FOREVER KNIGHTS: #15 Insatiable Beasts

Chapter Meet My Barter Queen

Blue Lark Guild, Dread Hideout

Savage, Phalanx and Dorena returned to the Blue Lark with horses laden with goods for the Undermarket. Which was already in full swing.

Entering the Blue Lark through the iron spears was like entering another world. Where the leaves and grass were scattered around the outside walls. Within the grass was rich and green. Sheltered from the regular storms. The cluck of chickens rang out amidst the regular crowing of the rooster. Cows strolled the courtyard and horses were tethered along the outer wall. Grazing contentedly. The smell of fruits and vegetables and every manor of drink filled the air.

The shouting of people rolled into one rumbling sound.

One voice rang out above the rest as they entered. Drawing Savage’s eye.

“That must be her, huh?” Dorena whispered to Phalanx.

“That is, indeed, her.”

Dimurah was shouting above the arguing men. Gesturing from a stack of three ale casks to a pile of vegetables and back. Shaking her head.

She doesn’t think it’s enough.

She wore a red dress today.

A good indicator that her mood will be aggressive. He smiled faintly. But when is it not?

She shoved a handful of curling red tresses back from her sweating forehead. As her voice grew louder.

Finally, the man shook his head in surrender. Swearing as he tossed his hand violently.

“Should I pity her?” Dorena asked from behind Phalanx.

“No.” Phalanx shook his head wildly.

“But he’s terrifying.” She whispered. Nodding toward Savage on the otherside of Phalanx.

“Agreed. But she fears nothing. Least of all him.”

“How in Ardae can that be?”

“You’ll see.” As he said it, Dimurah looked over and spotted them across the courtyard.

She walked through the crowd. Tossing her curls from her face again. Her stride purposeful.

“She looks angry.” Dorena murmured.

“She always looks like that when he’s back.”

“What do they call him here?”

“Savage Jack.” Phalanx supplied.

“Who is she?” Murah nodded. “Barmaid?” She eyed her.

“No. Mixes potions.” Savage supplied. Noting Delacourt even sensed her dissension. Shifting restlessly.

She is unhappy I’ve brought a woman to the Blue Lark.

And likely that I delivered her here.

“Why did you not send for her?” She demanded.

Yep. Shouldn’t have brought her myself.

“Am I in trouble?” Dorena whispered. Earning her a scathing glance.

“I think we all are.” Phalanx replied.

“I didn’t intend to happen across her.” Savage explained.

Insufficient reasoning. He realized instantly.

“Didn’t you?” Her brows lowered.

“She makes potions and he wanted her to bring that commerce to the Undermarket.” Phalanx, thankfully, lied for him.

I don’t lie to Murah.

“Oh, is that why?” Murah’s skepticism was blatant.

She’s wasting her concern. Savage gave her a chiding look.

“Good afternoon, Savage Jack.” Murah said formally. Patting Delacourt’s neck before turning to go.

“Good afternoon, Murah.”

Phalanx cringed.

“My name is Di-murah.” She declared.

“I’m aware. But to me you are, and will always be, Murah.”

“I’m not anything to you!” She retorted.

“Aren’t you?” He leaned over the saddle horn on crossed forearms to look down at her. Tone dark.

She glared up at him.

“You’re right.” Dorena whispered to Phalanx. “She’s fearless.”

“Or insane.” He returned in a low voice. Ensuring Dimurah wouldn’t turn her righteous fury on him since she was currently glaring at Savage like she intended to yank him off his horse.

Please do. Start an argument with me here. We haven’t danced this dance in awhile.

But she could see the anticipation on his face and lip curling, finally retreated.

“Good girl.”

Her back stiffened. And she hesitated a moment before walking on.

I’ll pay for it later. He chuckled inwardly.

The following morning, Savage watched from his tent entrance, leaned against the pillar as the courtyard came alive with the Undermarket activites.

Delacourt pranced from the corner stake.

Dorena looked nervous, setting up her booth. Even with Phalanx’s help.

And Dimurah was strolling through the booths, heading for her.

Poor thing. Savage was curious to see if Phalanx would come to her rescue or let Dimurah heat her up.

“Why are you here?” Dimurah demanded.

Phalanx put an arm between them but Dimurah swatted it down and out of the way.

So, she’s got a clear shot at the other woman.

He assessed Dorena. She was a few inches taller than Dimurah, though built more slender. They’re likely about evenly matched. Size wise.

Though no woman is fierce as Murah. Hell, most men aren’t.

“I’m here to sell my potions.”

“And nothing else.”

“What do you mean?” Dorena asked, just as directly.

“I see the way your eyes trail him.”

“Savage Jack?”

Savage unfolded. This could get ugly.

Dimurah’s arms crossed over her chest and she cocked a hip.

Not a good stance. That pose means a feral tirade is coming.

“I do find him attractive.” Dorena admitted.

Savage was taken aback. Not the right thing to say. Surely she’s more sense then that?

Dimurah twisted her head in a threatening way. Eyes widening in fury.

“But only because he reminds me of someone whom was very dear to me.”


“You loved this man?” Murah asked.

“Yes.” Dorena confessed in a hushed voice. “He was endearingly kind. Like your man.”


Dimurah looked equally as startled. “Savage Jack?” She pointed toward his tent. “Are we speaking of the same man.”

“There is kindness in him.” Dorena nodded. “He hides it well, but it is in the lines in his face. In his eyes, if one is really looking.”

I’ve never heard anything so ridiculous.

In my eyes. He grunted.

“You’re right.” Dimurah’s arms dropped to her sides. “I didn’t think anyone else saw him that way.”

That’s what Dimurah thinks of me? That was oddly touching. Warming him in ways he’d not expected.

Well played Dorena.

It’d be nice for Murah to have a friend as good as she is. Someone who won’t betray her. I don’t know that she’s ever had a real friend.

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