Forever Golden: Dark High School Bully Romance (Kings of Cypress Pointe Book 3)

Forever Golden: Chapter 39


Winning a game doesn’t hold much weight when it feels like I’m losing at everything else.

I’m squeezed tight and lifted a few inches off the ground when a teammate attacks me with a bearhug. The team, like the crowd, is going crazy as we claim another victory and maintain our undefeated record.

Meanwhile, I’m forcing a smile that’s almost painful.

Ricky’s in the crowd like he’s been for every game. Mike and Scar came, too. I’m starting to get used to seeing him here, so I suppose his persistence is working. Honestly, I haven’t seen Scar this happy in a long time. It seems that having Mike back has dulled the sting of losing Shane. And I can’t lie and say having him around hasn’t brought me some measure of peace. He arranged his new work schedule to be off in time to get Scar from school. That’s been so much easier than having to find places for her to go, so she was never left alone. He cooks or buys dinner every night, helps her with homework, and hangs out with her before bed. Plus, with his background in law enforcement, he’s probably the best person to keep an eye on her.

God, I can’t believe I just said that.

Nor can I believe that having him home has me rethinking the decision to send Scar to Virginia. I’ve been on the fence about it anyway, which is why I haven’t bothered returning the school enrollment paperwork. Not to mention, now that Mike’s alert and sober, I’d have to fight him tooth and nail to get Scar out of here.

With little more to say to my team than the occasional “good game,” I shower, change and begrudgingly head out to the parking lot. No surprise visit from West this time, because there’s another plan in place tonight.

One that’s got me feeling more down than anything else thus far.

One that has me wanting to say fuck this whole idea because… I just can’t.

However, I know my feelings have very little to do with any of this. The whole thing has been about doing what’s best for my sister, and the other girls this could possibly save down the line. It’s so much bigger than me, so I suck it up, grab my things, shrug into my coat, then head to my car.

As planned, Ricky’s parked beside me, but he’s not inside his ride because he’s leaning against the trunk of mine. He smiles when he spots me and I do the same, but mine is fake. Not because I’m not happy to see him, but because I can’t help but wish there was someone else waiting here for me.

“Killed it on the court as usual.”

“Thanks.” My smile broadens because there are enough people still waiting in this lot that I’m certain at least one of them has their phone out to be the next Pandora informant. They’ve been eating up all the curated drama me, West, and Ricky have cooked up. It’s the love triangle that’s turned Cypress Pointe on its head.

I step closer and rest against the hood beside him. Hugging myself inside my jacket for warmth.

“So, what’s next? We just wait here for him to show up?”

“Yep,” I answer with a nod. “And Joss suggested that we find a posture that says, ‘I’d fuck you if no one was watching’.”

He laughs, likely not expecting those words to leave my mouth, but they’re not my own.

“Wow. That’s pretty direct.”

I nod. “Sure is.”

There’s an awkward moment while we just stand there, maybe trying to figure out what that looks like exactly. But then, Ricky has an idea.

“Come here.”

I glance his way when he speaks, letting him draw me closer by my hand. I’m facing him again and he brings me to stand between his knees. Then, he slides both hands inside the pockets of my jacket, lacing his fingers with mine.

“This feel about right?”

There’s an awkward tension between us that makes me want to let go, but I can’t. This is great for optics. However, even though this whole thing was West’s idea, I can’t help but to feel horrible standing so close to Ricky. Letting him hold me like I’m still his. Maybe it’s a bit more intense because of our history, but I find myself super uncomfortable as we wait.

He keeps the conversation light—filling me in on how Shane’s adjusting in Puerto Rico. And every now and then, I toss my head back and laugh, making it look as though we’re talking about something far more interesting.

Far more intimate.

We keep it up for about five solid minutes before the screeching of tires signals our next cue. I spin toward the sound, releasing Ricky’s hands, and meet West’s furious glare through his windshield. Yes, he’s acting, but some of that fury is real. I feel it even from here.

“This is what the fuck you wanna do?” He climbs out of the car, yelling these angry words while storming toward me and Ricky.

“West, we were just talking,” I insist. “You overreact about everything.

“Honestly, at this point, who even gives a fuck? If you want to forever be southside trash, fucking around with assholes like this, be my guest,” he scoffs. “In fact, to show you I’m not upset, how about I send you two a pair of tickets to one of my games once I’m drafted?”

There’s the cocky asshole I know and love. And here I was, thinking he’d forgotten how to be a douchebag.

We’re drawing a crowd. Good. At least all this effort won’t be for nothing.

I step away from the hood of my car and move closer to West. “Okay, so you’re done with me. Great. So, why are you here?”

Crossing both arms over my chest like a defiant child, I look him straight in the eyes.

He gives me a sweeping look that’s dripping with disgust. “Just letting you know to your face that this shit’s over. Also, you might want to keep in mind that bitches like you don’t make it far in my city.”

“Watch yourself, rich boy,” Ricky rasps from behind me, sounding menacingly calm.

“Fuck you,” West snaps.

All of a sudden, both are walking toward the other and I’m in the middle.

“Wanna say that shit again?”

“Fuck. You,” West repeats slowly. There’s a challenge in his eyes and it’s clear these two are drawing on their sketchy history to sell this. And based on how the gathering crowd seems to be eating up the drama, they’re convincing more than just me.

Ricky’s fist clenches at his side and I place a hand on each one’s chest, pushing them apart.

“West, just… go!” I yell, holding his gaze. His nostrils flare with rage as he stares, saying so much with his eyes, but I know his heart.

He volleys a look between Ricky and me, then backs off.

“Fuck you both,” he says, “and I hope he dumps your ass for the next hood rat.”

I keep my eyes trained on him until he’s back in his car, and then tears out of the parking lot. We’ve got everyone’s attention, which is good and bad all at once. Good for obvious reasons. Bad because, in the blink of an eye… I just became the girl who broke the heart of this city’s golden boy.

@QweenPandora: RIP NewGirl & KingMidas

That. Was. Brutal.

If you missed the drama, the short version is that KingMidas finally pulled the plug on his and NewGirl’s relationship. Let’s be honest, though. It’s been on life support for weeks now. Maybe if they’d gotten off to a healthier start, there may have been something to hold onto, but perhaps this breakup is for the best?

It seems it’s NewGirl and SeXyBeAsT for now, but who knows how long that’ll last.

Been there, done that, failed once before.

Guess we’ll be watching this train wreck play out together.

Later, Peeps.


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