Forbidden Bonds

Chapter 7


Angela puts into a driveway. “We’re here,” she says softly.

“W…where are w…we?” Skye asks, shyly.

“This is Alpha’s best friend’s house. He’s here, I know it.” She walks up to the back door and begins to bang on it. “Kade!” she yells, “I know Sebastian is in there with you! Open the damn door!”

There’s a rumbling noise from inside and then the door opens. “For god’s sake, Angela!” a man yells, “Shut the fuck up!”

“Where is he?”

“Not here!”

“Don’t you lie to me, you dumbass!” She pulls Skye into the house with her. “Sebastian! I know you’re hiding here somewhere! Come out here and talk to your mate!”

Sebastian comes storming out of a room. “Angela!” he shouts, “Go away! Mind your own business for once!” Skye cowers behind Angela, trying to hide herself from her mate. Her mate’s gaze falls to her. “S…Skye?” he murmurs surprised, “What are you doing here?”

Skye whimpers softly in response, too frightened to speak. “She’s here to talk to you, you asshole,” Angela mumbles.

“I…I’m…I’m s…s…s…sorry!” Skye blurts out, “I d…didn’t m…mean t…to g…get k…knocked up b…by him! I h…hate h…him! I w…wish h…he w…was d…dead!”


His expression softens. “I’m sorry, I’m not exactly angry with you, to be honest I don’t know what I’m feeling right now.” He takes her hand and guides her to an empty room.

She sits down on the bed. “S…Sebby?” she whispers, “W…what’s g…going on? Y…you’re m…making me n…nervous.”

“I’m going to explain the history between Alpha Nathan and me,” he answers.


“So, Alpha Nathan is the reason my father is dead.” Skye looks at him horrified. “Our pack and the Nightingale Pack have been enemies for a long time. Alpha Nathan sought out a witch to help kill my father.” His hand grips onto the bedpost so hard, it turns white.

“T…that’s w…why you l…left a…after you r…realized I w…was your m…mate.”

“Yes, that’s right. I didn’t know how to feel about my mate being half witch. I still don’t know how to feel to be completely honest.”

She looks down at the floor. “I’ve n…never e…even m...met a w…witch b…before. I’m n…not f…fully a w…wolf b…because I c…can’t s…shift a…and I’m n…not f…fully a w…witch b…because, I d…don’t k…know how to c…control m…my magic.”

“You don’t fit into either category?”

Skye nods. “And s…since w…wolves a…and w…witches don’t g…get along, I w…was s…shunned by b..both.”

“My mother might have trouble accepting you, because…”

“Of my w…witch s…side? It’s o…okay. It’s n…nothing I’m n…not u…used to.” Her expression softens. “I u…understand, a w…witch is w…what k…killed h…her m…mate…”

“She just has to adapt, that’s what I’m trying and failing to do.”

“Could w…we g…go h…home?”

“Yeah, let’s go.” He takes her hand and leads her downstairs again. Angela raises her eyebrows at him. “Be quiet,” he mumbles, “we’re leaving.” He continues to guide Skye out to his car.

She looks out the window as he drives them home. Once they’re home, Sebastian picks her up and carries her inside. “A…Alpha,” she stutters, as she blushes.

“Shh, relax,” he whispers to her. He carries her to the living room, where he gently places her on the couch.

“A…Alpha, I h..have to tell you s…something,”

“What is it?”

“P…promise you won’t get mad?”

“I promise.”

“I h…had a d…doctor’s a…appointment t…today.”

“Alright, how was it?”

“Erm, I’m…I’m h…h…having t…t…t…twins.”

“You found out today?”

“Y…yes, Dr. G…Graylen d…did an u…ultrasound.”

“Was she able to tell the genders yet?”

“I d…didn’t a…ask. S…she s…said that they’re f…fraternal.”

“Gray and Theo are identical?”

“Y…yeah. W…when a…are you g…going to t…tell your m…mother a…about me?”

“I’m going to talk to her tomorrow.” Skye whimpers softly. “Don’t worry, she won’t hurt you or anything like that.”

“I…isn’t s…she s…still the p…pack’s l…luna?”

“Yes, technically. You shouldn’t worry about that too much. We should go to bed. Come, let’s go.” He takes her hand and leads her up to her room.

“A…Alpha?” she whispers.

“What is it?” he answers.

“W…will you s..stay?”

“If you want me to.”



Sebastian climbs into the bed with her. She falls asleep first, unconsciously closing the distance between them. Eventually, he falls asleep with his arms holding her.

The next morning, when he wakes up, Skye is no longer in bed with him. A terrible noise comes from the bathroom. “Skye?” he mumbles as he gets up, “Are you in there?”

“Y…yes,” Skye answers, sounding tired, “D…don’t come in! I’m f…f…fine!”

Sebastian ignores her and walks into the bathroom. “You aren’t fine!” he argues, “If you were fine, you wouldn’t be vomiting your insides out!”

“N…no, I’m f…fine. It’s j…just m…morning sickness.”

“Is morning sickness normally this bad?”

“I…it i…is for me. I’ll be o…okay. I…I’m u..used to being t…this s…sick.”

“What do you mean, “you’re used to being this sick?”

Skye blushes, “N…nothing!”




“A…Alpha N…Nathan…he d…didn’t l…let me see a d….doctor!”


Skye looks away from him. “T…that’s w…why I have s…such b…bad s…scarring in c…certain places.”

Sebastian doesn’t respond for a few minutes. “You look tired,” he finally says, “how long how you been awake?”

“I d…don’t know. A f…few hours, I g…guess.”

“A few hours?”

“I c…couldn’t g…go back to s…sleep.” Sebastian gently picks her up. “A…Alpha!”

“Shh…” He walks back into her bedroom and places on the bed. “...Sleep, you must be tired.”

“A…Alpha…d…don’t l…leave.”

He lays down next to her and gently pulls her closer to him. “Sleep, I’m right here.”

A few minutes later, Skye begins to softly snore. As she sleeps Sebastian watches her quietly, trying to sort his thoughts out. Eventually, there’s a knock at the door. “What is it?” Sebastian answers, sounding annoyed.

“Alpha, your mother is waiting to speak with you.”

“I’ll be there in a few minutes.” He slowly gets out of bed, making sure that he doesn’t wake Skye. He leaves the room quietly and walks to his office, where his mother is waiting for him. “Mother,” he greets her as he sits down at his desk.

“Sebastian,” his mother answers, “what was it that you wanted to tell me?”

“I found my mate.”

“Really? When can I meet her? What’s her name? What’s she like?”

“Mom! There’s something I have to tell you before you meet her.”

“What is it?”

“She’s…she’s half witch…”

His mother pales and is quiet for several minutes. “Are you sure?” she finally whispers.

“Yes, she told me herself. Her witch side is stronger than her wolf side, but she doesn’t use her magic often.”


“Mom, I know. This is difficult for me too. She…she’s had a hard life before she came onto our territory.”

“...fine, I’ll meet her. Where is she right now?”

“She’s still sleeping. She…she had a rough morning.”

“She’ll be there at breakfast, yes?”

“Yes, she will be.”

“Good, I’ll meet her then.”


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