FOREVER KNIGHTS: #4 Battling Black Roses

Chapter RAESE - Finding Snowman

WhiteHall, Harridan Hamlet, Paladines


True to his word, Raese tried to sleep. Often. Frequently taking naps now. To the point his butler worried he was unwell, his Housekeeper insisted he eat, fearing his time sleeping and meager appetite.

He assured them he was okay, just in need of rest. Eating quickly to return to his chambers. Drawing curtains and relaxing. In only a few minutes he was walking Feglen Forest bordering the Netherlands. Transported back to the late 1400s.

He hadn’t spoken to Calisto since the day of the ball. Afraid she’d no longer trust him. Mind awash with such thoughts, he was tempted to apologize.

He’d been awake for days, wondering if he should seek her. Cursing himself for a fool for not taking what she’d said as truer to heart.

She said the villagers wouldn’t accept her. She’d be nothing more than a weapon to them.

Why didn’t I listen? Because, you’re a fool. He answered himself.

A tiny squeak caught his ear. He turned toward the sound and followed it until entering a bit of a clearing where low branches were broken off. There were a few blood splatters. As he drew closer, he saw the bit of white hair dragging underneath low branches. Pushing them aside revealed a dead white Wakkon. Looking like a wolf but with hair instead of fur. And slightly different in stature.

Curled next to the dead beast was a tiny white bundle of fluff.

Reaching under the shrubbery he retrieved the pup and found it so weak it couldn’t even fight him as he lifted it. Laying limp along his palm. Barely bigger than his hand.

They were rare creatures. Rarely seen in one’s entire lifetime.

Even by my kind.

“You need some help, huh Buddy?” He brought it to his chest and tucked it into the inner folds of his tunic. He made his way to a clearing dry enough, he could build a fire to heat life into the little creature.

His mother gave her life trying to defend him. Now he deserves to have a chance. Raese was distracted from all his thoughts of the beautiful woman as he was consumed by trying to save the little Wakkon.

Once he had food cooking on a spit and a warm fire going, he was heartened to see the pup lift its head slightly. Little black nose twitching expectantly.

“Hungry Little Snowman?”

He held a bit of food down to it and it greedily lapped at the meat.

“You’re welcome.” He grinned at it. “Looks like you could use a friend.”

It licked his finger and he happily fed it some more bits of meat before lifting a tin cup from the fire where he handed a bit of boiled water to the little animal.

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