Forbidden Bonds

Chapter 22


“Skye?” he says while entering the room, “Are you okay? Is…” He sees her holding her two babies and his expression softens. “They’re healthy.” Skye nods. “Are you tired?”

“Y…yes,” Skye says softly.

“You should rest,” Angela says, “I’ll take the little ones to the nursery.” Skye gives her a look of uncertainty. “Skylar, I promise they’ll be well taken care of.”

“O…okay.” She reluctantly gives her children to Angela, who leaves the room with the two babies in her arms.

Sebastian sits down next to Skye and says, “Rest, I’ll be here when you wake up.”

Skye nods sleepily before moving around on the bed to find a comfortable position. Eventually, once she’s comfortable, she closes her eyes and falls asleep within minutes.

Chapter 25


When Skye wakes up it’s evening. “S…Sebby?”

“I’m here.” “B…babies?”

“They’re okay. Do you want Angela to bring them out again?” She nods, so he mindlinks Angela. “Angela? Could you bring the twins out again? Skye’s awake.”

“Of course, alpha,” Angela answers. A few minutes later, Angela comes into the room with the twins.

Skye takes them from her. “D…did you f…feed t…them?” she asks.

“Yes, they’re been fed.” Skye looks worriedly at her new babies. “Sweetheart, it’s okay. We have breast milk from she-wolves who produced more than they needed.”

“O…oh, o…okay. W…what if…what if I c…can’t…”

“If you can’t produce enough milk? You’ll be given enough supply to feed both of your new babies.”

Skye gives her a look of confusion. “I…um…huh?”

Angela laughs softly and smiles at her. “Sweetheart, we take care of each other in this pack. You’d better get used to it.”

She blushes and nods. “S…Sebby, do y…you w…want to h…hold t…them?”

He looks surprised. “Okay,” he answers. He gently takes the two babies from Skye. “They’re perfect, just like their mom is.”

Her face turns red at Sebastian’s compliment. “S…Sebby…”

“What? It’s true!”

She covers her face with her hands. “S…Sebby!”

“Alright, I’ll stop for now. Have you eaten at all today?”



“I d…didn’t f…feel g…good w…when I w…woke up! T…then I w…went into l…labor!”

Sebastian sighs and shakes his head. “Skylar, you were probably in labor when you woke up.”

Skye freezes, realizing that Sebastian is probably right. “O…oh.”

“You should eat something. I’ll be right back. I’m going to grab you something to eat.”


He leaves the room. When he comes back he’s carrying a plate that has a sandwich on it. “It’s a chicken sandwich,” he states, handing the plate to her.

“T…thank you, S…Sebby.” Sebastian watches as she finishes the entire sandwich.

“You ate the whole sandwich!”

She looks embarrassed. “I h…haven’t e…eaten since y…yesterday.”

“I know, I didn’t mean it as a bad thing. It’s just I’ve never seen you finish a meal before.”

“I’m t…trying to e…eat m…more. A…Angela s…says I n…need to g…gain weight.”

Sebastian nods. “You do, you’d feel better if you weren’t so skinny.”

Skye looks at the floor, looking upset. “I k…know, I s…said I’m t…trying!”

His voice softens. “Skye, I didn’t mean that in a negative way. I know it’s not your fault that you’re underweight.”

She looks away from him. “I’m s…sorry.”

“It’s okay! It’s good that you’re able to show emotion.” Angela comes into the room again. Sweetheart, do you have names picked out for your little ones?”

Skye nods. “S…Silas and C….Celeste.”

Angela hands her two birth certificates. “Fill these out, okay?”

Skye quietly fills the papers out and hands them back to Angela once she’s finished. “Angela?”

“What is it, Skye?”

“Gray and T…Theo, t…they d…don’t have b…birth c…certificates.”

“Ah, I suppose they wouldn’t. I’ll try and get that sorted for you. It may take a few days though.”

“T…thank you. Erm, A…Angela?”


“When can I go h…home?”

“Sometime tomorrow I think. As long as you stay healthy.”

“W…what about S…silas and C…Celeste.”

“They’ll be able to go home as long as they stay healthy.”

“O…okay, c…could they s…sleep in here w…with m…me?”

“Yes, of course.” She leaves the room. When she comes back, she’s pushing two baby cots into the room with her. “You can place Silas and Celeste into these once you’re ready to sleep.”

“Thanks Angela,” Sebastian says.

“No problem, alpha.” She leaves the room again.

“S…Sebby?” Skye whispers, “Would you p…put them in t…their cots after your f…finished with them?”

“Yeah, are you still tired?” She nods. “Well, you did have two babies a few hours ago.”

“Y…yeah.” Sebastian stands up and gently places Silas into one of the baby cots. Afterwards he does the same with Celeste. “Will you s….stay with me t…tonight?”

“If you want me to.” She nods. “Okay, I’ll stay then. You want me to squeeze onto the bed with you?”


“Okay, scoot over.” Sebastian squeezes onto the bed next to Skye, who places her head on his chest.

“T…thanks, S…Sebby.”

“Don’t mention it.”

She nuzzles her face into his chest, inhaling his scent. She curls into him before she falls into a peaceful sleep.

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