FOREVER KNIGHTS: #15 Insatiable Beasts

Chapter Chavias, The Predator

He turned to lead her but froze at what stood before him.

The man he’d once known so well stood in-front of a row of trees mere feet away.


“Run.” He released Chastain’s hand.

She followed his gaze and observed the man standing before them. As motionless as a statue. Dual swords crossing his back. Jet black hair bound at the back of his head. Warrior braids draping both sides of his face. An equally dark goatee was cut close to his jawline. His eyes shined black.

“I know you.” She breathed.

Acharius sent a quick glance back at her before realizing the stupidity in doing so. He could cut my throat that fast.

“You stopped me out here.”

Chavias blinked dully at her. Posture relaxed with arms at his sides. Unafraid.

Why? Why would he do that? But Acharius could tell from Chavias’ lack of denial that it was true.

Chavias was making no move to pull his sword.

But he will. Any moment.

“Chavias?” She managed to squeak out. Her fears for Acharius confirmed when the stranger’s dark eyes flew to her in response to his name. “You were the white creature. You…You led me away from Udora…Why come here now?”

“What?” Acharius spat. Backing her up as he calculated the distance, he needed to shoot any arrows before Chavias reached him.

And my bow becomes ineffectual.

“Led you where?” Acharius demanded. Barely registering what she said.

“To you.” Chavias answered passionlessly.

“As bait?”

“For protection.” He corrected.


Chavias only blinked.

She was bait. Had to be. There’s no other reason why he would.

How did he lead her here? Acharius was confused but more then that he feared for her.

She’d clenched the back of Acharius bicep. Whooshing in a breath as her hand was cut. His skin was suddenly edged in razor points. Red scales climbed his arms. Scraping as they aligned over each other. Clacking as they stacked into place.

“Chastain!” He barked. “Run!”



“Meredith House.” He said. Backing up a step to shield her. His stance hardening as he crouched in readiness for an attack. “Lock yourself in.”

Hopefully I can wound him enough he can’t get in. At least I can do that. Acharius drew a staying breath. Shoulders moving as he eyed the other man.

“I won’t let you kill her.”

“I’m not here for her.” Chavias tossed his chin in the direction she scrambled.

“Why you?” Acharius asked. “Why’d he send you?”

But he knew the answer. He’s the only thing that could kill me.

“You know why.” Chavias said coldly.

“So, he sends one of our own kind.” Acharius’ voice sounded resigned. “Do you intend to harm her?” Acharius demanded.

Chavias straightened visibly as if insulted.

He’s above that at least? Acharius hoped beyond hope. Don’t hurt her.

“She’s done nothing. Knows nothing. Is nothing.” He found himself pleading to Chavias.

“Radix knows I would not. I tried to wait until she wasn’t with you. But you wouldn’t stay far enough from her for her not to hear you screaming. If I’d had a choice, she’d not know of this. You’ve forced my hand.”

“What do you want with her? Why’d you come to her.”

“To warn her away from you before she was killed in the middle-ground.”

Please be telling the truth. Acharius was trying to be subtle as he eased his bow from the middle of his back. Knowing he’d have to fling it down his arm and nock it before Chavias reached him with those swords.

Chavias jerked his head as a wild animal would.

How we move when we’re preparing to change.

Chavias began to move and Chastain cried out from the hilltop behind them.

“Please don’t!”

“Go, Chastain! Dammit!” He shouted.

Chavias was a blur of movement.

Acharius heard clumsy steps behind him and knew she was returning. He flung a hand back and it sent her reeling backward. Feet and arms outstretched in surprise. She jolted against a trunk. Gasping for air. The wind knocked from her.

Chavias paused his attack to lean to see around Acharius.

Verifying she’s okay? It almost seemed like it.

But Acharius was too worried about what was to come, to look back. He nocked an arrow. “Run, dammit!”

She climbed to her feet. Struggling for air.

Two horse-sized creatures crept in from the denser trees. A third broke off to run towards her. Front feet possessing long claws. The black-haired things ran part of the time on four legs and part of the time on two. Sarabi.

Chavias pulled his swords and tossed them aside.

Both men struggled violently. Swinging at each other and shoving the other by the shoulders.

Despite Acharius’ massive size, Chavias was hitting him brutally with his bow. From one side to the other.

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