Chapter Stolen From Death

Chastain. He closed his eyes and took in the sound. Hope surged through him.

Nora soundlessly retreated to the far wall of the chamber.

The small hand touched his shoulder and he was afraid to turn. At length he twisted to see Chastain. Red hair pouring around her, she seemed so small. She wore a thin gray gown almost white with wear. She was smiling.

He caressed a shining red tendril.

She lurched up to embrace him in a backward hug.

He hugged her back. Turning his head to rest along her stomach. Hearing the soothing sound of her heartbeat.

The embrace prolonged as they clung to each other.

Acharius heard the swish of skirts behind him and caught Nora and Deragan heading for the door.

“Miss Bishop! Thank you.” Emotion was heavy in Acharius’ voice. “How did you know?”

To bring Nora? That I needed you both?

“I didn’t.” Deragan stated. “I was fetched by someone who did.”

“Sebastian…” Acharius sighed.

Who else would it be?


There were footfalls in the corridor.

Nora and Deragan stepped apart to make way for Sebastian who arrived on cue.

Acharius gave him a grateful nod.

Bast smiled and tilted his head in reply.

“Take care of her well.” Deragan murmured. Giving Nora a soft look. “You never know when you may lose her.”

“How do I thank them?” Chastain whispered.

But Bast, the Captain and the Fallen left before she could.

“It’s not necessary, Sweet. They know.” He murmured.

“You think?”

“Chastain,” Acharius said tentatively. Taking both her hands and linking his fingers through hers. “would you marry me?”

There was rapid thumping back up the steps.

Acharius spared the doorway only a cursory glance. Knowing who would be nosy enough to need to see the discussion unfold.

Bast needs to know everyone’s business.

His meddling.

Chastain stared at Acharius. Worrying her lip.

“Chastain!” The suspense was excruciating.

“I just worry it may not be what you wish when you know I’m fully well…” She worried. “I want to but…What if you change your mind?”

“Ow!” Acharius clutched his ribs. Breaths emerging in rasps. He tipped sideways onto the bed next to her. Gasping in pain as he rolled side to side.

“Acharius, what is it?” She sat up alarmed, twisting to give him room.

“The pain! I can’t…breathe. It’s unbearable!” He clutched harder. Fingers digging at his side. “Chastain, I feel so weak and hurt. Beneath my ribs.”

“Acharius what ails you!” She clutched his upper arm. “Acharius, please!”

Bast stepped from the shadows. “Chastain. You must declare your love, if you feel it. It may help bring him out of his anguish!”

Always helpful.

She gave Bast a quick look. “I love you, Acharius! I’ll marry you. Please don’t die!” Her voice cracked. Chastain’s eyes frantically scanned Acharius’ face. “I can’t lose you now!” Her tears began.

Acharius flinched and sat up looking guilty as sin. Wrapping his arms around Bast he gave Bast a grimacing look.

“Chastain I....” He swallowed.

Need to apologize. My joke went too far.

She hurriedly caught his head to kiss him.

Acharius’ apology died on his lips and he wound a fist in her hair and drew her nearer, deepening the kiss as though he’d never cease. He groaned, forcing himself to release her as the kiss deepened.

When she pulled away breathlessly and flushing, she cast Bast a shamefaced look.

Acharius grinned wickedly.

Her eyes narrowed instantly, and she gasped in outrage. “You-you-” She harrumphed. However, her glower melted away. “Not funny.”


His eyes danced with mirth. “Ah, but you did agree to wed me. Which was all I wanted to hear, My Love.”

She shook her head softly, giving him a narrowed eyed look and a smile. She threw herself back into his arms.

Forgiven as quickly as chastised. One of the best things about her.

Bast laughed. “Endlessly charming, your Chastain.”

She beamed at the compliment. Gaze locked on Acharius.

Knowing better than to look at Bast. A wise decision.

“Now, let us see you.” Acharius stood and lifted her hand above her head. Helping her from her bed and giving her a twirl.

She skipped in a circle. “Right as rain.”

He smiled weakly.

“I’m okay.” She stroked Acharius’ cheek. “Don’t worry. Your friend’s amazing magic worked. I feel in fine health.”

But what if you don’t? What if it reverses as the Captain warned it might?

Chastain whistled as she strode to the head of the cot. Staring at Acharius meaningfully she said, “Sebastian?”

“Yes?” He answered cheerfully. Leaning forward with his hands linked behind his back.

“Am I right in thinking you were knowingly assisting Acharius in this little prank at my expense?” She untucked the two ends of the coverlet there and held them in place.

“May have been…” Bast smirked and crossed his arms over his chest. Triumphant the ruse had worked.

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