FOREVER KNIGHTS: #13 Salvaging Souls

Chapter LUCIEN - Land Ho

Isle Dock, Isle of Wight


Mera turned to the well-groomed sailor, and spoke slowly, so she’d not have to repeat herself. “What…is…this?”

She means all of us down on the dock. Lucien felt the weight of his white mask resting on his nose.

“Mum. The Captain said to advise you, you’re to make your way through the woods. The Knight,” He gestured to the mounted men. “to bring you to the rendezvous point, will be your affianced. You’ve the chance to pick your destiny…Pick your knight.”

“Huh?” It was more a sound than a word. “Knights?” She blinked. “Affianced?”

Yes. Your engaged.

“A knight. Rides horseback and possesses a sword. Fiancé. Man, soon to be husband.” The sailor sneered as though she were a simpleton.

“I’ll not have a husband!”

The young sailor’s head rose as he studied the line of glimmering warriors. “Then, I suggest you…run.” He shrugged and left her on the deck.

Meralee watched him in shock. Slowly turning to the group before shifting to the foliage. She bolted.

Horses pawed the ground as she fled. Steaming snorts filling the night.

In short time, Meralee Carter had harrumphed her way straight into the woods. Finding what looked like some form of an animal trail to follow.

Peering over his shoulder from the dock, Lucien watched her go. Dropping to a knee near The Ezra’s stern, he stuck a hand into the murky depths of the Peril Sea. Closing his eyes he gave a faint whistle. The water around his hand surged and rippled as energy dumped through it. Sending it churning from the dock. A call.

In a moment his hand lifted as a scaled creature with a horned head and back pushed up against his palm. Emerging with blinking blue eyes. It’s dense scales were nearly the same shade of the water. It’s chorded length swayed in the water. Tail whisking through.

“What is that?” The sailor on the deck was hanging over to see. Eyeing its ten foot span and the thin spined tail swaying in the water.

“A Green Glider.” Lucien told him without looking up.

The creature looked terrifying. Completely armored. But its blue eyes blinked slowly in a way Lucien knew to be friendly.

Bast, we’ve made it well. I’m at the Isle and I’m releasing the woman today. Tell Deragan there’s a woman, a purple-haired Huntress who preys on demonkind. One of us already knows her. You’ll want to know which knight that is so we can recruit her to our side. Lucien coated the words in warm energy and pressed them into the Glider’s mind. Imagining the energy carrying them through his neck and shoulder, into his arm and atop the head of serpent. Emanating in a blue orb of energy hovering between the thing’s tiny pointed ears.

“Go tell him my message my friend.” He lovingly stroked its snout.

It rumbled a purr which caused the water to vibrate echoingly around them.

It grumbled again in understanding and absorbed the blue spark near its head. Slowly lurched sideways, it swung its long tail for momentum as it groaned. Lowering inch by inch underwater until there was a strange popping sound as the creature took off. Making The Ezra swell as it rushed beneath it.

It’ll ensure my message is delivered. Lucien trusted Green Gliders as the best way to do distance messages. Able to transmit energy and very sensitive to it, they were very set on pleasing anyone they engaged with.

Like Bast and I.

As she ran, her gown clambered up her neck. She worked the fasts free until she could breathe. The gown drooped over her shoulders. She looked back to see they weren’t pursuing her.

An owl hooted above her and something small scurried in the underbrush.

You scared it. Lucien watched her silhouette fumbling through the bushes.

You’ve all the grace of a pregnant mare. He rolled his eyes as she crashed along. Clearly this won’t be a long hunt.

Hearing something behind her, Meralee hurried past lumbering trees. A root caught her slipper and she stumbled to the dirt, panting heavily. Something shiny caught her eye. She on her hands and knees staring at a boot. Her gaze lifted up the blindingly bright mantle and the face above it.

Snapping to her feet, she stared up at the familiar figure towering over her. “My Lord Lucien.”

He chuckled at the disdain she injected in her voice. “Thought you might want this.” He proffered her a large leather pouch with a drawstring before disappearing into the black branches.

A bag of supplies and coin.

She hesitantly dragged her eyes from his back to pull the bag open. She eyed several candles and dried meats and cheese.

And two more gowns of rough fabric.

Fabric she’ll find far more suited to these elements. He’d noted before the spots on her gown where seams had rent.

She gave a disgusted snort but nibbled the food hungrily, despite herself. Before retrieving a candle and flint. Once it was lit, he held it aloft to weave through the brush.

Quietly and calmly. Lucien noticed with satisfaction.

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