FOREVER KNIGHTS: #5 Subjugation of Beasts

Chapter SEBASTIAN - Spotting a Decoy

Meadowbrook, Grier Country


Sebastian accompanied Deragan from his rental. “What’s your name this time?”


Uck. Horrendous! Bast eyed him askance.

“Derrick Black.” Bast chuckled. “Bland. Boring. Everything you are not.”

“I am bland.” Deragan shot him a quick look. “I want to be non-threatening.”

“‘Derrick’ is dull as porridge.” Bast scrunched his nose. “You rip beasts in half, you can use any weapon created, and in-fact trained all of us to use our weapon of choice, you seek and woo your wife in every life she lives with devoted passion, you command a unit of immortal knights. My friend,” Bast shook his head laughingly. “There’s nothing bland about you.”

“Not all of us must be extravagant all the time.” Deragan gave a half-smile. Admittedly touched by the compliment.

“Yes, we mustn’t be exciting when wooing our women!” Bast said dryly. Tossing his hands. “You mustn’t overexcite the woman that’s returned to your arms countless times over centuries. That’d be nonsensical.” Bast quirked a blonde brow.

“I’ve no need for your sarcasm.” Deragan glowered. “I don’t want to scare her. That has happened before, and it put me back years. Patience is essential.”

Good that you have mountains of it. Bast blinked at him askance.

A slim blonde wandered from the Tutelage. Books clutched to her. Head lowered so hair framed her face.

Bast recognized the vibrant light around her. Evidence she contained the power of a fallen Watcher. “She’s there.” He pointed.

“No, she’s not.”

Bast waved his finger for emphasis. “That’s her. I can see it.”

She’s glowing. Bast looked back at her silhouette. Framed in white light.

“Then you’re blind.” Deragan scowled. “That is not my mate.”

Yes, it is!

“She has the light, the hair…”

“She may.” Deragan murmured. “But it’s not her.” He met Bast’s study. “I know how mine moves, walks, turns, every movement of her hair and hands. That-” He pointed. “Is not her.”

That’s true.

Bast’s eyes narrowed on her back. “Then she’s intended to deceive us…”

Deragan’s head snapped to attention. “You’re right. She’s too similar to be coincidence.”

“Cimmerii.” They said in unison.

Radix has recruited Watchers before.

“I’m on it.” Bast jogged after the girl.

She barely glanced up through a pretty blue eye from behind the fall of blonde hair, nearly as silver as Elsabet’s. She walked faster toward the treeline.

She wants me to follow her. Bast’s eyes narrowed on her dangerously. She’s deliberately not looking at me.

She knows what’ll happen if she does. He realized. Someone has told her about my ability to effect women.

She aimed for the path in the woods, a shortcut many of the students took to the heart of Meadowbrook, the park, and where the small rentals were nestled.

Bast’s step became wary. Watching the trees as his eyes flicked to the girl’s back. Missing the pale hand emerging from the tree next to him, to touch his shoulder.

“Watch out!” Deragan snapped.

What! Bast ducked out of reach. Dodging a woman’s hand.

As Deragan joined them. He caught the woman’s throat.

And Bast rounded to see her pushed against the tree trunk.

Very pretty. Curling red hair was a riot of ringlets around a vivacious face. Amber eyes which now darkened to orange trimmed in red.


She had full lush lips. And large heaving breasts scantily clad under wispy gray and red fabric.

“A Yearner?” Bast asked.

“Temptress.” Deragan clarified. “She’s still beautiful.”

Ah, yes. He’s right.

Yearners had the same raw sensual appeal but were ugly with glistening black skin and furred patches.

This woman’s skin is smooth as a babe’s.

She gripped Deragan’s wrist on her. Closing her eyes to work her charm.

Deragan gave a malicious half smile. Blue eyes darkening on her. Black hair shining in meager light. His large hand pinning her chest just under her collar.

“Who are you?” He snapped.

“Deiti…” She parted her full lips in a pant. Flicking long dark lashes and purposely taking longer breaths to draw attention to her low-cut dress.

“It’s not working.” Deragan said blandly. “You can’t seduce a man that has eyes for only. One. Woman.”

“Ah…” She smiled softly. “But it’s not that which keeps you from my reach. It’s your deep strength of will. An immovable force.” She breathed. “So…Powerful.” Lust changed her face. Darkening her eyes and flushing her cheeks.

“What are you about?” Deragan’s jaw hardened.

Bast realized the lights surrounding Deragan rose in wisping strands to move into that hand gripping his wrists.

Bast slammed his hand down on the Captain’s arm to sever the touch. “She’s draining you! She’s a Gripper!”

Deiti slid down the tree as the Captain’s grip was broken but she was still cornered where she was with both men glaring vehemently at her.

Deragan took a step back. “Devious little wretch.”

She pulled a dagger from her cleavage.

A curved, serrated thing still stained with someone’s blood.

She lifted it and, in a blink, Deragan drew a dagger from under his arm.

Bast pulled his dual ones from his waistline. Both men prepared to kill the Cimmerii minion.

They heard a shrill squeal. Light bloomed in the trees. They shielded their eyes and turned. Seeing dark wings unfolding from the back of the blonde who still stood a short distance away. Her shaking hands clutching books.

“Don’t hurt her!” She cried. Voice raising to a bird’s screech as her eyes went frantically from the men to the woman cornered against the tree.

Bast’s eyes traced the brown bat-like wings. Like Elsabet’s! His brow knitted in confusion. How? He dismissed the thought for now.

“Whoa…” He coaxed putting out a staying hand. “Calm down. We’ve no desire to hurt you.”

Bless my Voice of Persuasion. He thought as he saw her face relaxing and pupils dilating as she listened.

Deragan glanced over his shoulder and found Deiti had vanished. He swore.

The blonde looked at Bast and her eyes widened. Brows lifting as she met his stare. “You’re him.” She whispered in awe. “I see it now.”

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