FOREVER KNIGHTS: #15 Insatiable Beasts

Chapter SEBASTIAN - Merlin's Sepulcher

WaterRose, Meadow Mountain, Grier Country


Sebastian sat in Acharius’ cave. In his lone chair. Boots propped up on Acharius’ unsteady wooden table. He loves that.

Spring had begun to bloom through the Merwood. The large leaves already as big as trenchers. Small dancing lights igniting in the evening.

“Really is beautiful here.”

“Make yourself at home.” Acharius’ gaze flicked from Bast’s muddied boots on his table and back to the book he cradled in his palm as Acharius flipped to the next page.

“Always do.”

“I’m aware.”

“Merwood. Mer-Wood. Did you start that? Name the wood after Meredith Manor since you built it here?”

It’d make sense.

“No, it was called that long before I built Meredith. I merely named the house after after my mother.”

Meredith was your mother’s name? Didn’t know that.


“I thought so.” Acharius said blandly.

“So why the Merwood?”

“Merlinus used to train here. The villagers began calling it Merlin’s Wood which they eventually shortened.”

To Merwood. Bast was using the leverage of his boots on the table to rock the wooden chair back onto its back legs.

“Ah, that’s right.” Bast tossed his head up thoughtfully. “I forgot you trained them all in archery.”

“Yes, well I’m really quite good.” He turned another page.

Putting it mildly.

Bast snorted. “That’s an understatement.”

“That’s why the pond is Merlin’s Sepulcher.” Acharius added.

Bast’s chair slammed down as he leaned forward. “Sepulcher? Who decided to call it that?”

“Merlinus…” Acharius’ wide eyes lifted from his book as he shared the realization Bast had just come to.

How did we miss that?

Bast’s face flushed purple. “There’s a place in these woods he’s favored, named as his personal vault, and it hadn’t occurred to you to tell me?”

Acharius’ book lowered in shock. “It’s a pond.”

“Named his personal vault!”

Acharius grimaced, giving Bast a pained look.

Yes. You should feel remorseful!

Groaning Bast drug a hand down his face. “Did you ever go look in it?”

“Me?” Acharius looked horrified. “If you recall I do not swim. I sink.”

He does. Like an iron ball.

“What manner of Viking doesn’t swim!”

“That’s what longboats are for!”

Sailing is not the same as swimming!

“We’re going to have to scour the bottom of that pond!” Bast announced.

“I don’t swim!” Acharius reiterated nervously.

“Yes, yes,” Bast dismissed. “You sink. Which is perfect. Since it’s likely at the bottom.”

“Yes, but the spear may come up. I won’t.”

“I don’t believe I’ve heard fear in your voice afore.”

“I’m not going in there.” Acharius shook his head adamantly.

“Oh, you’re going in there.” Bast was nodding determinedly.

Acharius kept shaking his head as he backed up.

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