Forbidden Queen

Chapter Chapter One – Black Moon Pack


As I walk past my father’s office, I hear him shouting, followed by the crash of objects being thrown, and glass smashing. I sigh and decide to get out of the pack house as quickly as I can before things get any worse. I don’t want to be in the firing line when my father is in one of his rages.

My father is a cold man. Normally in full control of his emotions. He prides himself on his ability to make rational decisions and see the opportunities in every situation. But when he does fall into one of his murderous rages it is all consuming. They can last for hours, and sometimes days, and anyone he encounters is in danger. He will lash out, at anyone unlucky enough to get in his way. And if you are the reason for his anger, you will be lucky to escape with your life.

I pitied whoever had made him this angry, but I wasn’t going to hang around to find out who it was. I was going to get as far away as I could. I would walk down to the lake and stay there for as long as possible, at least I had brought a good book to read.

Fortunately, my father was unlikely to miss me, I am not important to him. I don’t think he loves me; he certainly doesn’t show me any affection. I am unimportant, his second child and worst of all - female.

My father loves my brother he is his heir, the future Alpha. They are always together, as my father makes John into the kind of Alpha he needs to be. Strong, clever and when required cruel.

I on the other hand spend little time with either of them. I am sure at some point my father will find a use for me. I will be expected to mate with a wolf of his choosing, for political gain. In the same way that he was mated to my mother. He will choose another Alpha, someone who will bring money and warriors to help him win his next war with the Royal Pack.

For the moment though I am pretty much left to my own devices. I help at the healer’s clinic. I spend time in the forest running in my wolf form, and I read a lot.

I am an unusual kind of wolf. For this pack anyway. I don’t enjoy pack events and would rather be alone than spend time with the other wolves. I am not interested in fighting, and I find the constant bullying of the weaker wolves in the pack cruel.

It only takes me ten minutes to reach the lake. I settle in my usual spot and pull out my book. I manage to spend two hours happily reading, until I am interrupted by my father’s Beta, Charles.

“Anna, your father needs you. He is waiting for you in his office”

I nod and follow him back to the packhouse. I can feel butterflies fluttering in my stomach, as nerves take hold. Being in my father’s company is never easy and I wonder what he wants from me.

As we near his office, I notice that the shouting and banging that I heard earlier has stopped. He must have calmed down. I start to hope that this meeting won’t be as bad as I had been fearing.

Charles knocks on the door, and my father barks “enter.”

When we walk in, I see that he is sitting behind his desk. His gamma stands next to him. In front of him are two wolves I have never seen before. They are dirty and dishevelled, with blood stains on their clothes.

As usual my father doesn’t bother to say hello or ask how I am.

“Anna, this is Jordan, son of the Alpha of the Lunar Eclipse pack and one of his warriors” my father tells me. “They have been forced to flee from their pack and have come here seeking my protection. The Alpha’s eldest son has killed his father and taken over the pack, killing many of their warriors in the process. I have offered asylum to Jordan and have promised that in time I will help him to overthrow his brother and establish him as the rightful Alpha of his pack.

I want you to take him to the guest room and help him get settled in, he will be our guest for a while.”

“I will get someone to take your packmate to the warriors’ quarters” he tells Jordan.

With that he dismisses us.

I take Jordan to the guest room. “I am sorry to hear about the murder of your father. It must be terrible to lose him, and to know that your own brother is the one who is responsible” I say with sympathy.

“Yes, it is. I was very close to my father. Alex had been away for two years, and when he came back, he was different, harsher, and more ambitious, but I never thought he would stoop to killing my father” he says pitifully.

I feel so sorry for him. I am not close to my father, but I am sure I would feel terrible if he was to die.

“My father will help you avenge your him and reclaim your pack. It is not a promise that he would make lightly, and once he sets his mind to something he always succeeds.” I say hoping that my words will comfort him.

“I am counting on it” he replies.

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