FOREVER KNIGHTS: #4 Battling Black Roses

Chapter DERAGAN - The Voice


Nora had the same nightmare this morning as she had all month.

Likely making no more sense to her today than the thirty before. Deragan knew.

Wiping sweat from her brow with a forearm she blew a ragged breath as she woke from the horrific images.

You’re going to be late.” Deragan’s voice floated above her. Reminding her it was time to get moving despite how comfortable she was.

Afterall, he'd been tracking her movements for years now.

She looked around and verified she was alone in the chamber.

She always checks. Even though she knows she won't see me.

Morning sunshine poured through powder blue curtains. Tied with scraps of lace. Revealing the glass in the window, a luxury unique to Grier and the Paladines. Where there were those skilled in making the delicate structures. Dust flakes sparkled as they wove lazily through the sunshine.

You’re already running late.” Deragan reminded. Aware his disembodied voice no longer startled her. “You should wake them.”

Her brothers and sisters.

She was the eldest so it was unto her to wake them all for Tutelage.

Her twin brothers certainly aren't apt to wake of their own accord. Deragan had watched them all long enough to know.

It'd been his sole duty the last few years to guard the family from the shadows from Cimmerii.

Protecting them from everything unseen.

Nora threw back the coverlet with a groan. Stumbling shivering, to her dressing chest to tug out a plain dress.

Entering the hall in her dressing gown. She paused to lift a muddied tunic from off the vase positioned on the square table. Eying the garment balefully, she was careful to keep it from the clean clothes under her arm. Shaking it out, she spotted the blood staining a shoulder. She groaned.

“What’s wrong?” Deragan whispered near her ear. Knowing she couldn't see him in the hall.

“The twins. They’ve been fighting again.”

“They’re always fighting.” He laughed. “You should be grateful it’s not with each other.”

She gave a grudging tilt of her head.

Cracking Marcus’ chamber door, she shouted for him to get up. Reluctant to enter any further. Thick curtains darkened the room. Dirty clothes draped the chair near the fire. Eeking of mud and filth.

He didn't answer her.

She tiptoed through the room to fling open the dusty brown curtains.

Marcus’ objecting groan let her know he was there.

Closing the creaking door, she cringed. Then did the same in the room across the hall.

William's room.

Impeccably neat. With clothes folded neatly for today on a stand near the bed.

Dirtied ones loosely folded near the fire.

She flung open the curtains.

William flopped onto his stomach and groaned in a near mimic of Marcus’ behavior.

“Up!” She ordered.

In the next room she set her clothes on the bedstand and called Airon to wake. Sitting on the edge of the nearest bed, she brushed Beth’s bangs from her forehead.

Time to get up.”

Eyes popping open, Beth climbed from bed. Airon was more difficult.

Nora shook him. A bleary eye peered at her before slamming shut.

I’ll tell the twins you said they were lily-livered.” She whispered.

You wouldn’t!” He murmured in horror. Peering at her beneath one lid.

Oh, I would...” She nodded solemnly.

He sat up, grumbling. “Your mean.”

Collecting her clothes, she ruffled his hair. Earning a scathing look. Feigning fear she skittered from the room.

She went to the bathroom and added the bucket of cool water from the floor to the iron one above to cool the water which was heated overnight by a lone candle. After washing in the warm drizzle, she rubbed the heavy drying fabric over her rosy skin before applying it to the metal drain and surrounding stones. Taking another and tying it about her so she could run a quill brush through her hair. Expertly pinning the blonde tresses from her face until only a few loose tendrils framed her cheeks. Dropping her arms, she met the purple-blue gaze in the looking glass.

Does she question them when brown eyes are predominant in her family? Deragan wondered. Only her mother looked like that.

“Perhaps you got more than her eyes.” He whispered from outside the bathroom, next to the doorway. Only his voicing apparent to her.

“Hopefully not her insanity.” Sighing she rouged her lips and put kohl around her eyes before sliding into her slippers. Entering the short hall, she headed downstairs.

She wasn’t insane. But Nora wasn’t ready to hear all that yet.

Shawl.” The disconnected voice emerged from behind her. She instinctively glanced over her shoulder, despite knowing no one would be there.

“Why do you look for me?” He queried softly. “You know you won’t see me.” Amusement tugged his lips.

“It’s habit when someone speaks to me.”

“Would you rather I didn’t come?” His smile died.

“No!” She said quickly. Returning to her room. “I’m always thrilled you’re with me.” She swept her shawl off the bedstand and over her shoulders. “I’m accustomed to your presence, you know that.”

“You used to find me unnerving.”

“I’ve not, for much time now.” She smiled softly. “After mother passed you were my comfort. And later through father’s, you were solace. You taught me to grieve.”

He snorted. “That doesn’t sound like you enjoy my company.”

“Come now.” She chastised. “I catch your faint scent of sandalwood or your strange warmth and I smile. Your laughter brings me from any low.” She sloshed cream over grains for the children. Calling them again.

Nearly toppling each other they barreled downstairs as she added spoonfuls of sugar to each. Airon shoved Beth but she caught the railing and turned a withering look on him.

“Stop!” Nora ordered.

When she glanced away Airon nudged his sister again. But as they reached the table, he fell a step behind so Beth could choose first bowl. He descended on the other. After devouring breakfast, they tossed tutelage sacks over their shoulders crammed with books and headed for the door. Glancing at her father’s old pocket watch, Nora was mocked by the constant movement of the minute hand.

Beth was the first to turn the handle and pull the door open. Unease settled in Nora’s stomach as she watched Beth lean down to lift the perfect white rose.

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