Chapter Try To Escape Me Now

Lucien was readying for his ride across the aisle to meet his guests at Isle Dock. Pulling on boots and his riding cloak. Striding to the window he opened the shutters and took in the fresh morning air. Listening to the birds chirping in the trees spanning down the hill and across the Isle. The first pink and orange rays of morning were dulled by the heavy layer of cloud weaving in and out of the needle trees.

Standing in the frame of the window and staring out, he felt the wind blowing through his black hair. Ruffling it and tossing the broad gold looped earring. Resting his hands on the frame he was unable to resist closing his eyes and inhaling deeply.

Instantly seeing into the room next door.

She sat on a short bench with the coverlet pulled over her shoulders. She knelt to toss a log in the fire. Before sitting back down and lifting a book from next to her.

My book. He realized. He watched as she reread the same page twice.

In his vision he moved to see over her shoulder to see the page that held her focus.

It was a page where he discussed his views on immortality and humanity. Their contradictions and beauty and pain. As a Forever Knight he’d found the more time he spent in daylight the more people noticed he was ageless. In the dark they noticed less. And he could succumb to turning into his beast, into his love of flight, while remaining relatively inconspicuous. Giving into the peace of coasting above all human creations and parting the blanket of fog on silent wings.

To his surprise she let the book fall. Pages fluttering as it thudded to the floor between her feet. She stood and walked to her chamber door.

Curious as to what she was doing, he telepathically flipped the lock open by the time her hand touched the handle.

Where is she going?

To his shock she stalked out with the blanket billowing around her as she rounded and pushed open his door.

He charged back into his body as she approached his back at the window. She may try to push me out!

“I like reading your journal!” She blurted.

He turned to lean on the window frame. Crossing his arms as he faced her.

“Okay?” He said slowly.

“You’re going to make me marry you, aren’t you? Isn’t that what you meant by the whole point of this dance on the Isle? The whole reason I was brought here.”

He straightened and looked at her down his nose. “Yes I am.”

No point denying it.

“Are you going to fight me?”

She was breathing so heavily her shoulders heaved as she said in a rush. “You have many of the traits I was looking for. You’re capable of being highly charming when you wish to be but you have a tremendous sense of fun. And I find it intriguing that you find ways to constantly outmaneuver me.”

He gave a nod of thanks. Never thought she’d admit that.

“But this, is not the way any man woos a woman!” She expostulated.

He sighed. It’d seemed so hopeful for a moment.

“Not gifted mares or journals or small kindnesses.”

“Hardly.” He laughed. “Giving a woman a prize mare is not a ‘small kindness’.”

“Yes, well… Costly as she may’ve been, I’m quite willing to return her to you.”

“The Hell you will.” He took a step and pointed at her. “She was given to you. She is yours and you’ll accept her.”

“In exchange for what?” She crossed her arms and cocked her hip.

“Nothing. She costs you nothing.”

“I’ll not marry you.”

“Not at all or not under these circumstances.”

“Not at all.” She said acidly.

“And what might change your mind?”

“What?” Her arms dropped as her eyes fell.

Lost for words? Quite an accomplishment on my part. He waited patiently for her to take in the question and form a response.

“I guess-well-it’s just…” She attempted.

“Just what?”

“I don’t even know you!”

“Easily remedied. You have my journal. What more would you like to know?”


“You what?” His tone was dangerous.

“You can take me with you.” Her chin hitched.


“Where are you intending?”

“Across the Isle.”

“You’d be sleeping in the dirt. We saw how you fared just sleeping in the tavern. You’d do worse on the ground, I’m afraid.”

“I looked that way because I was up all night reading.”

My journal?

“Why would you want to travel with me?” Lucien asked. Curiosity getting the better of him.

She shrugged. “No better way to know someone. Then when their tired, hungry and travelling.”

She’s right. He gave her a searching look.

“Is this a grand plan to escape me.”

“It’s a grand plan to get to know you enough to decide if I still want to escape.”

He cocked his head warningly. “You want like how it pans out if you try.”

“You won’t either.” She guaranteed just as warningly.

And a gauntlet is thrown…

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