
Chapter 4

Chapter 4 

Harry felt somewhat relieved when

Ella asked, thinking he still had a chance. He replied, “That depends on Grace’s situation.” 

“Sure, take your time.” Ella glanced down, remembering how Harry had abandoned her at the engagement party. Copying his gesture, she peeled his fingers away, climbed into the car, and sped off. 

As the car moved forward, she anticipated a torrent of tears. Yet, to her surprise, her eyes remained dry–not a single tear shed. It felt great to let go. She was done with Harry; anyone else could have him. 

Arriving home, Ella sent the servants away, utterly drained. All she craved was to collapse on the couch and sleep deeply. However, footsteps behind her caused her to freeze. 

Logically, the servants should have been in their rooms, not wandering around. Then she recalled the man she had brought home. Turning, she saw Jaden. 

“Time to eat,” Jaden said, coming out of the dining room with forks in hand

She checked the time–it was already one in the afternoon, way past lunch. Lunch was always served at eleven–thirty; he should’ve eaten by now, 

“You haven’t eaten?” she asked in surprise. 

“Tve been waiting for you. Let’s eat together,” he said earnestly, his voice clear 

Upon hearing this, Ella entered the dining room to find the food cold. Jaden hadn’t taken a single bite. “You’ve been here this whole time?” she asked. 

“Mm, I’m starving,” he murmured, eyeing the table, swallowing quietly, his Adam’s apple bobbing in a strangely enticing manner. 

Ella’s heart felt ready to burst. What Harry did to her hadn’t made her cry, but now, seeing someone waiting to eat with her, tears welled up in her eyes. Putting on a brave face, she nodded and said, “Okay, let’s eat. 

“Here you go.” Without hesitation. Jaden passed her a fork as if on cue and then sat down to eat. 

1, the food’s gone cold. Let’s heat it up. Ella suggested. 

“But I’m starving. He could hardly wait, despite having waited an hour and a half for her. 

“Fine. Cold food won’t kill us.” Though it lacked flavor, Ella ate with unexpected delight, feeling her life would soon be a bed of roses. She wasn’t sure if it was because she had moved on or because of Jaden’s presence. But one thing was certain having someone to share meals with and wait for her felt wonderful 

After lunch, she grew curious about Jaden’s usual activities. She noticed he was often very quiet, either sleeping or sitting alone. Now, whenever she was home, he followed her around a lot and seemed to rely on her quite a bit. 

Investigations revealed that Jaden’s position in the Watson family was quite awkward. Due to Frank’s neglect, Jaden was frequently bullied and subjected to cruel treatment, such as being forced to bark like a dog, eat off the ground, and endure neardrownings, beatings, and attempted assaults because of his good looks

“Thankfully, a loyal servant left by his birth mother protected him from further harm. Despite these immense hardships, he miraculously maintained a childlike innocence. 

Ella deeply sympathized with Jaden’s plight, even though she wasn’t faring much better. Whether they ended up together or not, she vowed to protect him from bullying as long as he stayed with her. She was determined to safeguard Jaden’s well–being with her life. 

In the study, Ella was on a video call. The elderly board members were loudly discussing strategy and market plans for the second half of the year, 

Ella didn’t understand a thing. Despite attending business school, she struggled with every subject and would have failed if the teachers hadn’t been so lenient. Her professors seemed relieved to be done with her her professors seemed relieved to be done with her when she finally graduated, 

‘Til leave it to Finn,” Ella said

Finn Santino, her trusted manager, had been handling Willow Group’s affairs since Devin was seriously ill. 

ain!” The board members objected loudly. “He’s an outsider. How can we trust him with our core secrets!” 

“Finn again!” 

“Then do what you think is best. I’m with you all the way. Flla said with a sigh. 

With you at the helm, Willow Group is going down the drain.” Unable to hear it any longer, someone slammed the table, pointed at the screen, and angrily disconnected 

Chapter 4 

Ella was stunned. Mastering advanced math seemed almost impossible for a struggling student like her. Similarly, handling business affairs was never her thing. But as the sole daughter of the Willow family, she had no other choice. 

Slumping her head, she sank into despair. She had hoped Harry would assist after their marriage, but her efforts had been in vain. Thinking this, she glanced at Jaden beside her. He had been quietly playing with a puzzle, but when he sensed her gaze, he looked up and gave her a bright smile. She felt worse knowing that relying on a fool was futile, 

* B *** 2 TAH 

Just then, her phone buzzed with a message. 

Her best friend, Jenny Ford, messaged her [Congrats on winning the fashion industry’s Oscar for Best Female Designer! When I accepted the award for you, sponsors from Coach, Burberry, Louis Vuitton, and others mistook me for you and offered opportunities. You’re going to be a star!] The message also included a photo of the awardd 

Ella could sense Jenny’s excitement in full force. Though self–taught in design. Ella had gained international recognition. However, finance remained a mystery to her, despite her serious efforts to learn. At another time, she might have been overjoyed, but now, she was still haunted by the board director’s words, criticizing that Willow Group was doomed under her leadership. No chance–she couldn’t let her grandpa’s legacy crumble. 

Determined, she sifted through the lengthy document. It looked like gibberish at first, but then she caught a keyword: Denison Group. 

She quickly called a board member she was close to. “Hey, what’s the deal with this Denison Group? Are we teaming up with them?” 

The board member replied, “Since Mr. Willow fell ill two o years ago, and you’ve been out of touch with our business, relying solely on a professional manager, the group’s been on shaky ground. We’re planning to partner with Denison Group soon. If it works out, we might not thrive, but we’ll be stable for a few years.” 

“What if it doesn’t?” Ella asked. 

“If it fails, anything’s possible–layoffs, project cuts, expense reductions, Willow Group is on the decline, and if this continues, bankruptcy is inevitable,” the director replied. 

Ella’s head was buzzing. The group’s earnings were enough to sustain her for life, but her grandpa’s years of hard work would be wasted, and employees would lose their jobs if things went badly. “Then let’s talk to the Denison Group, she decided 

The director cautioned her, “It’s not that simple. Many in Ardbert City are keen to partner with Denison Group, and Willow Group isn’t in a strong position.” 

Ella said. “Then set up a meeting with their boss. I’ll go myself” 

Okay, we’ll give it a shot,” the director replied. 

After hanging up. Ella searched online and discovered that Denison Group had recently emerged, listed overseas, and opened a branch in Ardbert City Within a year, they had secured military contracts and gained substantial support. Their influence spanned pharmaceuticals, securities, luxury goods, and the booming game development industry–seemingly profiting in every sector. 

But the appearance of their boss remained a mystery, rumored to have suffered burns in a fire and not seen in public since. Little was known about his personal life, but in business, he was a real shark–a legend in the financial world. 

At around eight–thirty in the evening, the director called Ella back, confirming the meeting for ten o’clock tonight at the Viouna Club. After a moment’s hesitation, Ella changed her clothes and headed out. 

Right after Ella left, a tall, slender figure quietly slipped past the servants 

wants and headed for the back door. “Mr. Rhys, the car’s ready.” 


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