FOREVER KNIGHTS: #15 Insatiable Beasts

Chapter Vows

The vows were spoken succinctly and without hesitation.

The bride’s eyes the only tell-tale sign of the fury she nearly vibrated with.

“You look beautiful.” He whispered. Kissing the back of her hand.

“This veil is my shroud.”

The short, bald messenger and two soldiers of Nightway had borne witness to the ceremony.

She must feel she’s surrounded by traitors. Holding her hand in his, revealed all manner of emotions to him. Her anger was tangible.

Afterwards the vows were spoken, she returned to her trance.

Led to the feast upon the makeshift table, still smelling of fresh-cut redwood, she walked numbly. Seated next to him she was unwilling to partake of the banquet laid so beautifully before her.

A decadent array of food to tantalize the most frugal. Yet, she finds it unappetizing.

Next to him, she stared at the pickled partridge layered upon a bed of boiled eggs smothered in cream sauce. Smoked mutton was glazed with honey and peppered with rosemary. Wild rice and wheat in a colorful assortment were piled high on trenchers. Another platter was stacked with boiled gosling, re-baked to golden perfection and held in reverence by browned potatoes, carrots, and wheat basted in a brown sugar glaze. And coated in mushroom sauce.

The exquisite meal was topped with flasks of wine. Laid out in the center of Warlock Grove.

These men don’t fear the forest as the people of the castle do.

Trencher after trencher passed her.

Her husband proffered her the tastiest morsels of each portion, as was custom. All of which however, she gracefully declined with a slight lowering of her head. After several refusals, he gave her a skeptical look. Offering her nothing more.

Obviously, she’s set on rejecting anything I offer her tonight. Annoyance flared through him.

She’s determined to not enjoy a moment of this. He noticed how quickly she downed her mug of wine.

Everyone around them talked and laughed. Creating a roar in the Dining Hall of trees at dusk.

Wouldn’t the NightGuard love to find this gathering of Rebels?

It worried him having so many in one place. Especially this close to the castle where our noise could be heard. But a glance at Garix Trembath at the other end of the freshly constructed table reviewed a man with a keen gaze. Watching his surroundings alertly as he gestured aside an offering of drink.

Is he hoping we’ll be heard from the Keep? It was a possibility and the festivities while the queen was absent would certainly be intimidating from within the hollow castle.

I wonder what Jacob is thinking hearing all this. Alazar was awash with guilt. I have betrayed them. In some ways.

He ran it over in his mind again. Looking at his miserable bride next to him.

She’ll never forgive me. Of that, he was certain.

People cheered and slapped each other on the back. Serving ladies twittered around and batted their eyes at some of the better-looking soldiers. Men pulled women onto their laps, smothering them in whispered words, hearty laughter, and coaxing caresses as they flirtingly encouraged them.

Doubt my bride will react so warmly to my advances. That was a shame. He could admit to himself he was disappointed.

This is not how I wanted this.

In-fact, I didn’t want any of this. Marry a woman to destroy her. Make her live a childless life with a man she’ll resent forever. But what choice did she give me. He was pacing just beyond the light. Running a hand through his spiked blonde hair in frustration

Riaura glanced to her side and her eyes roved the crowd. Catching the motion of his blonde hair as a light blotch in the shade of a tree. Easy to identify, because he stood over a head taller than everyone else. Stark in a plain white tunic fitted over his ridged abdomen tapering to his hips. The muscles of his arm bunching as he moved. As her gaze wandered back to his face, she met his penetrating stare.

A half-smile eased across his lips. His blue eyes hooded knowingly.

She hid her face by lifting her wine mug for a liberal drink.

Not fast enough. Hungry was her expression.

I know that look. I’ve worn it enough when I watched her across the courtyard.

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