FOREVER KNIGHTS: #12 Primal Intent

Chapter What Rhyers Said

“He said that you need your rest to be whole and to do what you do. And too often you run yourself too far down before sleeping.”

Bast half shrugged. Rolling his eyes. Likely.

“You don’t think so.”

“I just don’t see another option.”

She was chewing her lip very hard this afternoon. She reached out and thoughtfully took his hand. Turning it palm up in hers as she inspected it with a tracing fingertip. “I think that as much as you disdain the title of Great Protector, you take the role very seriously.”

He grunted acknowledgingly. Very careful to not move his hand in her grip. Despite that her delicate touch might as well have been directly on his manhood, the effect it was having on him.

Everything she does gets a rise out of me. He was aware.

“But you can’t save all of Ardae yourself.”

What? Did she say something? He drug his mind off the ripples of desire rolling through him. The heat wafting from her touch into his hand. He groaned.

“I’m not trying to save Ardae.” He shook his head. Trying to dismiss the blur of lust fuzzing his mind. “I’m just trying to protect them so they can.”

“Insightful.” She leaned over to fold his hand over his middle on the blanket and set it down. Rising in a swish of skirts to go.

“No, you don’t.” He caught her wrist with the speed of a serpent striking.

She cast a blue-eyed look over her shoulder.

“Don’t pretend…” He shook his head. “You know what you do to me. You knew what touching me would do. And I think you incited me because…”

He saw on her face she’d deny it. So, he loosened his grip on her wrist. Sliding it down to tilt her hand palm up. Caressing his own fingers softly along it and down to the tip of her middle finger. Hearing the flutter of her heart.

“Well, if you do…You know where to find me.” He released her. Dropping his hand back to the bed and averting his attention to the low ceiling above him to keep him from stopping her.

But to his surprise she turned near the foot of the brass bed. Reaching out to grab the bottom of the blanket. Fisting it and sliding it down the length of the bed.

Exposing his bare torso and lower.

Apparently, she undressed me. He realized. Following her eyeline as the blanket fell away. He met her look unashamed by what she saw.

She leaned over the foot of the bed and gripped his shins, sliding her hands up toward his knees and over his thighs as she crawled onto the bed between his ankles.

Oh? His gaze was fixated on her. Intriguing…

As she crawled over his chest his arms wrapped her. Feeling her heat molding over him.

Bast…Acharius’ voice.

No! Not now.

Elsabet was kissing him deeply when he stilled.

Give me a few hours. He told Acharius.

I need Rhyers. Acharius returned. To watch the caves.

Bast sighed.

“What are you doing?” Elsabet asked. “Don’t you dare leave!” She glared at him.

Rhyers can’t come. I’ll send you Mardichi.

That’ll do. Acharius responded.

“Are you jesting?” Elsabet was blinking at him.

“Ssh.” He put a finger to her lips and trailed it over her bottom lip. It didn’t make her glower abate.

She stood and glowered down at him a moment before sweeping out in a huff.

Bast groaned.

Sons-of-bitches. His brethren seemed to have a knack for sensing the worst time possible to need him.

He lifted what remained of the bedding to confirm his manhood was in no state of waning. He growled in frustration as he drug palms down his face.

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