Flames of Fury

Chapter 25


I wake up warm, warmer than I’ve been in months, and I’m pinned down unable to move. I immediately begin to panic, thinking I’m right back inside of one of my nightmares orchestrated by Ian.

Seconds after my heart rate spikes, I feel impossibly warm hands gliding over my body and cupping my face. The sparks on my skin electrify me and slowly my fight or flight eases.

“Mags, open your eyes, Love. You’re safe.” A voice as smooth as brandy and honey inundates my senses.

Please, Gods, tell me I wasn’t dreaming.

Open your eyes, Princess.

Fuck, he’s in my mind again. My heart beats out of control, I can practically feel it lodged in my throat.

There’s a low hum around me that makes my body vibrate and break out into goose flesh. I feel the hum in every cell of my body, electrified and pulsing.

Then I feel something sink deeply into either side of my neck, but rather than lose consciousness my heart beat calms down and evens out, my breathing is no longer erratic, and feelings of pleasure and safety and comfort wrap around me like a blanket.

When I finally gather the courage to open my eyes I’m rewarded with the sight of the lower half of my mates’ bodies, completely naked, and happy to see me.

Ro and Varian purr against my neck as they release their teeth and lap their tongues along their marks.

“Is that better, Love?” Varian nuzzles his face close against my cheek, his lips grazing the shell of my ear.

I turn to face him and I instantly melt into his dark chocolate eyes, smooth and flawless. “I’m sorry, I thought I was in a nightmare.” I whisper to him.

He closes his eyes tightly and grits his teeth like he’s in pain. I can feel his anger through our bond but it’s hard to tell who he’s angry with, though he has every reason to be angry with me for leaving.

He keeps his face nuzzled against mine and whispers, “Why did you leave, Mags? Why didn’t you tell us?”

I knew this conversation was coming, those are the same questions I’ve been asking myself for the last five months. “I’d like to think that if I could go back, I would do things differently. When I opened that picture I saw red. I thought I could sneak in, kill him, and free dad and Dex.”

“I managed to get in front of him without anyone being any the wiser. But, Ian has a lot of shadow dragons in his guard, they surrounded me and drugged me. I woke up three days later in Ember’s infirmary.”

The guys don’t say anything, they just pull me closer, hold me tighter, like if they don’t maintain their grip I’ll slip out and be lost again.

“Ian’s a dream walker, he can take control of your dreams, twist your mind and make you see and feel things that aren’t there. The worst ones were the ones when he’d make me see you, make me think I was right where I am now, safe by your side. Or he’d show me you fucking other girls, trying to convince me to forget you and marry him instead.”

“There was a point early on where I didn’t sleep for almost a week, I couldn’t, I wouldn’t. There was no discerning what was real and what was a dream. Griffin saved me, he helped me figure out a way to ground myself.” A chuckle slips past my lips because even in the depths of hell Ro and Varian were still my anchors. “I could tell when it was Ian because he’d call me by my full name or by ‘baby’. You guys never do that, so I knew instantly whether it was a dream…not that it stopped him from torturing me, but at least I knew what was real and what wasn’t.”

Ro slides a possessive hand down my chest and over my belly. His face contorts like the words he wants to say might as well be acid in his mouth. “Did he hurt you? Did — did he…touch you?”

“I’m not sure how to answer that. In the waking world no, he never touched me. But in my dreams he could do whatever he wanted. He’d use toys on me to try to force me to orgasm. He often enjoyed slicing open my stomach and letting me watch the twins fall from my body before I died and woke up. He mutilated and assaulted me, he killed me more times than I can count.”

Ro and Varian drag their hands down their faces, their bodies are steaming from the heat they’re trying to control. I can feel their anger like it’s my own, the taste of it is like ash in my mouth, burning all the way down my throat consuming me from the inside out.

“You’re angry.” I whisper. It’s not a question, it’s a fact.

“Mags,” Ro says, his tone half warning and half a pained, broken whisper.

“Tell me, say what you want to say.”

“You really want to do this now?” He growls but it doesn’t phase me, there’s nothing he can say to me that I haven’t said to myself over the last five months.

“I want to move past the last five months. I want us to move on without it looming in the dark like a shadow I can’t shake. There’s nothing you could say to me that is worse than what I did by running off.”

Varian grabs my hair by the base and pulls my head back, holding me immobile while he grazes his nose and lips along my neck. “You nearly killed us, Love. Did you know that? You left us, you lied to us…being without you is like being without air. We are bound.”

Ro shifts off the bed and heads into my closet, returning with a white box wrapped in a deep purple silk ribbon. Varian releases me and helps me sit up in bed allowing me to rest against him for support, a comfort I don’t think he’d afford me if not for my swollen belly.

When Ro speaks, his voice is so low and so deep that I feel it more than hear it. “Varian and I were going to give this to you for your birthday, but obviously you weren’t here. Open it.” He commands me with a deep, dominating tone that normally has their pack members on their knees but has never done more than send a flush of liquid heat to my core.

I lift the lid off of the box and dig through the purple tissue paper to discover several…toys. I look up at my mates with a mixture of fear and excitement. Some of these items do not immediately scream ‘for pleasure’, some look painful, some look like what Ian used…

“Mags look at me,” Ro says, his ability to read me has always been uncanny and I have no doubt he’s reading me like an open book right now. My eyes drift to his, finding them hooded with a dark desire, but whether that’s a desire to please me or punish me remains to be seen.

“When we first got our memories back our initial instinct was to punish the fuck out of you. Furious doesn’t begin to scratch the surface of how we feel.” He palms one of my cheeks in his hand and I instinctively nestle into it. “You lied. You left. You endangered yourself and our pups. We would have made sure your pregnancy was nothing short of serene, but instead you spent it as Ian’s captive, his plaything.”

I shiver against Varian at Ro’s honest words. “Don’t worry, love. We won’t punish you for Ian’s transgressions, we have enough fury to spare.” Varian runs the back of his knuckles down the length of my arm, grazing the side of my breast in the process.

“That feeling, that desire to punish you, hasn’t gone away quite yet.” Ro looks at the box and then at Varian, allowing an unspoken thought to pass between them.

“Then do it.” I breathe.

“No. I won’t become Ian just to relieve my own frustration.” Ro says between clenched teeth.

“I want you to do it.” I wait for him to look me directly in the eye, my lips part as I begin to pant at the thought of what they want to do to me. Once his hungry, lascivious gaze meets mine I lick my bottom lip before sucking it between my teeth. “You could never be Ian, because I trust you and I’m choosing this.”

Ro closes his eyes and tips his head back muttering expletives to himself. When he straightens his head out again and opens his eyes, they’re pitch black. There’s not a speck of color to be found, his usual woodland green eyes are shrouded in darkness and they’re aimed at me.

“Stand up and turn around.” He commands with honey thick sweetness, the kind that draws you in with its scent but can quickly drown you if you linger too long.

I do as he asks and Varian shifts to the edge of the bed in front of me while Ro retrieves something from the box. Varian grips me by my chin forcing me to look at him and not at what Ro is doing. He places a tender kiss on my lips and then my world goes dark. Ro has slipped a blindfold over my eyes and unlike the one I wear outside of the grove, this one does not allow me to see anything. I’m in complete darkness.

The two of them purr around me, the vibrations from their chests rippling across my skin scattering a shiver down my back. “You’ll need a safe word, Princess.” Ro kisses the back of my neck. “We want to punish you, not hurt you. It will be intense, and you will need a way to let us know if it’s too much.”

“Ro,” I practically moan, rubbing my thighs together as my arousal already begins to drip from my core.

I can feel him smirk against my skin and Varian chuckles. “While I appreciate being your safe haven, you’ll need a different word.”

“No words. I trust you.” I breathe. There’s a pregnant pause where I assume Ro and Varian are having some unspoken conversation but then Ro’s hand slides down my back. At first I jump, not expecting his touch, the blindfold has heightened my sense of hearing and touch already.

He holds onto my hip with the other hand and presses my back so I’m bent forward, my hands resting on Varian’s firm, strong thighs.

“You were gone for five months. I’m going to spank you once for every month you were gone.” Ro says, his voice heady and thick with desire.

There’s more rustling of tissue paper and then a delicate clinking of what sounds like a chain. With no warning, cold metal clamps around my nipples and I gasp at the sudden and foreign sensation. “These are nipple clamps, used for pleasure – or for punishment. They’re adjustable. Five months. Five clicks.” Varian says softly.

I’m not sure what he means by that exactly but fuck if I don’t want to find out.

I hear the crack of Ro’s hand before I register the feeling. He smacks me against my right ass cheek hard and then massages it with his course and competent fingers. Varian twists a knob on the clamps and the pressure on my nipples increases. Oh. So that’s what he meant.

“One.” Varian growls.

Ro slaps me again, this time on my left side and slightly harder. Again he massages my ass while Varian turns the dial again.

That’s their rhythm; smack, click, smack, click. By the fourth hit my ass feels like it’s on fire and my nipples are squeezed so tightly that it’s just bordering on painful.

Ro delivers the final blow and breathes out a sigh of relief. Varian tightens the clamps again which are now painful, then without warning he tugs them off with a satisfying snap of the metal clips. “Oh, fuck!” I cry out, still bent over Varian’s lap, ass exposed red and raw to Ro, panting.

“We’re going to fuck you now Princess, for our pleasure, not yours. You do not have permission to cum.”

Ro doesn’t move me from where I stand bent over Varian. He runs the tip of his cock from my clit up my seam and then plunges into me. He grips my hips so hard I’m sure I’ll have finger shaped bruises and he rams into me relentlessly. With my ass as raw and chafed as it is from his spanking, every thrust into me stings my ass anew.

“You’re so beautiful, Love.” Varian purrs in my ear as Ro hammers into me. “Would you like him to cum inside that tight little pussy of yours?”

“Gods, yes, please!” I beg, feeling the build up in my belly that Ro forbade.

“Mm, good girls are rewarded with cum in their bellies. But you haven’t been a good girl have you, love?”

Ro’s thrusts become frantic and frenzied. “Fuck, please!” I beg.

My belly tightens more and more, building towards that forbidden release and I’m terrified and excited to see what he’ll do if I disobey him. But honestly I can’t fucking help it, his cock is custom made for me, he knows exactly how to stroke me to stoke my fire.

“Don’t you dare fucking cum,” Ro shouts. I’m about to explode when he pulls out of me, leaving me empty and painfully desperate for release. He uses one hand to spread my ass and the other to stroke his shaft so his release paints my pucker.

“My turn,” Varian whispers in my ear like it’s a threat. He stands me up and spins me around to face Ro. Varian guides me down so his tip teases my ring, smearing himself with Ro’s juices. I expect him to sink into my pussy but he doesn’t. Ro’s release is all the lubricant Varian needs to sink into my ass. He pulls down on my shoulders so I have no choice but to sit flush against his lap, fully impaled by his length.

He grips onto my hips and begins to bounce me on his cock, the minimal lubricant causes his movements to walk the delicate line between pleasure and pain.

Our moans and grunts rebound around the room, the space filled only with our love and need for one another. All three of us needed this.

When Varian’s cock begins to twitch and his orgasm is imminent, Ro slips two fingers into my dripping core. He strokes my walls with a come hither movement, sparking my desire like striking a match on the box. That dormant orgasm he left me longing for re-ignites and it’s difficult to resist when both of them are stroking me.

Varian thrusts into me a few more times and then explodes violently inside of me. I’m about to follow him into oblivion when Ro removes his fingers and sucks my arousal from them, leaving me on the edge once more.

Ro cups my chin firmly but not painfully and bores his black eyes into mine. “Feeling frustrated? That’s how you make us feel when you don’t trust us, when you don’t lean on us and let us help you. Now, if you want us to ease that burning ache between your delicious thighs later then you better make sure your tight little ass is within five feet of one of us at all times today. Yes?”

I nod my compliance, because what else am I supposed to say? I’ve seen Ro and Varian command their pack, I’ve seen them be their dominant selves but they’ve never gone full Alpha on me like this. It’s a novel feeling, but one that excites me because they’re the only ones I’ll ever submit to and because their pleasure is twice as good as their punishment.

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