FOREVER KNIGHTS: #13 Salvaging Souls

Chapter SAVAGE JAXSON - Ambushed

Merwood, Dread Hideout


Savage was working his way back toward the Blue Lark. His task at Nightway Castle completed, he headed back to his realm via the Dread Hideout route.

What he liked best about the Merwood was the denseness of the trees. There were few trails winding through these woods. It allowed him to travel by his favorite means. He strode along the branches, moving to the next tree. Using the dangling vines and huge leaves to grip as he transitioned to new trees. Surefooted as any creature designed to be in them.

I like to be off the ground. To see what’s coming.

He wove to the next tree. Wondering how the Nauvree’s overtaking of Nightway Castle would pan out. It’d benefit the Blue Lark to have an ally in such a prominent position.

Hearing the faintest rustling along the forest bed he peered down and saw a black serpent writhing from under the leaves and moss littering the forest floor. Soon he glimpsed another. And another, shaking dirt from their scales as they peered up at him.

Then he felt the human eyes. He spotted the blue-eyed woman staring up at him. Her gaze fixed.

He sensed danger. Recognizing the swirling Cimmerii shadows surrounding her. She’s one of Radix’s.

“Who are you?” He asked. Pretending to be oblivious.

“Karina.” She whispered. “Who are you?”

“No one of note.” He shrugged.

“I think ye are…Methinks me Master been looking for ye…”

He has.

“That so?” He dropped to a lower branch so he could better see her, remaining well from her reach. Sensing what her intent was, he’d no intention of going ground bound and letting those serpents get a taste of him.

“So, what do you intend?”

“To take you in.” She shrugged. “Or kill you.”

“Hard to accomplish with your little serpents down there and me up here.”

“Them.” She gestured above and he realized his mistake.

She was a distraction.

He winced at the sight of several Sarabi perched in the branches above him. I’d have heard them if they came while I was here.

She had them waiting…

His eyes skimmed them. Too many.

They won’t move well in these branches. No flying here. It was his one advantage.

When the first one dropped, gliding toward him, he stepped from its trajectory.

But the one shooting at him from the opposite direction managed to rake talons up his back.

Making him yelp before he swung around the tree.

The next two dropped, aiming their wings along their sides to fall like rockets. Before he could move, they hit him from two different directions. Sending him careening from the trees. Spinning until his head aimed groundward. He managed to tuck it and land on his shoulders and back. Grunting at the impact.

Serpents sunk in venomous teeth.

He grimaced. Feeling his gaze blur. Climbing to his feet, he shook his head.

“Fine beast ye are…” She cooed. Reaching to caress his chin.

“If you’re intending to draw a blade on me, please do so…” He invited. Not spotting one anywhere on her. Blinking against his blurred vision.

She outstretched her arms as she turned. “I ’aven’t one on me.” She turned. Displaying her arms. As she turned a slow circle. “Hard ta ta’e a blade from an unarm woman, aye? Me know ye Code, Savage Jack.” She lisped.

His gaze flitted to where a dark spot seeped on her shoulder and he brought down a fist there.

Crumbling her to her knees on a wail.

“True but I can still strike someone dumb enough to attack me.” He took a couple stumbling steps.

“Get ’im!” Karina wailed. Gesturing to the Sarabi sitting in a circle.

And they did. Biting and tearing ravenously. Ripping at his arms and legs while he turned to try and combat them.

A huge man busted through the trees carrying a giant heavy axe.

But Savage was stumbling and swaying, his vision too blurred to identify him.

“Viking!” This man roared. Summoning another charging creature from somewhere behind Savage.

The first one has a familiar voice. That one swung his weapon.

A war hammer.

Which crushed the head of one Sarabi with a sickening slop. Another man entered the clearing, launching up a tree where he rained down a hailstorm of arrows.

The Viking. Savage collapsed, dizzied from venom and loss of blood. Hearing the sounds of a fight but too confused to determine what occurred.

In the sodden dirt next to him, lay the blue-eyed brunette. Deathly still, eyes wide in terror, and mouth agape. Arrows littering her chest.

He flopped his head to look at the archer but couldn’t identify him. This woman was his first target.

He must’ve known her. Savage fought to stay awake. Struggling to lean up but finding his arms and legs wouldn’t respond.

When the sounds of fighting stopped, the first man blocked out the light from the tree canopy as he stood over Savage. “Good to know at least, that if ye get enough Sarabis together even ye can be brough’ down…Mortal after all…”

Savage worked hard to focus. Seeing the familiar long red hair and blue eyes. “Redbayne.” He muttered. Tight-lipped. “You want the Blue Lark.” His head slumped at the realization.

“I’ve no desire ta man tha’ bin of cutthroats. Me came ta save yer arse.”

Savage grunted. “Save me?” He pondered the concept.

“Well,” Mardichi hefted him, tossing him roughly over a shoulder. “There’s a first for everything…And I’m Acel Mardichi right now. I’d rather everyone in these woods didn’t know the rest.”

Acel? It occurred to Savage he’d never known Redbayne’s first name.

“Where are you taking him?” The giant archer asked.

“Ta Bast’s valkyrie. Ta see if she can work ’er magic on ’im.”

“Whose Bast?” Savage choked. Coughing slightly on the slow trickle down his throat as he dangled over Mardichi’s back.

“Bast?” Mardichi twisted to look at him. “King of the Castle of Water. Methought ye knew ever’thin’ there was ta know abou’ this country…”

King of the Castle of Water…The Protector. Savage recognized the names Radix had often cursed.

And Chavias praised…His truest friend…

The one man even Savage Jaxson could never locate. I was always a step behind.

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