Forbidden Queen

Chapter Chapter Fifteen - Quiet Before the Storm


“How is Daniel getting on with our prisoner” Alex asks me.

“Good, I think. Although she is more to him than just a prisoner” I reply.

“She is his mate?” Alex asks incredulously. “He finds her out here in the middle of nowhere””


“Well that makes it difficult. We don’t know who she is or if she is trustworthy. She could be a spy or an assassin.

“I doubt that she is an assassin, and she wouldn’t make a good spy, with such an unconvincing story.”

“Nevertheless, we can’t trust her. Remember Carl.”

“I am hardly likely to forget him” I say as Alex pulls me in to his arms. I know that we can’t just trust her, but my gut tells me she does not mean us any harm, and it would be nice for one of us to have an uncomplicated mate bond” I tell him with a sigh.

“It all worked out for us in the end, hopefully it will for them too. Anyway, having an extra healer will be useful, and it may be the best way for her to prove herself.

“How so?”

“Nothing specific, it is just that we are getting closer to the Black Moon pack lands, if they are going to attack us now would be the best time to do it.”

I can tell that there is more, that he is concealing something from me. I know that he is trying to protect me, but when he acts like this it can be so frustrating.

“Alex if there is a credible threat, you need to tell me about it, I can’t be protected from danger, I need to play my role as queen” I tell him firmly.

“I know but I hate to worry you unnecessarily - nothing might happen.

“And as your mate I love that you want to keep me safe, but as your queen I need to know. I cannot learn to rule if you hide every possible danger, we may face from me. I have already survived being kidnapped by Carl, I proved then that I wasn’t weak.”

“Our spies have reported that Lucius is sending out patrols of warriors, they are closer to us than we expected. We are not sure if they are searching for us, or if they find us that they will launch an attack, but we have to be prepared.”

I nod. “What preparations are we taking?”

“I have beefed up our own patrols, increased the number of sentries posted around the camp each night. Our warriors are already training hard so there has been no need to intensify their training. Now we just wait. We have five more days before we reach the Royal kingdom. If Lucius is going to attack, he needs to do it soon.”

I nod. We have been expecting this. The warriors may not need extra training, but I do. I will ask Joseph to extend our sessions. Even if it is only for an extra hour, it will help. I am not going to be helpless when they come.


It has been amazing travelling with the healers. I have spent the last three days in their ambulance, learning about the equipment and medication they use. There have been no major illnesses or battle wounds to heal but they have had to treat a few accidental injuries such as broken bones, which they have allowed me to help with. I would love to be able to stay with them once this journey ends and train to be a true healer.

Daniel stays with me all the time he is taking his role as my guard seriously. He doesn’t say much, he just watches me. He hasn’t tried to question me again about my past and where I come from, but I know his silence won’t last forever.

Today is the first time he has left me alone with the healers. Alex and Joseph have scheduled a meeting with all the warriors from the Royal and Lunar Eclipse Packs. Daniel is attending but he won’t tell me what it is about.

When he returns his face is sombre, and I can tell that whatever the meeting was about was serious. I don’t have to wait long to find out what they discussed because the first thing he does is tell Simon and Diane.

“We need to be ready for an attack. The scouts have spotted bands of warriors close by. We can’t be sure that they are intending to attack us, but we need to be prepared.”

“Of course,” Diane says as she starts to move around the ambulance, pulling out equipment. “Anna, you will be responsible for treating the more minor injuries. Simon and I will take care of the most seriously wounded.

I wonder if the warriors who have been spotted are from my father’s pack and if they are preparing to attack the convoy or if they are still looking for me. Neither would be good. I risk being exposed, and I don’t want any of these wolves to be hurt because my father is determined to get me back.

I throw myself into helping Simon and Diane prepare for battle.

I notice that Daniel is looking at me closely. He must have sensed my worry. I just hope he puts it down to fear of being attacked.


Joseph and I have been trying to reason with Katy for almost an hour. Ever since she heard about the prospect of an imminent attack by Lucius’ warriors, she has been pushing to become involved. That is fine, as our queen she needs to be told about any possible threat we may face, and we are both happy for her to contribute to the planning. But one thing we will not do is allow her to join in with the fighting.

I will keep my mate safe at all costs. Nothing is more important. She is stubborn though and I watch her face set into a frown. It is a look I am beginning to get to know well. She is determined and she won’t listen to reason. Joseph tries to persuade her.

“Your highness” he says formally. “You cannot be involved in the fighting. You haven’t finished your training. You are not a strong enough fighter to tale on Lucius’ warriors. You have made great progress in the last few weeks, but a warrior trains for years. If you were to join the fight you risk being killed, seriously injured or captured by the enemy. These are the very outcomes that Lucius will be looking for from attacking us.”

“I don’t expect to be in the thick of the fighting I am not so naïve” she says stubbornly. I know that I will be no match for one of Lucius’ warriors. What I am not prepared to do though, is to be hidden away or to flee. Even if I cannot fight, I should be here, visible to our troops.”

“If you are then you will be a distraction, wolves could be killed because they will be determined to try and protect you” I tell her.

I can tell that she doesn’t like that idea. My mate doesn’t want to put anyone in danger for her sake. She still hasn’t gotten used to the fact that athe Royal Guards have all sworn an oath to protect her, and are determined, if necessary, to die for her.

“I won’t leave.”

“OK, but you will allow us to keep you safe.”

She nods, and I am relieved that we have won this battle.

“We will move you to a different tent, and make sure you are well guarded” Joseph tells her.

“Not too many guards, you will need them if there is an attack by the Black Moon pack. Anyway, if you assign too many warriors to protect me it will be obvious that they are hiding someone important. You would make me a target.”

“She has a point” I say to Joseph.

He grunts. I watch Katy smile, proud that she has won at least one argument.


It feels like the calm before the storm. The whole camp is on edge, we have prepared for an attack, but not knowing when it will take place, and how many warriors Lucius will throw at us has everyone feeling tense.

Katy has insisted on following her normal routine, training with Joseph, and eating dinner with a different group of warriors each night. She may have agreed to us providing her with protection, but she isn’t going to let us hide her away until the fighting starts.

I am frustrated with her, but I cannot help but be proud of how brave she is. She is determined to look after her subjects, even when all they want to do is protect her.

I normally leave her to sit with the warriors on her own. I know she likes to get to know them without me being there. They see having their queen share their meal with them as a privilege. Tonight, though I can’t. I want to be with her, if there is a battle this might be one of the last times that I get to be with her. I have no delusions about what fighting the Black Moon Pack will be like. They are brutal fighters, we may not win the battle, and even if we do there will still be many casualties.

She smiles when she sees me approaching her, and I can see that she wants to be with me tonight as much as I want to be with her.

“Derek is just telling me about his home in the Royal Pack” she says including me in their conversation. “When he isn’t on duty, he breeds horses.”

I watch the warrior blush. I can tell that she has already won him over. That he is flattered by her interest in him.

“Horses” I say sitting down next to Katy. “How may do you have?”

We will try and make tonight as normal as possible.

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