Forbidden Bonds

Chapter 16


After Anne leaves, Skye faces Sebastian and asks, “C…could I w…walk a…around f…for a f…few minutes?”

“I’ll ask Angela,” he answers.


He mindlinks Angela and asks her if Skye could walk around for a few minutes. “I’ll be there in a few minutes,” she answers, “She can, but wait for me to get there.”

“Alright.” He looks at his mate. “She says that you can, but she wants us to wait for her to get here.” Skye nods and they wait in silence for Dr. Graylen to enter the room.

When Angela finally arrives, Skye is already sitting up with Sebastian’s help. “Sebastian,” she says, “you can help her stand now.”

“Okay,” Sebastian answers. He gently assists Skye with standing and they slowly and very wobbly begin to hobble around the room.

“Skye,” Dr. Graylen says, “please let one of us know if it starts to hurt too much to walk.”

“O…okay,” Skye whispers, while focusing on the ground.

Sebastian guides her around the room until her leg buckles from between her. “W…wah!” she cries out as she almost falls.

Sebastian reaches out and grabs her before she hits the floor. “It’s okay,” he whispers, “I’ve got you.”


He picks her up and carries her back to her bed. “Rest,” he says, “you ought to be tired after walking around for as long as you did.”

“Mhmm,” she murmurs as she closes her eyes.


Skye sleeps for several hours before waking up due to discomfort. “S…Sebby?” she whispers. “A…are y…you still h…here?”

“I’m here,” he answers softly, “is there something wrong?”

“I d…don’t k…know!”

He quickly mindlinks Angela. “Angela, could you come to Skye’s room?”

“Why is something wrong?”

“I’m not sure. I asked Skye and she said she doesn’t know either.”

“Does she look okay?”

“Yeah, well she looks a bit uncomfortable.”

“I’ll be there soon.”

“Angela’s on her way,” he tells Skye.

“O…okay,” Skye whimpers.

Angela comes into the room a few minutes later, “Skylar,” she asks, “what seems to be the problem.”

“I d…don’t k…know!” She shuffles in the bed, trying to find a comfortable position.

“Are you in pain?”

“M…my t…tummy!”

Angela comes closer to Skye. “May I?” she asks, gesturing towards Skye’s abdomen. Skye nods and Angela gently palpitates her abdomen. “Does this hurt?” Skye shakes her head. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to go get the ultrasound machine.” She leaves the room, returning several minutes later with a portable ultrasound machine. “Hold still, sweetheart.”

Sky watches as Dr. Graylen squirts some gel onto her stomach and begins to move the probe in the gel. “Is everything okay?” she whispers.

“It would seem so. Is your pain consecutive or does it come and go?”

“C…comes and g…goes.”

“Have you timed it at all?” Skye shakes her head. Angela is quiet for a few minutes, thinking about what might be causing Skye’s pain. “Honey, I think you may be experiencing false labor?”

Skye looks frightened. “Is that b…bad?”

“No, it’s normal for some women, just let the alpha or me know if your pain becomes consecutive or if the pain comes one or two minutes apart.”

“O…okay, w…why?”

“Because that would indicate that you may actually be going into labor.”

“What? I…isn’t that b…bad?”

“Not as bad as you think. Shifter babies tend to do better when they’re born premature, at least compared to other species. Don’t worry too much.”

“O…okay, I’ll t…try.”


Sebastian stays with Skye for a few hours before leaving. “Skye,” he says, “I have to take care of something. I’ll be back soon.”

“I…is e…everything okay?” she asks.

“Yes, it’s nothing bad, I promise.”


He leaves the room and begins to look for Angela. He finds her in her office. “Angela?” he says, “May I come in?”

“Yes.” She turns around in her swivel chair. “What do you need?”

“Could I take Skye out for a few hours tomorrow? It won’t be anything too strenuous, just lunch and shopping.”

“Alright, but take a wheelchair with her. I really don’t want her to strain herself.”

“Okay, I will. I’m going to set up everything, then I’ll be back. Keep an eye on Skye for me.”

“I will.”

He leaves the hospital and heads back to his house. “Alice?” he calls out, “Where are you?”

“I’m in the living room, Alpha!” she answers. He walks out to the living room. “Alpha, what do you need?”

“Er, could you prepare lunch for Skye and me tomorrow? I’ve gotten permission from Angela for her to leave the hospital for lunch and shopping.”

“Of course, alpha. What would you like me to make?”

“Make something light and easy to digest. I don’t want to make Skye sick.”

“Alright, should I make the same thing for you?”

“Yes, like I said I don’t want to make her sick. I know certain smells might cause her to become sick too.”

“What time should I prepare the meal?”

“Around noon.”

“Okay, it’ll be done.”

“Thank you.”

He leaves his house and makes his way to a small shopping center. “Alpha!” the owner of the shopping center greets, “What can I do for you?”

“Would it be possible for me to rent out the shopping center for tomorrow afternoon?”

The owner’s eyes widen. “Of course, alpha. May I know why?”

“I want to bring my mate here to shop, but she’s shy and she hates loud noises and big crowds.”

“How long would you need it for?”

“Probably two or three hours, nothing too long.”

“Alrighty, things will be cleared out for you tomorrow!”

“Thank you, I’ll take my leave now.” He leaves the shopping center and returns to the hospital. “Skye?” he says, knocking on her door, “I’m back.”

“S…Sebby!” she exclaims, sounding excited.

“Did you miss me?”

“Y…yes, I d…don’t l…like the h…hospital.”

“Me neither, really, but you being here makes it better.”

Skye blushes and looks away from him. “W…will you s…stay t…tonight?”

“Of course.” He begins to move towards the couch.

Skye blushes again. “N…no, I m…mean…I….” She looks around the room, looking very flustered. Eventually, she scoots over on the bed and looks expectedly at him.

“Oh, you mean…are you sure?”

She nods and he carefully climbs onto the hospital bed with her. She lays her head onto his chest and sighs happily. Soon she’s asleep. He watches her for a while before falling asleep.

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