For the Love of Cupidity: A Valentine’s Day Novella (Heart Hassle Book 4)

For the Love of Cupidity: Chapter 2

When I’m done relieving my bladder, Okot comes in and draws the bath for me, testing the temperature several times until he’s confident that it’s not too hot or too cold. He even pours in the lemon-scented soap that I like. I can’t use the lavender one anymore. If I catch one whiff, my gag reflex goes on high alert.

Okot gently removes my nightdress, and even though I’m as big as a boulder, he gathers me into his arms and lowers me into the water. It’s one of the rules in the house now that I’m so big. I had one too many near falls getting my fat ass into the tub, so one of them makes sure to always help me in.

Once I’m safely submerged, Okot leaves me to go prepare my breakfast. They learned when I was pregnant with Amorette that my voracious appetite didn’t slow down, but it did get a bit weirder.

I can’t reach my toes, or even my knees, so I just sort of flop a washcloth down over the general area and hope the soaking gets me clean enough.

Okot comes in a while later to help me out. After drying me off, he has me sit on the bench in front of the vanity. My genfins made everything in this entire den by hand, and the bathroom is one of my favorite rooms. Aside from the gorgeous tub, the window looks out onto the flower box. There’s just enough sunlight coming in to make the white-gray marble sparkle.

Naked, I sit on the bench and watch as Okot squeezes oil onto his hands and picks up my foot to start rubbing the oil into my skin. He works quietly and slowly, his large, callused hands working the oil into the arches of my swollen feet, up my calves and thighs, down my arms, and adding delicious pressure into my shoulders and aching back, before finishing with my belly.

It’s both relaxing and a turn-on. I don’t know whether I want to take a nap or jump him.

But really, why choose? I could totally do both.

I reach forward and take a fistful of his shirt, yanking him down and slamming his lips against mine. His septum piercing tickles my nose as I shift my head, my tongue flicking against his. A low sound of approval hums in his chest, and his hand comes up to surround my neck, the pad of his thumb dancing across my throat in a feather-light touch.

“Your breakfast will get cold,” he says against my lips, his red-ringed eyes pulsing with desire. I freaking love that look.

“Don’t care,” I say, pulling him back to me, needing his lips on mine. “I can re-heat the limes.”

He obliges, nipping and sipping at my bottom lip, catching it between his teeth and pulling just enough to sting deliciously.

When his oiled fingers trail down to my core and graze over my clit, I make a super embarrassing keening noise that I just can’t stop.

While keeping pressure on my nub, he slips two fingers inside of me, and I lose my grasp on his shirt. When I start to tip back, Okot slips his arms around me and hauls me up to my feet. I immediately brace my hands on the counter and push my ass out. It’s one of the only sex positions I’m still awesome at when I’m this pregnant, and the guys don’t complain one bit.

Okot loosens the ties of his pants and then drops them to his ankles. I watch in the mirror as his huge penis pops out like a jack in the box. And just like with a jack in the box, it both thrills me and scares me a little. His piercings glint in the light, and I lick my lips in anticipation.

“Gods you’re so freaking big. I still can’t believe you manage to fit that thing inside of me without ripping me in half.”

“I would never hu—”

His words cut off, and I look at him in the mirror’s reflection. My eyes soften when I see his expression. I know that look. He’s remembering when his mind was being controlled, and he attacked me. He’s remembering how he hurt me.

His eyes drop to my throat, as if he’s seeing his hands wrapped around it, choking the air out of me. It’s gotten better with time, but the memories still haunt him.

I pick up his hand and slowly lift it. His eyes snap to mine in the mirror as I deliberately put his hand back around my throat. He needs to be reminded that I trust him. He needs to be shown that I know he’d never hurt me. Hopefully, if I remind him enough, he’ll eventually trust himself again.

His hand is tense and still for a moment, but when I reach back behind me and slowly begin to stroke his length, he finally relaxes. His hand at my throat cradles me gently, his thumb rubbing up and down my sensitive skin as I work him in my hand. He’s so big my fingers don’t touch.

Okot lines up behind me and traces his hand over the curve of my butt before moving my hair off my back and leaning in to the crook of my neck. He breathes in slowly, like he’s drinking in my scent, and I feel his already huge erection grow even bigger. I drop my hand from him as he grinds against me, and when he flicks his tongue out to taste the skin of my neck, I’m so turned on that I have to take matters into my own hands. I let my hand drop between my thighs and start playing with myself, and Okot groans at the sight.

“Please,” I tell him, my voice husky.

But instead of entering me, Okot drops to his knees, grips my thighs, and starts eating me out from behind.


Okot is big everywhere. Even his tongue is big. So when he lays it flat and licks my slit, I nearly jump ten feet in the air, and probably would have if he weren’t holding me so securely. His thick, wet tongue pushes into me, and my lamassu freaking worships me with it; licking, sipping, and just generally giving me the best tongue-fuck I’ve ever had. And I have four mates who like to take a lot of trips down south, so that’s saying a lot.

I clench my eyes tight when I come, his name falling from my lips and bouncing off the walls. With my pussy still rippling with the orgasm, Okot stands and starts pushing into me, the huge head of his cock slowly breaching me.

So careful not to hurt me, he goes agonizingly slow, pushing in inch by inch. My body compensates for his girth and I breathe in, forcing myself to relax until he pushes all the way in.

When I feel the front of his thighs touch me, I breathe out a sigh of relief. “Oh gods, I did it. It’s all the way in,” I say victoriously in a garbled tone.

Okot laughs in his low, gravelly tone of his that I love. “You always say that.”

“Well, have you seen your penis? You’d give yourself a pat on the back if you managed it, too. It’s like a freaking Beluga Whale.”

“I…don’t know what that is.”

“Big sea thing,” I pant.

With another laugh, he starts slowly moving inside of me, and I watch us in the mirror, his body about double the width of mine even with my huge belly hanging down. I love that I can still feel small with Okot, even when I’m this huge. And I am freaking huge. My boobs have blown up like balloons and my ass puffed up like a baked cake. The guys love it though, so there’s that.

Okot takes me slowly, his pierced cock rubbing that perfect spot inside of me until I’m begging all sorts of unintelligible things, writhing against him as I continue to touch myself. If he keeps this up, he’ll probably fuck me right into labor.

When I come again, the orgasm is intense, spreading through me from head to toe until I become jelly in his arms. He pushes his hips up hard, buries his face against my neck, and finds his own release with the sexiest damn groan in the world.

Totally spent, I flop my head and arms onto the counter, but my belly is seriously heavy hanging down like this, so I grudgingly go upright again with Okot’s help. When my legs shake a bit, Okot laughs and kisses me sweetly on the lips. Keeping a firm hold on my arms, he uses a towel to clean us both off, and then he lowers a dress over me and starts doing up the ties.

“You’re so sweet to me,” I tell him, my eyes still shining with that post-orgasmic bliss.

“You are my beloved,” he says, like that explains everything.

And maybe it does.

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