
Chapter 10

Chapter 10 

Hanging up. Harry said urgently, “I need to get to the hospital. Grace needs me. We’ll get our marriage license tomorrow, I promise. I won’t let you down.” Then he dashed out. 

“Stop him,” Ella ordered the bodyguards 

“What are you doing?” Harry shouted as the bodyguards came over and hauled him to his feet. 

“If anything happens to Grace, the doctors will handle it, not you. I know the best doctors in Ardbert City, and I’ll send someone to check on her. She’ll be in good hands, Ella said

“Touch Grace and you’ll pay! Harry roared, his eyes blazing with rage. 

Ella ignored Harry and signaled her men to proceed. Grace had to attend the wedding, even if she was dragged there kicking and screaming. Ella wanted everyone to know she wasn’t some helpless woman who needed Harry to get married. She had found the perfect husband. 

Ella tapped on the car window, and the door opened to reveal a strikingly handsome groom. She linked arms with Jaden and smiled at the crowd. “Thank you all for coming to my wedding with Jaden!” she announced

Wait, who’s that?”” 

“Isn’t that the Watson family’s fool?” 

“Yeah, it’s Jaden Watson” 

“What the bell is Ella up to now!” 

Everyone thought Ella had lost it, marrying a fool after bring riled up by Harry. 

Harry’s face darkened, forgetting Grace’s tearful words about bleeding and their baby. He was consumed by one thought: Ella had moved on. This was totally unbearable to him 

“Do you even know what you’re doing? Harry’s eyes blazed with anger, looking like he was ready to pounce on Ella if he weren’t held back 

Ella understood Harry’s anger wasn’t about love but his fragile ego. It was his possessiveness rearing its ugly head. He saw her as his property, something he could discard, but no one else could claim. Who the hell did he think he was, trying to control hert 

Without sparing Harry another glance, Ella affectionately took hold of Jaden’s arm. “Sweetie, let’s go. 

Jaden nodded, a faint smile playing on his lips

Ella was pleased with Jaden’s response. As long as he stayed quier, no one would suspect he was considered “slow. His smile made him appear quite charming 

Little did Ella know, Jaden was smiling outwardly but seething inside. Hearing that Eila was ready to give Harry another chance, Jaden wondered if she would dump him and rush back to Harry if Harry agreed. The thought tightened Jaden’s chest. 

None of the guests wanted to leave; they were captivated by the real–life drama unfolding before them. They all returned to the church, eager for the next chapter. 

Harry was placed at the very front, closest to the altar, to ensure he missed nothing 

As Ella and Jaden walked down the aisle, two young flower girls sprinkled rose petals before them. 

The venue resonated with a blend of wedding march and Biblical hymns. The pews were occupied by Ardbert City’s elite. This wedding was the talk of the town, either seen as a spectacle or a fairy tale. 

Ella looked stunning in her pricey wedding gown, exuding a fierce, untamed beauty that captivated everyone. She needed a partner who could 

match her fire. 

Surprisingly, Jaden, the “fool from the Watson family, turned out to be a perfect match. With his handsome features and commanding presence, he showed no signs of any intellectual limitations. His deep eyes hinted at countless secrets. 

By now, most guests genuinely wished Ella the best. They believed Harry wasn’t good enough for her. Even if she married Jaden, considered a fool, as long as Jaden treated her right, that was all that mattered. 

Meanwhile, Harry was furious. This was supposed to be his wedding, and he was meant to be the groom, but Ella had replaced him with an idiot. 

How dare she? 

As angry as he was, all he could do was watch as the priest declared the husband and wife, pledging to stand by each other through thick and thin 

11:18 AM 

Chapter 10 

Next came the ring exchange. Ella held out her hand, expecting Jaden to slide the ring onto her finger. They had gone over every detail the night before to ensure he wouldn’t mess up 

But Jaden froze, standing motionless as murmurs from the crowd grew louder. 

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“What are you waiting for? Hurry up and put the ring on my finger. I’ll give you a treat when we get home, okay?” Ella coaxed, half–joking. 

Jaden wasn’t thinking about food. Instead, he asked, “Ella, marriage is a big deal. Are you sure about this?” 

This question struck a chord with Ella. After a thoughtful pause, she replied firmly, “Yes, absolutely” 

Jaden might have thought she was marrying out of spite towards Harry, but honestly, Harry wasn’t worth it. She genuinely sought a lifelong companion, someone loyal and dependable. 

Upon hearing her answer, Jaden didn’t press further and placed the ring on her finger. She did the same for him. 

She reasoned he wasn’t entirely foolish; perhaps his mental maturity had stalled in his tee mast grasp the significance of marriage to some extent 

teens, leaving him innocent in many respects. Surely, he 

The priest then announced, “You n 

may now kiss the bride” 

Jaden gazed into Ella’s eyes, wanting to see any hesitation, but she looked at him eagerly, cheeks slightly flushed. Her lips, glossy with lipstick, were inviting. He paused, contemplating whether to kiss her, but held back and didn’t make a move 

Ella grew impatient, realizing she hadn’t prepared him for this moment. No big deal, she decided to take charge. 

Standing on tiptor, she kissed him on the check, whispering. “Don’t worry, I’ve got you forever.” 

Her voice was sweet and teasing, lingering in his ear as she pulled back. The scent of her perfume hung in the air. 

The guests cheered, accustomed to Ella’s bold moves. Nothing she did surprised them anymore. 

As the wedding neared its conclusion, Grace was brought in, tearful and distraught. “Harry, please help me!” she cried out. 

Harry lost it and yelled. “Ella, what the hell are you doing? Let her got She’s pregnant.” 

Hearing this, Ella declared loudly, “Ladies and gentlemen, you’ve been laughing at me for years. Today, I’ll show you the real story. 


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