Flash-Married My Mysterious Mogul Husband-3 By Daphne Collins

Chapter 88

Chapter 88 Return to the Company 

When Camila returned to the Starling family, it was already late, but Maxwell still hadn’t come back

Camila had recently gotten used to having Maxwell around. However, when he suddenly wasn’t there, Camila felt a bit uncomfortable

The next morning, Camila was awakened by a feeling of tightness in her chest

As she opened her eyes, she saw a thick and heavy arm pressing on her chest. It made it difficult for her to breathe

And the owner of that arm was still fast asleep

Camila wanted to move her arm away. But as soon as she moved, that arm came back again

Camila was so angry that she wanted to take a bite, but in the end, she couldn’t bring herself to do it

She thought to herself that this man probably came back late last night and didn’t sleep for long. So Camila let him sleep a little longer 

It is also possible that Camila did not sleep well last night. As Camila was thinking like this, she fell asleep again

She slept until after ten o’clock

When she woke up, Maxwell had already gone to work

Camila tidied up the room. Then she noticed a red stain on the collar of the shirt Maxwell had left behind

Camila took the shirt and examined it carefully under the sunlight. It was indeed a lipstick stain

She didn’t actually want to be suspicious, but last night. Maxwell took Svetla home and didn’t come back until late. His clothes had a stain on them again. This made her have to 

think more

Before, she didn’t bother to think so much. But now, the more she cares about Maxwell, the more she pays attention to his every move

Camila angrily threw Maxwell’s shirt into the trash can

At that moment, Zora’s phone rang. Zora asked her to come to the company for a talk

Camila speculated that the taxsaving plan she wrote had been updated

So she quickly tidied up and rushed to the company

Sure enough, Zora announced in front of everyone that Camila’s taxsaving plan had been adopted by Startak Gaming

Camila not only got the opportunity to enter the project department of Startak Gaming’s branch, but also received a 16thousanddollar bonus from Conner Consultancy

Of course, the 16 thousand dollars were a reward for Camila and Felicity. However, Felicity was willing to give all the bonus to Camila because she believed that she hadn’t really done 



However, in the end, Camila still split the bonus with Felicity in 


When Zora handed the bonus check to Camila, Jamie and the othersfaces turned green with envy

Zora, I remember a few days ago the company fired Camila, right? So she is no longer an employee of our company. How can she still receive our company’s bonus?Jamie questioned

Who said Camila was fired?Felicity retorted, It’s just a few of you backstabbing and framing Camila, isn’t it? People like you are just jealous of othersachievements.” 

Felicity never cared about what others thought of her due to her family background and education. If she saw something she didn’t like, she would confront it directly

This is also the reason why others were afraid of her, even 

hated her

Jamie was nearing forty. She was criticized by Felicity, who was in her twenties, for having a dark complexion

Zora, take a look. The employees at Conner Consultancy had no manners at all.” 

Alright, let’s stop talking.Zora’s face also turned cold. Some unpleasant things have happened in the company recently. Everyone knows who is right and who is wrong. You don’t need me to say much more.” 

But regarding Camila’s dismissal, I need to clarify. Our HR Department did send Camila a dismissal notice. However


after further investigation, it was confirmed that the reason stated in the dismissal notice, claiming her chaotic personal life was tarnishing the company’s image, was completely false. Therefore, the company retracted the dismissal notice. As a result, Camila is still an employee of Conner Consultancy. This is certain.” 

Zora continued, Because of Caleb’s situation, the company decided to merge the employees from his original team into other teams. Our team received two colleagues. One is named Mackenzie, and the other is named Lydia.” 

Lydia was Eve’s best friend. She was very cunning. You have to be careful with her,Felicity whispered in Camila’s ear

At this moment, Zora asked Mackenzie and Lydia, who were waiting at the door of the conference room, to come in and meet everyone

Lydia was not tall. She was short and had an ordinary appearance. She was completely unremarkable in the crowd

Mackenzie immediately spotted Camila

After a brief moment of eye contact, Camila turned her face 


Zora helped two people with a brief introduction

Next, Zora announced the list of personnel sent to the project team at the branch of Startak Gaming

In addition to Camila and Felicity, the Zora group also had two new members, Mackenzie and Lydia

Jamie actually went for the 16 thousand dollars. Without the 


bonus, she didn’t mind the candidate

She didn’t want to go. But if Mackenzie and Lydia had the opportunity to go, she would be unhappy again

Zora, why did they choose them instead of us?” 

Peter wanted to train new recruits. We gave the new recruits more opportunities for practice. Anyway, this time it was led by Camila, which also brought glory to our team.” 

Mackenzie snorted disdainfully. This caught the attention of Jamie, who was sitting beside her

After the meeting, Felicity dragged Camila to celebrate

As soon as the two of them stepped out of Conner Consultancy gate, they looked up and saw Samson

Samson still held a bouquet of flowers in his hand

Camila, today is our fourth anniversary. I would like to invite you to have a meal together to celebrate,Samson said

Samson, you haven’t forgotten that we broke up, have you?Camila said

Camila, can you give me another chance? I promise this time I will treat you well,” Samson handed over the flowers. Look, this is your favorite rose. In the past, you asked me to buy it for you, and I always felt it was a waste of money. Now, I will buy as many as you want. If you want me to send you a bouquet every day, that’s not a problem either.” 

Are the flowers I received every day from you?” 

Yeah. I thought you would guess that it was me who gave it.” 


Samson sounded a bit disappointed

Camila’s flowers were from you? I thoughtFelicity couldn’t bear it anymore. “You two broke up, why are you still bothering Camila? Don’t you know she’s married? Her husband is much more handsome than you.” 

Samson, what are you doing here?Mackenzie’s voice came from behind. I went to your house looking for you. Your neighbor said you moved out. You even changed your phone number.” 

Mackenzie saw the flower in Samson’s hand at that moment

She walked over happily. Is this flower for me? How did you know I was here?” 

Samson said stiffly, This flower is for Camila. Today is our fourth anniversary.” 

Samson, what do you mean? Do you want to get back together with your exgirlfriend? What about me?Mackenzie shouted uncontrollably

Mackenzie, the 16 thousand dollars you took from the company was from me. I even sold the house for you. What else do you want from me?” 

Samson, are you saying this without a guilty conscience? Why did I take 16 thousand dollars? Wasn’t it all for you?” 

For me? Are you saying that I’m holding you back?Samson shouted angrily, You spend more money in a month than do. And you have the nerve to say that I’m holding you back?” 

Camila could live for a month with 80 dollars. Can you? Even with 800 dollars, you wouldn’t be able to make it through


month. I was really foolish back then. How could I have fallen for a woman like you?” 


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