FOREVER KNIGHTS: #4 Battling Black Roses

Chapter TEVERIUS, MARDICHI, & ACHARIUS - The Captain's Arrival

Merwood, Dread Hideout



What in bloody- Acharius was so startled by Sebastian’s yell he tossed his book and leapt to his feet. Slamming his head on the low stone ceiling.

Bast. Acharius rubbed his head rapidly to appease the throbbing. Shaking a fist as he cursed at the ceiling as though it were Bast himself. “You know I hate when you go shouting through my head.”

“Teverius needs help.”

Why? He’s so systematically fast.

“In the Netherlands?” Acharius asked.

“Yes.” Bast said through thought.

“The artifacts?”

Does it warrant abandoning them?

“Tev believes this is gravely important.” Bast said unrelentingly.

It better be.

Acharius groaned. “It best not be one of his salvaged demon dogs.”

“It’s Cimmerii.”

Acharius winced. Sweeping his quiver off the chair he dropped it over one shoulder and under an arm. Running nearly sideways through the cave, he splashed through puddles until jumping from the bleak cave entrance. Already turning into the huge gray and white wolf as he lunged through the Merwood. Crossing the short distance to the Netherlands.

Is it bad? Acharius asked.

“Giant pack.”

Targue. Acharius understood.

“Mardichi’s already there but more are flooding in. They’re surrounded. Tev thinks the crone did a summoning spell for all Cimmerii in the area.”

Sarabi will be coming. Acharius thought with dread.


“Grand.” Acharius blew a long breath. Yellow eyes intent on his path through Merwood. Ducking the hanging vines, he slapped leaves the size of dinner trenchers out of his face as he veered around giant boulders. Careful to avoid his traps.

Crone’s Hut, Netherlands


Mardichi and Teverius were happy to see Acharius. Turning human as he stepped from the woods. Clothing materializing around his giant body. And quiver sliding up his back, the strap creeping over his shoulder to cinch across his torso, bow materializing in hand.

He fired arrows as he crossed the meadow from the Netherwood. Cutting a path through the Targue. The slivers of wood flew in a hailstorm. Hitting nearly simultaneously a hairsbreadth before the next set landed.

“I’ve never seen so many!” Acharius yelled, seeing the clearing awash with the movement of the monsters. “What are they after?”

Acharius fired another round of arrows but Tev shouted and clumsily batted it from the path of piercing the animal next to him.

Despite his great speed, catching arrows had never been his forte. Acharius noted.

“My dogs!”

“Which ones?” Acharius called back.

Tev jumped up from dragging a hatchet over the stomach of one and turned to gesture at his back where six huge Targue guarded him. Fending off the rest by pinioning them to the ground. Or tearing at their throats.

Shutters flew open above them. “What’s going on?” The sleepy wail of a child.

A voice boomed across the clearing. “What do you need?” Captain Deragan emerged, dodging a low branch and straightening. Drawing all eyes to him in the same way he commanded any room he entered.

Tev twisted to point up at the child’s head protruding from the shack. Screaming.

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