FOREVER KNIGHTS: #13 Salvaging Souls

Chapter DERAGAN - A Wedding Dress

Rosewynn Manor, Outside Meadowbrook, Grier Country


Lingering in the sanctuary of the Manor, Nora was more cautious.

Ever since the Targue attacked the boys. Deragan knew.

William had been badly injured. And was still healing.

And she’s blaming herself again. He sighed. Standing at his window and watching the first flakes of the late winter began their soft trek.

She was downstairs now drinking hot chocolate by the fire but he feared that were he to join her, she’d leave.

Avoiding my company as she’s done since she realized that I am both The Voice and the phantom watching over her.

Something she seems disinclined to either forgive me for being or for not telling her. Not sure which.

His keen ears caught the sound of her soft step trailing the stairwell. He hoped a peace offering would be well-received instead of rejected.

Offering more answers, seems the only way to soothe her just now.

Entering her room Nora gasped. Laid out on her bed was a flawless cream satin gown. Opalescent beading adorned the corset with a lacy film topping the bodice. Long billowing sleeves were drawn to the side of it, as if someone lay on her bed. Those slim sheaths veered into ruffled cuffs. The skirt was so fine it appeared layers of spider webbing stitched together. Occasional sequins flecked the hem, so it’d sparkle as one moved.

“Do you like it?” He was leaned against the door jam.

“It’s breathtaking.” She lifted it in awe. Fingering the filmy skirts.

“Yes, it was.”

When you wore it on our wedding day.

Brow furrowing she lowered the dress enough to peer at him over it. “Are-are you saying that you-” She swallowed convulsively. “saw me in this?”

“I did.” He lowered his head in acknowledgement.

“On a wedding day?”

“On our wedding day.”

“When I…Married you?” She hesitated. Looking befuddled.

“Yes, ma’am.” He launched off the doorframe and walked to her. Offering her his long graceful fingered hand. “Would you like to see?”

“S-see?” She stared at his hand as though it were a quiller.

“Mmmhmm.” He offered her a lopsided smile.

She hesitantly took his hand. Instantly assailed by visions of herself smiling widely and murmuring graciously to strangers. Nora drew a quick breath and teetered backward.

He held her fast. Keeping her from falling over.

She saw herself walking between aisles of pews toward the largest stained glass window she’d ever beheld. Eyes falling, she searched for the face awaiting her at the end of the carpeted lane.

Shining black hair was smoothed back from the handsome face. Dark blue eyes glittered with joy as they traced her movements. Beckoning lips twitched. Making the shadow of dimples appear in his cheeks.

Stepping onto the raised dais she faced him. Everything else vanishing as she met that gaze.

Then gasping, her eyes snapped open. She was in the present again. Staring at a dress she’d never seen before, but somehow remembered…

‘The Book of Immortals’ dangled heavily from Nora’s hand. Sitting on the stone bench outside bordering the burbling fountain. She flopped the volume on her knees. Thumbing through, she found the section discussing the ‘Watchers’.

Deragan’s shadow suddenly loomed over her.

Flipping through the pages until finding the section depicting The Fallen, the Bringers of Dawn, and the Watchers.

Watchers were the angels closest to man, tasked with safeguarding their souls when possible. Great advocates of man they were a breed of lower angels known for deep empathy and love of other beings. Able to mold the constraints of time they could see the future, view events occurring in parallel time slots. Together they’d molded the bodies of humans to possess superior abilities and be fiercely loyal to the Fallen. The Watchers planted the children in generations close to the Fallen; their souls would trail her ripple of lives.

Then they came.

“When came The Fallen, close behind the Watchers trickled to man’s land to wage war amongst man from the shadows within. Once grounded they’d be drawn to follow the Fallen without any understanding.”

Putting the book down she pondered what it said. So many warriors but rules bound them making overcoming the Cimmerii impossible.

How was she supposed to know who the Watchers were?

And the Bringers of Dawn? She had no idea who they were and according to the book...neither did they. She thumped the book to her forehead.

Jerking as something rubbed against her arm she looked down at a white cat blinking large green eyes at her. Purring it nuzzled her sliding against her as it arched its back. As its meow echoed Nora looked to the side of her and saw two more felines. Feeling her hair move she craned her head to see a kitten batting the length of hair resting over her shoulder. Feeling a nudge on her foot she looked down and saw a vivid orange fox curling around it lovingly. His furred white tail rested over his nose and round dark eyes stared up at her.

For the first time in the last hour she looked around. Rabbits stood in the treeline. A doe with her fawn peered at Nora from the trees. Birds haunted every tree. Looking up at one of them screeched down at her. Hearing an echoing noise from a large bird she rolled her head back and saw this bird watching her with eyes that seemed human. A hawk far bigger than any she’d seen before. Feeling her skin prickling she was overwhelmed by a tidal wave of energy it generated.

“You’re one of them aren’t you?” She called up to it.

Ruffling its feathers it raised its head to stare forward.

It was a Forever Knight. As surely as she breathed.

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