his shoulder as she huffed from the ballroom before averting his attention back to the stunning blonde with her back turned, carefully scanning every dark corner.

She senses me so keenly. He could no longer resist taunting her.

This’ll be fun. A slow smile curved his lips for the first time in longer than he could imagine as he approached her on a long stride twisting to pass her and remain at her back as he moved.

“What was that!” Sabine jumped and slapped a hand over the back of her neck.

Where I touched her. His gray eyes danced with amusement.

“What?” LauraBeth squeaked shrilly, wide eyed as she stared up at Sabine.

“Someone touched my neck!”

“No one did!” LauraBeth argued.

“Someone did!” Sabine insisted. “Like he touches me everytime he’s in my chamber. But there’s never anyone there when I turn.” She gestured in frustration. “He’s here! I know he is!”

His energy was stifling, stealing her breath. Her eyes were impossibly huge.

She’s going to flee.

He was right.

Minutes later Chavias found Sabine on the balcony, gasping for fresh air.

Crickets chirped loudly below, accompanied by the sounds of night birds active in the garden. The noises comforted her jumbled nerves.

Thusly, when all sound ceased, she stiffened. Drawing a quick breath, her body tightened.

She knows I’m here.

Thadeus, his crow landed on the railing next to her. She looked at it perched surprisingly close to her hand. Tilting its head at her questioningly.

Always giving me away, aren’t you bird? He tossed the crow a quick glower.

His voice emerged from behind her. Satin across her flesh, vibrating along her skin. “Good evening.” He gripped her upper arms as he sensed she’d face him. “Whoa, girl. Don’t turn.”

“I’m no horse one commands!” She snapped. Back straight and fingers clenching the railing.

But she held fast.

“I’m not here to hurt you. I’ve come to protect you from those seeking you.” He reassured.

“It appears to me sir, you are the only one seeking me.” Her tone was scathing.

His low chuckle was sardonic. “Far from it, My Lady. It was you that cried out to me.”


Whispering under your breath for me to hear.

“They’re searching for you, even now.” He dismissed. Hands dropping as he took a step back.

Her brow furrowed. “Who? Why?”

After a moment of silence, she moved to turn.

The crow screeched and pecked her hand.

She drew a quick breath and pulled her hand away.

“Don’t!” His voice stayed her. “I’ve known about your coming for decades, My Lady.”

She scoffed loudly. Shaking her head before she switched the topic. “Why can’t I see you?”

“What I do is to protect you. Don’t look on me or you’ll find my shadow more terrifying than your reality. Your fate will be sealed. I’m as much darkness as light. One shared look with you and I may lose all my good intentions. And my secrets will be lost to your hands. A risk I cannot take.”

“Because I’m so beautiful?” She sneered. “Or just untrustworthy?”

“Yes.” He said simply.

“Who are you?” Her eyes narrowed in irritation at his crazed rambling. When there was only silence, she demanded. “Are you threatening me?” He noticed her hands tremble on the railing.

Sensing her temptation to see him, he commanded her heed him. “No. Don’t!”

She gnawed her lip and he knew the moment she’d turn. When she did, she found nothing. Not so much as a shadow. But the balcony curtain swayed as though someone had leaned against it. Glancing around the ballroom she found no one out of place. But felt his inescapable eyes.

He saw it in the slight turn of her neck. The way she scanned her peripheral beneath dense black lashes and finely etched brows.

That’s enough for tonight. If he’d gotten any closer, she might’ve seen him.

Thadeus flapped his wings in discontent. Hopping further away from her.

As much fun as toying with her is I need to be careful. The girl was keenly observant and seemed to sense when he was near.

As Chavias stood in the far corner, concealed behind a pillar he watched her graceful movements turning a full circle in search of him.

Someone passed Chavias and he was so startled by the feel of familiar energy he turned to follow it in astonishment. Catching a glimpse of red-brown hair peering from beneath a top hat. The man carried a cloak over his forearm.

Chavias’ whole body tightened as the man turned to speak to someone else. A glance at his profile confirmed what Chavias already knew.

Raese…You’re alive. Where have you been My Brother?

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