FOREVER KNIGHTS: #2 Rise of the King of Assassins

Chapter RADIX - Triumph

Stone Peak, Black Mountains, Battling Border


Radix returned to his caves triumphant. Entering the dank dark stone cut out under the crumbling remnants of a castle. He walked deep into the pit of the mountain where the heart of caverns lie before branching into fingers that led to other portions of the filthy cave.

He was roaring with victory. Small heads jutted from his neck and shoulder screaming in echoing triumph. Souls he'd consumed, which had become part of him over time.

His Cimmerii screamed raucously, echoing his glee.

Radix paced the cavern, nearly skipping, waving his cape back from his feet. Far too agile for the aged form he favored.

“Okine!” He called.

The withered greenish half-demon appeared before him with pointed ears, yellowed skin, and teeth as jagged as Radix’s own.

“Yes, yes, Master.” He croaked in his strange shrill voice. Edging sideways toward the Demon King. Tossing him fearful looks.

“We won!” Radix rubbed his hands together greedily. Leaving a trail of ash as his worn cloak spun out around him as he turned again. “But there will be a cost.”

He slowed slightly. Taking in that sad fact.

“Cost, My Lord?”

“When I use magic directly against them it opens doors.”

“Ah. Yes. Rules…” Okine blinked narrow black eyes.

“Yes, you fool!” He shook his head. “It means more will come through those doors.

“More from sky?”

“Of a sort.” Radix dismissed in annoyance. “One of the other legions will move forward to come against me. Direct victory always comes with a cost, you see.” Radix murmured.

“You wish me find more pawns? More souls against what come?”

“And what’s left of the damnable Forever Knights!” Radix spat with another gleeful laugh. “What little is left. Today was a priceless win for me.”

The Forever Knights had taken a hard hit this day.

“Go out, you have a mission." Radix told his fiercest Commander. "You will find where those, from the sky,” He added in a mocking tone. Disdain obvious. “Come through. Where they land. Follow the Knights. They’ll be drawn to the new souls, to protect them. If you wait, if you are patient…And if you trail them. One of them will lead you to the new generation.”

Of Watchers.

“What then?”

“Then we will see if you and your kind can convert them for me. I will need their help in the battle to come.”

Watchers become some of the most powerful of my Cimmerii.

“And if cannot?”

“Then, like the Fallen, they will die.” Radix looked a little worried at this.

A horrible waste. But better then them landing in the hands of the Forever Knights.

Though Radix's enemy was only a small army they'd proven challenging time and time again. And had foiled more of his grand plans then he could count.

But Radix had contrived a way to slowly overtake Ardae without unnecessary violence. A more subtle way which would be less conspicuous for the knights to fight.

I'll take over the places they need, raid their storehouses, kill their young, convert the human women of breedable age before they can conceive more mortals, and sway the powers of the country.

The kings and queens. It was do-able. And the more Radix thought it over. The more certain he became that he could grow in power without the knights ever knowing.

“You usually happy in death of anything from sky.” Okine's squawking voice drew him from thoughts of the future.

“But their deaths will not help me this time. Were you a smarter creature perhaps you could see this world as I do. See what really happens beyond the curtain of mortal eyes.”

“Will soon, My Lord?”

Not a chance. Your brain is small and your eyes only capable of seeing your next target.

“Of course.” Radix let the lie slip from his tongue as easily as all his other promises. “Now find me the angels-the…children.”

“How I know?”

How will he recognize the Watchers? That's easy.


“To you they will seem bright. Covered in a white glow. It will chaff your senses, hurt your eyes, and sound like screaming in your ears.”

Okine’s pointed teeth grated together as his jaw worked nervously. “It-it not something I do. Perhaps a Noni?”

No. Do my bidding. Radix glared at the ogerish man. Wondering if the fool dared defy him.

“No! I need you whispering in mortal ears! I need my armies replenished. I need warriors. I need new gifts. New skills to combat what they have.

“What have?”

“We do not yet know. So, we must prepare for anything. Mortals are like fine wine. The further they age into darkness the more abilities they may manifest. We want them aged!”

“Like wine…” Okine whispered. But his confusion was apparent.

“Just go!” Radix shook his head. Dismissing the huge lumbering man. He still carried the heavy hammer that’d once beat molten metal into form when he’d been a mere blacksmith.

Hungry with ambition. It’d been that ambition. That greed for power that Radix had used to turn the man into a demonling.

Okine was darkly obedient. Afraid of Radix but little else. A perfect tool to crush Radix’s enemies.

But I need something more. He didn’t need minions any longer. I need warriors.

And I need to know my enemy. He eyed the bleeding, still body in the corner of the cavern. The skin shredded. Dark blood pooling around him. Black hair, now matted in blood, hung from the tight leather thong. And the dual swords had long since been drug away.

I have time to learn. Radix’s yellow smile split his face.

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