Forced into Fantasy

Chapter 28 - Vipra


I always thought that I’d seen everything throughout my reign as Overlord… but apparently I was wrong.

I’m still having difficulty wrapping my head around the whole concept of this Misandra woman being physically trapped inside of a mystical map for centuries, which let’s be honest, makes no sense whatsoever.

Both Zarkin and I wait patiently as we go over several strategic plans to attack Ronaar and his men once Ivy has been located. I can only hope that she is safe and unharmed.

If that bastard lays so much as a finger on her, I’ll fucking kill him!

The truth is, I’m done playing nice. It’s time for the darker, more merciless side of me to take the reins and lead us into battle. Time for my enemies to feel my terrible wrath as it rains down upon them with chaos and destruction.

I want to feel Ronaar’s warm blood coating my hands, sliding down through the gaps between each of my fingers as I intentionally draw his last moments out to ensure that he dies by my hands.

I will make him suffer for what he has done.

“I’ve done it!” I suddenly hear Misandra’s excited voice call out from the other side of the chamber. “I’ve located her.”

Within the fraction of a second, both Zarkin and I are leaning over the large map staring down at the now glowing section that wasn’t there before.

“It took a little longer than expected.” Misandra explained, “It appears that whoever took her is quite powerful and wise enough to have cloaked their essence trail.”

My eyes peer down to find the nearest formation to this newest location and suddenly fixate on the Crest Mountain Ranges.

The ranges are quite large and span for several hundred miles in either direction. Not only that but they are filled with jagged rocks and incredibly high up, some reaching into the clouds above.

“Sire, if this is accurate Ivy is almost four hundred miles North-West of here. The trip alone would take us several days on horseback-“ Zarkin pointed out.

I quickly cut in with a sinister grin.

“No, I have a better idea…” I announce, “Come with me.”

Zarkin followed along after me all the way through the castle until we finally reached the outside field filled with dying brown grass and dirt.

“My lord, why are we out here?” Zarkin questions me.

I reach into my pocket and pull out a small silver whistle. Lifting it up to rest between my lips, I take a deep breath in and then blow into it with everything I have until my lungs are completely empty.

But there is no sound.

Zarkin looks puzzled as he stands watching me in confusion.

“Perhaps it’s broken?” he suggests innocently with a shrug of his shoulders.

I chuckle, pocketing the whistle once more as I meet his eyes and decide to explain a little more. He deserves as much.

“It’s a summoning whistle.” I explain casually. “I only use it on rare occasions. It summons Vipra, my dragon.”

Zarkin’s eyes go wide upon hearing this.

Your dragon? You mean you have control over one?”

“Yes. I’ve raised him ever since he was a tiny hatchling. Vipra is loyal to me, and me alone.” I explain.

“That’s incredible!” Zarkin admits.

The bellowing roar slices through the air in a thunderous rage as the beast approaches us from above. We both look up but are unable to sight him amidst the wall of fluffy clouds coating the skies.

“Are you sure summoning a dragon is a good idea, my lord? Zarkin speaks softly, never once breaking his gaze from the skies above us.

“Relax Zarkin…” I try to reassure him, “Just remember to breathe and remain calm. He can sense fear. If you remain calm everything will be fine.”

Suddenly a massive shadow loomed over them as the giant creature began to descend slowly towards the field, with the intention of landing. His giant red wings flapped strongly in the wind and soon after his long, black claws had touched down with an echoing ‘thud’ which caused the ground to tremble.

Zarkin worked hard to mask his fear, though it seemed a lot more difficult than he thought it would be. He had never been this close to a dragon before!

The creature was enormous, at over fifty feet in length from his horned head to the tip of his spiked tail, Vipra was covered in shimmering crimson scales and spikes!

Two large black horns protruded from the top of his head and his massive glowing eyes were a bright yellow mixed with hues of orange and red.

I decide to get his attention.

“Vipra!” I command, causing the creature to move his glowing yellow eyes toward me now.

I hold out my hand with my palm facing upwards and then lift my hand. It is a signal that I have trained him with practically his entire life. And almost immediately Vipra’s claw moves down towards where Zarkin and I are standing. It pauses right beside us allowing us to climb up onto it.

Zarkin watches as I climb up onto the red-scaled claw with a baffled frown.

“Wait, what are you doing?” he calls out.

I turn back to face him.

“You said it yourself, it will take several days for us to travel to Ivy’s location on horseback. Believe me when I tell you that this will be a lot quicker.” I explain. “So, are you coming?”

His confusion shows more prominently now, confusion mixed with fear. He seems to think it over to himself silently for a moment before eventually letting out a large sigh and following me up onto Vipra’s claw.

“I must be insane.” he joked. “Never in my wildest dreams would I have believed that I’d one day be riding on a dragon.”

I chuckle to myself.

Vipra lifts his claw up towards the back of his neck, with us safely hidden inside. His claw is now open and I lead Zarkin out onto the scaley spine-covered neck.

When we are comfortable with our positioning at the base of his neck, the two of us sit down and grasp a spine firmly as the giant begins to flap his wings and take flight.

The ground begins to vanish with each incredible flap of Vipra’s wings, becoming smaller and smaller as we ascend into the sky.

I glance back to see how Zarkin is faring and notice he has his eyes closed, a frown causing wrinkled lines to form across his face as he holds onto the spine for dear life.

I remember myself in his place so many years ago, when I was first brave enough to ride Vipra. The truth is, riding a dragon is unlike any other experience that I have had before. Nothing compares to it, not even in the slightest.

The thrill, the adrenalin rush and best of all, the sights.

Before too long we are swiftly soaring through the air headed in a North-Westerly direction. We are on our way to locate and rescue Ivy.

I just hope that I am not too late.


I’m sitting down on the cold stone floor with my wrists shackled behind my back and chained to the large wall behind me. Since waking almost an hour ago, I have been bored out of my mind and incredibly uncomfortable having been seated in such a position. Not only that, but it’s actually quite cold in this extremely dark room.

I’m wearing nothing but a thin white nightgown which comes down to my feet. Luckily it has long sleeves for me to keep my arms warm. My gown has various stains all over it as I casually glance downwards to inspect it out of sheer boredom.

‘Where the hell is Adomis?’

‘What’s taking him so long?’

I long to be held in the warm embrace of his muscular arms, to have his lips consume mine in one of his possessive kisses. I’ve never craved someone like this before; it’s as if I will die without him. I feel like an addict going through withdrawals and its horrible.

Suddenly the wooden door opens to reveal Ronaar yet again, only this time he is balancing a tray with something on it. My taste buds begin to dance as I try to remember the last time I ate anything. I’m starving hungry.

“I thought you might like something to eat.” Ronaar announces as he comes to sit down on the ground in front of me.

He places the tray between us, on the floor and I begin to inspect what it contains.

I see a bread roll, a bowl of some kind of soup which appears hot and something else I can’t quite identify. A strange fruit perhaps? Who knows.

Normally I would lunge forward and begin feasting, but with my hands shackled behind me I am unable to move. All I can do is sit there and stare at the delightful food in front of me. I feel my stomach rumbling loudly; so loud I know that Ronaar has heard it.

“So, what would you like to eat first?” he surprises me with this question and I frown as I respond.


“Go ahead and choose what you’d like to start off with and I’ll feed it to you.”

“I don’t need your help to eat, Ronaar. Unshackle my wrists and I can feed myself, I’m not a child.” I insist.

He shakes his head slowly from side to side.

“I’m afraid I can’t do that, my dear. You and I both know that you would attempt to escape if you were released from your restraints, and I can’t have you running off on me. Besides, we’ll be leaving again shortly.”

“Where are you taking me now?” I ask with a disapproving frown.

“That’s not your concern.” he responds quickly.

I let out a defiant huff and look down at the tray of food. I decide to play along for now, I need to eat something and get my strength back if I am to possibly escape this mad-man.

“The soup.” I announce softly.

“Good idea. Best to eat it while it’s hot.” he agrees.

Ronaar shuffles closer to where I am sitting, sliding the tray across with him. I watch him fill the spoon with the delicious smelling liquid and then bring it up to my waiting mouth.

I consume it quickly. It tastes incredible as the warm soup travels down the length of my throat and soon after I am desperate for more. And Ronaar is only happy to oblige, scooping up another spoonful and lifting it to my lips.

It takes around ten minutes for me to finish everything and afterwards I feel pleasantly satisfied.

Ronaar pulls himself up to stand, carrying the tray with the empty bowl and spoon balanced on it as he makes his way out of the room and closes the door behind him.

Once again, I am left alone in the darkness with nothing but my thoughts to keep me company…

I can only hope that Adomis will find me soon.

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