Forbidden Bonds

Chapter 5


Sebastian drives over to his best friend’s house. He gets out of his car and knocks on the door. His best friend, Kade, answers the door. “Hey man,” Kade says, “What are you doing here? Did your mate come back?”

“She’s back, and she still didn’t tell me about her pregnancy until I told her I already knew!” Sebastian shouts, angrily.

“Wait, she’s pregnant? With whose baby? There’s no way that baby is yours, right?”

“It’s not mine! She says that it’s Alpha Nathan’s baby!”

“What? Dude, he’s the reason your father is dead!”

“I know! I don’t know what to do! If I reject her Kai will never talk to me again, but if I accept her, I’ll hate myself and my mother might hate me!”

“Why would you hate yourself?”

“Because that means I’m okay with being with the species that killed my father!”

“She’s a witch?”

“Half witch, half wolf.”

“That does complicate things a bit.”

“Mind if I crash here for a few days? I need to clear my head.”

“Of course, man. You’re always welcome here.”



Skye manages to cry herself to sleep. The next morning, she wakes up feeling exhausted. She gets up and goes downstairs, finding Gray and Theo already eating breakfast.

“Mama!” They greet her, happily.

“Good morning,” she says softly. She turns to Alice and asks, “Did the Alpha come home last night?”

“No, he did not,” Alice answers.

“Oh.” Her shoulder’s slump and she looks down at the ground. “Thank you.” She sits down and begins to nibble on the plate of food the housekeeper puts in front of her. After a few bites, she pushes the plate away. “I’m sorry,” she whispers, “I’m not very hungry right now.”

“Mama?” Gray asks, “May we go to the park today?”

Skye smiles sadly and says, “Okay, we can go to the park today. Finish your breakfast and brush your teeth. I’ll help you and your brother get ready afterwards, okay?”


She wanders upstairs to her room and changes into clean clothing. Afterwards, she lays down on her bed. Her stomach begins to churn as she lays on her bed. She gently places her hand on her stomach and whispers, “Baby, please. You’re making me sick” Of course, pleading doesn’t work and she rushes to the bathroom, just in time for the small breakfast she’d eaten to come back up.

Once she finishes vomiting, she rinses her mouth out and brushes her teeth. As she’s walking back into her room, there’s a knock on the door.

“Mama? Ready?” Theo asks.

“I’m coming,” she responds, sounding tired. She leaves her bedroom and follows her boys to their room. “Alright, what do you guys want to wear today?”

“Mama pick!” Gray blurts out.

Skye sighs and begins to sort through the boy’s clothing that Alpha Sebastian provided them. She eventually settles for shorts and a striped t-shirt for Gray and shorts and a green t-shirt for Theo. “Okay, let’s get you two dressed, then we can go to the park.”

After the boys are dressed, they head downstairs. Before they leave Skye tells the housekeeper that they’re going to the park.

Once they’re at the park, Gray and Theo run off and Skye sits down on one of the park’s benches. Eventually, one of the other mothers there approaches her and says, “Hey, you should really be watching your kids.”

“I…I’m s…sorry,” Skye whispers, sounding childlike.

“Why did you even bother having children if you aren’t even going to look after them?”

“I…I’m s…s…sorry,” Skye whispers again. She stands up and robotically walks toward her two boys.

“Mama!” Gray and Theo exclaim, “Are you going to play with us?”


“You can’t catch us, mama!” Gray yells. He and Theo begin to run away from her.

Skye begins to chase after them, trying to ignore her stomach that’s still making churning noises. After about forty-five minutes of chasing her boys, she stops and pants for a few minutes.

Theo and Gray stop running around and look at their mother. “Mama, okay?” Theo asks.

“I…I’m f…fine,” Skye whispers, “I j…just need t…to c…catch my b…breath.” She bends over. “Please.” she thinks, “please, don’t let me throw up in front of all these people.” Of course, her body doesn’t listen to her and she vomits on the ground in front of everyone at the park.

She blushes in embarrassment. Gray and Theo run over to her. “Mama, okay?” Gray asks.

“Mama, sick?” Theo asks.

“I…I’m o…okay,” she whispers as tears begin to fall down her face. She quickly wipes them away, not wanting Gray or Theo to worry about her.

Of course, Gray and Theo notice their mother crying and try to comfort her. “Mama, don’t cry,” they tell her. They hug her, trying to make her feel better.

“Gray, Theo,” she whispers, “is it okay if we go home for now? I promise we’ll come back to the park when I’m feeling better.”

“Okay,” her boys agree reluctantly.

They walk back to the house. Alice is there to greet them. “Is Sebastian back?” Skye asks, sounding hopeful.

“Afraid not, miss,” Alice answers.

“Oh, o…okay,” Skye responds, trying not to sound disappointed, “I’m going to lay down for a bit. Would you mind watching the boys for a bit?”

“Of course not, miss.”

“Thank you.” Skye goes upstairs to her room and lays down on the bed. She begins to cry softly into her pillow. “Winter? Are you awake?” she asks her wolf.

“Yes,” Winter replies, sounding sad.

“He’s going to reject us.” Winter softly whimpers in response. “I’m sorry, Winter. Our mate is going to reject us and it’s all my fault.”

“It’s not your fault that disgusting alpha put his hands on us.”

“I feel sick.”

“You should set up a doctor’s appointment. Maybe meeting our pup will help.”

“I suppose so. Dr. Graylen gave me her number. Should I call her?”


“Okay, I will.” Skye picks up the phone that the Alpha had given her and dials Dr. Graylen’s number. It rings a few times before she picks up.

“Hello?” Dr. Graylen says, “Who is this?”

“H…hello,” Skye whispers, “i…it’s S…Skye.”

“Ah, hello Skye. What can I do for you?”

“Uh…I need…I want…I…” Dr. Graylen waits patiently for Skye to sort out her thoughts. “I n…need to s…set up an a…appointment.”

“Okay, for what?”

“Erm, f…for my p…p…pregnancy.”

“Ah, yes. Have you gone to a doctor about your pregnancy yet?”

“N…no, Alpha N…Nathan wouldn’t let me.”

Dr. Graylen sighs. “Alright, when’s the earliest you can get yourself to the pack hospital?”


“What time?”

Skye’s eyebrows scrunch together. “I don’t know.”

“How’s 10:30 am?”


“Alright, then, see you tomorrow.”

“S…see you t…tomorrow.”


“Hey, man,” Kade states, “You really suck at this game.”

“I know,” Sebastian answers, “don’t remind me.”

“When do you plan to go back to your mate?”

“I don’t know. Why’d it have to be him?”

“Dude, you should really tell her what happened to your father and why you hate the Nightingale Pack so much.”

“I can’t.”

“You need to. You’ll only end up hurting you more in the end.”

“I just need time to sort my thoughts out. Give me two or three days.”

“Alright, whatever you say. Don’t come begging for help when she leaves.”

Sebastian sighs and sets down his controller. “I’m going to bed.”

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