FOREVER KNIGHTS: #15 Insatiable Beasts

Chapter MARDICHI - Won't Do It

Wilhelm Kingdom, Dread Country


A full day had passed since King Jonis gave Mardichi the order to issue recompense on the Raven for her thievery. And Mardichi was given clear instructions from the King he’d not be leaving again until the situation was dealt with.

I think I’ve been pacing ever since the messenger exited.

Mardichi had flattened the floor rugs and toppled several decanters in his flurried movements back and forth across the small chamber. Far too small.

Sure, it’d likely be considered expansive to most. But it’s not the open outdoors. Not my meadows.

Nowhere to freely gallop…It’s too restricting. He grunted.

King Jonis had posted a guard between Mardichi and The Raven’s chambers. A man clearly set to report the punishment took place.

And not leave until then.

I could thrash him.

Mardichi wasn’t even sure how long it’d been since Norris knocked on his door. But he’s been standing here watching me ever since.

“You have to do it.” Norris broke the silence stiltedly.


“I don’t see how any man can order another man to put hand to his wife.”

It’s unjust.

“A King can.” Norris argued.

“I’m considering putting me hand ta ’im instead.”

Not mere words.

“And making us fugitives?” Norris’ voice rose. “You have to do what he’s commanded.”

The devil I do! Mardichi shook his head like an angry stallion as he turned on his booted heel again. Walking the path he’d worn into the hardwood. Bumping the yellow curtain with his elbow as he moved.

“How are you not cold walking before that window?”

Mardichi tossed him a stony look.

“Oh, yes.” Norris mumbled. “I forgot. You cannot feel it.” Norris drew a long breath. “I understand your dilemma.”


“Do ye?” Mardichi snapped.

“Go ahead. Be nasty to me.” Norris ordered. “I know that’s what you do when you’re stressed or scared. And you’re both right now.”

No, I’m not.

“I dunnot get scared.”

“You’re scared now!”

Of what? He looked at Norris askance.

“I’m angry at being ordered ta do as a King wishes.”

“Could be worse.” Norris shrugged. “He could’ve ordered her drawn.”

Mardichi lurched to a dead stop. “He could’ve tried…”

“You’re afraid of doing something you disagree with.” Norris opted to return to the former topic which seemed a smidge safer. “Which could jeopardize what you’ve found. Something, I take it, you’d been looking for.”

My wife.

“For all the years since she left.” His boots clicked.

Seeing the barbarian’s pain, Norris slid into a seat and his tone softened. “I didn’t know you lost a child.”

“I lost everything. Came home ta me dead son. An’ spoke ta an ol’ man downhill on the meadow. He told me he’d heard ‘er wailing from dawn tha’ morn until just before dusk. She loved tha’ wee babe…” He quieted as he went to a decanter and lifted the stopper. Dropping it thoughtfully into the spout a few times. “How she must’ve cried.”

“She’s mighty hard now.”

“And repulsed by me touch, apparently.” Mardichi spun again, cape flowing after his step.

“I don’t think repulsed is the word.”

Then what? Mardichi speared him with a befuddled look.

“Ye did hear ’er wailing down there?” He gestured below harshly.

“I heard the fear of a woman of being left alone to be confronted by her angry husband.”

Well, that’s certainly going to happen.

“Oh, confront her, me shall.”

“And what would you have her say?” Norris asked thoughtfully.

Explain herself!

Mardichi froze. “Nothing tha’ she will.”

She’ll lock them pretty lips and tell me nothing at all, knowing her!

“You’re likely right on that.” Norris sighed. “You must do this, so we can leave this place.”

Put hand to her.

“King Jonis has agreed to let you work off the coin over the next few years. He even agreed to pay us enough for meals and expenses to do whatever tasks he sets us to.” Norris persisted.

“I hate bein’ obligated ta the man.” Mardichi threw an arm angrily toward the upper level.

“Ssh. It’s better than being dead!” Norris whispered. “He’s actually being very reasonable. You’ll see that when you calm down.”

Damn unlikely.

“Put hand to her and be done with it.”

That’s the last thing I want to do. Mardichi growled and when he glanced over his shoulder at Norris his eyes were burnished ruby. He considered ripping the door off the hinges to march to the king’s chambers and snatch him up by his narrow neck.

“Calm.” Norris said in a soothing tone. “You can’t go in there as a loose cannon.”

How does he read my moods so quickly?

“I can if that’s how me feel and me strong enough ta do it.” He warned.

“Some things must be dealt with delicately.”

Not my way. He knows that.

Mardichi jerked to a stop and gestured down his tall length and brawny shoulders. “Do me look like someone who handles delicacy well?”

“Let me speak to her. I’ll try to prepare her for what’s to come.” Norris offered as he turned from the chamber. “Be wise, Mardi. Don’t do anything that’ll cause me to serve your consequence the remainder of my days.”

He’s asking me not to make him a fugitive. Mardichi drew a long staying breath. He’s right.

I have to do this. Much as I bloody well don’t want to!

“Go. See wha’ ye can do. But dunnot expect any great luck. I dunnot foresee any miracles in this.” There was a desperate note in his voice that even he didn’t miss.

“You’re scared to death to lose her again.” Norris said sympathetically. “I’ll do my damnedest to make sure that doesn’t happen.”

Glad someone is on my side. She certainly won’t be!

Mardichi ran a restless hand through his hair. Voice choked. “I can’t.”

Losing her again would be the destruction of what remains of me.

“Does she know how strong your feelings are?”

“I dunnot see how she couldna.”

“Women are fickle creatures. Never imagine you know one’s mind unless you’ve been peeking into it…” Norris added thoughtfully. “What a great gift that must be…”

Mardichi gave him a dark look. “Not as grand as ye’d expect it ta be.”

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