FOREVER KNIGHTS: #13 Salvaging Souls

Chapter LUCIEN - In My Trap

Wanted Man Tavern, Lighthouse Village, Isle of Wight


The tavern owner’s daughter, Jeresine, approached hesitantly. “Will ye be needin’ a room for the lady?”

Not tonight.

“Nay, Jeresine. As you’re out of chambers…she-”

“We do have-” Jeresine began but was cut off by Lucien clearing his throat.

Not tonight you don’t. He gave her a long look to convey the message. He pulled Mera in under his arm as he walked past her. You’ll stay right where I can keep an eye on you.

She was stiff next to him, almost stomping.

“Can share mine.” He finished with delight.

When Meralee would have locked heels, he urged her on. Walking close to her with a hand at her lower back to fight her resistance.

He leaned over and whispered to her. “If you don’t keep moving forward, I’ll be delivering a hearty whack to that pretty behind of yours…And I will enjoy it. And all these men staring at you like you’re a berry ripe for the plucking will be whooping for me to partake of your delights.” He gave her bosom a meaningful glance.

“Oh, I assure you.” Her tone had a warning note. “You wouldn’t find any efforts delightful.” Her steady look revealed she wasn’t bluffing.

What would you do? He was curious.

Because I most certainly am not bluffing. His hand started to slip down her back and he might just as well have taken a pitchfork to her rear because she spurred forward. He guided her expertly up to his room.

Once the chamber door closed behind her, her shoulders slumped. Despite all her bravado, she knows she’s defeated tonight.

“A merry chase you’ve led my comrades on, My Lady.” He watched her hungrily, as she rubbed her arms against the chill in the chamber. In the darkness, with only the dim glow from the firelight, her hair looked like rich brown satin.

She jerked her arm from Lucien’s grip. “I’m not some plaything to bend to the whims of any man!”

Oh, that much is obvious!

“I don’t believe you’d be any man’s…” He eyed her meaningfully from her toes to those dark tresses. “Whim.”

But plaything…What a joyful game you’d be!

She gritted her teeth. Venom in her eyes at his bold perusal. She tossed her head like a defiant mare.

And she’s likely just as dangerous.

“Now that you have me, My Lord, what do you intend to do with me?” Her stance and her blatantly challenging look were nearly irresistible.

She knows what manner of filth I’ve been thinking. Smart girl.

“What would you allow me to do?” He took a step nearer. Lips twitching irrepressibly when he saw her jaw lock and eyes flash with rage. He moved in another step.

I’m nearly close enough.

Abruptly she took a step closer meeting him.

His amber eyes widened in surprise.

Without hesitation, she hit him in the relaxed muscles of his gut with as much force as her small fist allowed.

Should’ve seen that coming! Doubled over he gasped. Chuckling in-between haggard breaths.

Her eyes narrowed, and her mouth tightened at his laughter.

Meralee refused to speak to him further despite his multiple attempts. When she gave him nothing more than her back, he finally sighed and prepared to go to bed.

“Come lay next to me.” He directed as he tugged his shirt off and went to work removing his boots.

She shot him a dubious look.

“You can do so by choice or I can bind you to me.”

Your choice. He saw her feet in his peripheral and felt her steady gaze.

Are we going to kick me in the face now? He straightened to look at her levelly.

They exchanged a long look.

Yes, I mean it. Don’t test me. His solid gaze warned her.

Finally screeching, she violently kicked off her shoes and reluctantly moved to the bed to lay stiffly next to him. Rigid on the bed, fully clothed, and with her palms crossed over her stomach.

Utterly ridiculous. He looked at her as he crawled under the coverlets.

His lips twitching. “You look fit to receive your funeral rights.”

“Good. I feel like it.”

One of the only women in Ardae who’d be complaining laying next to me.

His teeth flashed. “Most women enjoy my company.”

“Most women lack wit.”

He chortled. “Relax. You’re exhausted.”

I’m not going to touch you unless you ask.

Never in my life, have I forced a woman. Nor would I.

“Relax?” She snorted. “I’m fit to fight. Not to ease.”

Easily remedied. He was eyeing her lovely figure as she stared at the ceiling. Doing her damnedest to ignore my very existence. Charming.

“Would you like some help?” He twisted to lean over her to give her a meaningful look.

She responded with a venomous glare. Blinking those chocolate eyes.

Well, that’s a no. Lucien rolled away from her and tucked his free hand under his opposing elbow where she couldn’t so readily see it. Twirling a finger sent the dark gray whorls jutting out from under the pillow to spiral over his head and sprinkle along her side.

He didn’t move until hearing the deepening of her breaths indicating she slept. You’ll not escape me as handily as you have the others.

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