FOREVER KNIGHTS: #12 Primal Intent

Chapter Nora's Rain

I’m just as surprised as you are.

Bast gestured to Lily’s back as she went to the kitchen. “Probably that.”

The fey women?

Nora’s jealousy would summon the rain but she’d have no reason to be.

“Nothing is going on there.” He said decisively.

“Does she know that?”

Not this early on. It’s unlikely.

“No.” Deragan admitted.

Point made Bast turned and headed back toward the kitchen. “I’m going to go help them.” He flashed a grin.

“Careful.” Deragan warned. “Their mother is not fond of you.”

Bast’s smile grew wider. “That’s because the daughters are.”

He plans to taunt Bronwynn.

Fun for him, no doubt, since even she is not immune to him. Groaning Deragan shook his head.

Only my Fallen and his valkyrie can resist him.

Nora moved from the wall toward the stairs. A confused look on her face but a motion from the other kitchen doorway drew her attention.

It was Bast. Poking his head around to give her a quick wink. Gone just as fast.

A giggle escaped Nora at his teasing. Making it obvious he’d had the conversation for her benefit. Eliciting the answers she hungered to know. Rounding on her heel she reentered the Dining Room.

“It’s beautiful, is not it?” He said quickly gesturing to the window.

Does she know she’s doing it?

“Strange would be more the word.” She laughed nervously. “It should be snowing.”

Yes, it should be. If it were nature’s doing.

“Late winter this year.” He dismissed.

“Not in Meadowbrook.” She countered. “Just out here.”

Because you’re here.

He shrugged. “Some people believe that when rain falls it’s the tears of angels.”

“Do you believe that?”

With every fiber of my being.

“Of course.”

“You believe in angels?” She asked with a tinge of skepticism.

I believe in you. So subsequently, I must believe in all of them.

I believe my own eyes. He looked away abruptly. Hearing the quiver to his voice as he continued. “I believe in them more strongly than in people. They’re more pure.”

Whole and good hearted. And filled with love.

“What do you mean?” She leaned forward curious.

How could I even begin to explain it to her when she doesn’t yet know.

His throat worked. “You don’t think they’re somehow among us?”


“You could be one.” He said softly. “Perhaps I could be…”

Though I’m not.

She laughed roughly. “I’m no angel. I’ve made too many mistakes.”

Like falling for us in Billar. His chest tightened. But had you not. I’d never have known you were there. Carefully watching over me all the while.

“You don’t think angels make mistakes?” He persisted.

“No. They’re supposed to be perfect, beautiful creatures.”

Supposed to be. But they’re still flawed. Still have fears, longings. Otherwise they couldn’t wear mortal skin and walk among us.

“You’ve taken care of your brothers and sister for how many years now?” He pressed on. “You patiently calm your hotheaded brothers. You’ve sacrificed being a child yourself to help look after your siblings. Aren’t those actions fairly perfect in their intent.”

She reared back startled. “I-I” She stuttered searching for words. Swallowing with much difficulty. “But I got them in this mess!” She gestured around them.

It’s not a mess. It’s our home.

You’ll see.

“It’s not so bad?” He worked to hide the wounded note in his voice.

“Not at all. It’s getting more beautiful every day. I merely meant we were thrown from our home because of me.”

Because you told Worthington no.

“That’s Simon Worthington’s fault. I’ve only been here awhile, and even I’ve gathered that much.”

She gave him a teary-eyed look.

Don’t cry. I wasn’t trying to cause you pain. He gave her a sympathetic look.

“Eventually his time will come.” Deragan said with great conviction. “And Worthington will pay for what he’s done to us-you.” He corrected quickly. Seeing her befuddled look, he added teasingly. “Your brothers will probably see to that.”

They won’t have a chance before I do. He vowed.

“Don’t say that!” She groaned as she rolled her eyes. But their was humor in her gaze. “How do you know so much?”

“I see a lot of things.” He paused. Setting his penetrating study on her so intently she shifted uncomfortably. “I see you.”

She finally rose, nervously. “Well I better get some sleep. You should too.” Realizing it may’ve sounded like an invitation, her eyes widened. “I did not mean to-I meant. Goodnight.”

She left quickly.

A smile teased his lips as he turned to watch her go. A shame…

Next to him the fire seemed to sigh before abruptly dousing. Darkening the room. His eyes flared glowing blue. “Soon, My Love…”

We’ll be together again.

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