FOREVER KNIGHTS: #17 Marked As Mine

Chapter Look After Him, I Remember


She knew I was awake. He realized.

“Yes, Elsabet?” He curled the arm she laid on up, to trace his fingertips in loops on her shoulder.

“Why’d you come out here looking for me?”

“I’d heard some things.”

Like you’re serving Radix. But he dared not accuse her of it. Not without some evidence of it.

And I couldn’t bear to hear her admit she has run to him to escape me. That was too painful to conceive. And he was very afraid it was true.

She may hate me that much now.

Though she doesn’t feel like it at this moment.

“Do you think it is more me you from or the glimmer of happiness we had together?”

Please don’t deny it. He willed her. Knowing she certainly would’ve when still a captive in WaterRose. Let this time be different.

Let her be honest.

“Probably both, Sebastian.” She sighed morosely. “But my happiness with you is now long dampened by my sorrow and rage.”

Rage at me. He didn’t have to ask.

She believes my bindings kept her from saving our child. She thinks it my fault Sebet is gone.

And in truth, so do I. She begged me to stay.

She went to sit up but he palmed the side of her face and pulled it back against his chest. She grunted and laughed softly.

“Don’t go anywhere.” He ordered. “You’ve nowhere to be. We’re at sea.”

“Where are we going by the by?” She asked. Indulging his wish that she continue laying on his chest.

At least for the time being.

“To the Isle of Wight. That was your destination, was it not?”

“It was.” She stiffened.

“I don’t suppose you’ll tell me why?”


Fine then.

“Why have you come all the way out into the Peril to retrieve me only to take me to my destination?”

“You told me once you wished to sail with me.”

She leaned up and rolled to look at him. “Is that the real reason.”

He nodded. Giving her a penetrating look. Stretching his fingers to guide a lock of silver-blonde hair behind her ear.

“You tell me true?”

“True as the sun rising. I wanted to share this voyage with you.”

“So, this whole siege on the WindStorm and the ominous propositions of your sailors was contrived?”


She swatted his chest.

He caught her hand and pinned it to his shoulder as he chuckled softly. “You’re more beautiful then I remembered. I would do anything, sacrifice anything for moments with you. Do you know that?”

She swallowed hard. Her face hardening. “I do.”

“Will you ever forgive me?”

“I can’t have this conversation.” She swung her legs off the bed and rose. Surprised to hear a click she glanced down and found the shackle hooked to her again. The other side dangling from his wrist. “You’re a knave. Truly.”

“I’m aware. You may’ve mentioned it before. Occasionally.” He jerked his arm sending her, attached to the chain, tumbling sideways atop him.

He lurched up to pin her in a hug. “Fine then. I’ll speak of other subjects. As long as you remain.”

She groaned exaggeratedly and rolled her eyes. “Such as what?”

“What you thought the first time you saw me?”

She chewed her cheek and crawled back up to lay on his chest. Her breasts warm on his skin. “I’ll confide some insanity to you.”

“Good. My favorite manner of confidence.”

“I actually think my first memory of you was before I came into Ardae?”

He gave her a confused look.

“I remember being somewhere comfortable. Like I was floating. Then my father’s voice, or someone I believed to be my father, shouting at me to ‘look after him.’ Then I saw your face for the first time.” She stroked his cheekbone. “Exactly as you are now but without a smile.”

Bast was frozen, staring in shock. Look after him?

He remembered those words. I’ve never been able to forget them. Even now he could close his eyes and still hear the woman’s scream. And feel her falling.

It was you?

Elsabet was sent to me. He remembered that day vividly. When Lord Demaron had stabbed him in the back. For making love to his mistress, Moira.

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